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Created November 23, 2015 21:44
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country unemployment_percent
European Union 16.6
Euro area 17.1
Belgium 14.8
Bulgaria 24.7
Czech Republic 15.0
Denmark 8.1
Germany 10.4
Estonia 15.2
Ireland 18.9
Greece 29.5
Spain 22.4
France 15.2
Croatia 22.2
Italy 27.4
Cyprus 19.5
Latvia 16.6
Lithuania 13.5
Luxembourg 8.1
Hungary 18.1
Malta 13.7
Netherlands 08.8
Austria 10.0
Poland 16.7
Portugal 15.2
Romania 20.0
Slovenia 13.6
Slovakia 21.4
Finland 12.9
Sweden 7.7
United Kingdom 13.7
Iceland 7.8
Norway 7.9
Switzerland 8.3
(F.Y.Rep.) Macedonia 33.9
Turkey 30.2
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<h1>Youth unemployment in Europe</h1>
<p>Young people (from 15 to 34 years) neither in employment nor in education and training (2014).<br> Source: <a href="">Eurostat, 2014</a></p>
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