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Created September 29, 2015 21:37
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Number of Refugees to 1 USD GDP per Capita and Number of Refugees to 1000 Inhabitants
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<title>Number of Refugees to 1 USD GDP per Capita and Number of Refugees to 1000 Inhabitants</title>
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<h2>Number of Refugees to 1 USD GDP per Capita and Number of Refugees to 1000 Inhabitants</h2>
<p>Ratio of economic burdens for refugees receiving countries (x axis) against the number of refugees in relation to 1000 inhabitants (Y axis) <br>- The more to the right the more economically difficult it is for the country to take care of refugees (like Ethopia), and the more to the top the more refugees live in relation to the total inhabitants in the country of asylum (like Lebanon) (Source: <a href="">UNHCR</a>, data: end of 2014) </p>
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d3.csv("RefugeeHostcountries_final.csv", function(data) {
d3.min(data, function(d) {
return +d.RefugeesToGDPPerCapita;
d3.max(data, function(d) {
return +d.RefugeesToGDPPerCapita;
d3.max(data, function(d) {
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return +d.RefugeesTo1000Inhabitants;
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.text(function(d) {
return d.CountryOrTerritoryOfAsylum + "'s # of Refugees To GDP per capita is " + d.RefugeesToGDPPerCapita + ", and there are " + d.RefugeesTo1000Inhabitants + " Refugees to 1000 Inhabitants";
circles.sort(function(a, b) {
return d3.ascending(+a.RefugeesToGDPPerCapita, +b.RefugeesToGDPPerCapita);
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CountryOrTerritoryOfAsylum RefugeesToGDPPerCapita RefugeesTo1000Inhabitants RefugeesTo1000km2
Afghanistan 155.07 9.6 468.33
Albania 0.01 0.03 3.63
Algeria 6.81 2.36 40.58
Angola 1.95 0.7 12.36
Argentina 0.15 0.08 1.26
Armenia 2.17 5.91 595.87
Australia 0.77 1.51 4.62
Austria 1.2 6.52 664.26
Azerbaijan 0.07 0.14 15.07
Bahrain 0.01 0.23 499.2
Bangladesh 69.05 1.47 1699.28
Belarus 0.05 0.1 4.48
Belgium 0.68 2.62 954.84
Benin 0.22 0.04 3.58
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 0.12 0.07 0.7
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.69 1.8 134.63
Botswana 0.16 1.3 4.56
Brazil 0.46 0.04 0.88
Bulgaria 0.62 1.54 99.64
Burkina Faso 18.96 1.83 115.67
Burundi 66.06 5.05 1955.67
Cameroon 89.69 11.57 564
Canada 3.33 4.2 15.18
Central African Rep. 12.69 1.63 12.35
Chad 202.82 34.28 355.37
Chile 0.08 0.1 2.34
China 23.82 0.22 32.11
Congo, Rep. of 8.93 12.03 159.78
Costa Rica 1.44 4.2 403.33
C&Ocirc;te d'Ivoire 0.56 0.09 5.96
Croatia 0.04 0.17 12.86
Cyprus 0.22 4.45 552.79
Czech Rep. 0.11 0.29 39.92
Dem. Rep. of the Congo 148.86 1.73 51.22
Denmark 0.4 3.15 402.28
Djibouti 6.35 23.17 943.43
Dominican Rep. 0.05 0.06 12.58
Ecuador 10.84 7.64 474.65
Egypt 20.87 2.83 239.88
Eritrea 2.43 0.44 23.52
Ethiopia 440.27 6.83 582.91
Finland 0.29 2.17 35.26
France 6.32 3.9 460.89
Gabon 0.05 0.59 3.81
Gambia 7.15 6.08 1071.05
Georgia 0.11 0.2 12.27
Germany 4.82 2.63 609.47
Ghana 4.5 0.7 76.95
Greece 0.4 0.93 77.86
Guatemala 0.02 0.01 1.5
Guinea 7.04 0.73 35.65
Guinea-Bissau 6.08 4.97 254.61
Hungary 0.12 0.29 30.88
India 34.36 0.16 63.27
Indonesia 0.4 0.02 2.25
Iran, Islamic Rep. of 57.75 12.51 605.04
Iraq 18.04 7.8 612.47
Ireland 0.12 1.25 84.18
Israel 1.16 5.08 1905.94
Italy 2.69 1.53 311.21
Japan 0.07 0.02 6.85
Jordan 61.67 87.16 7259.6
Kazakhstan 0.03 0.04 0.24
Kenya 189.66 12.11 942.86
Kuwait 0.01 0.18 35.48
Kyrgyzstan 0.14 0.09 2.42
Latvia 0.01 0.09 2.85
Lebanon 70.67 232.39 111738.96
Lesotho 0.02 0.02 1.44
Liberia 45.86 8.78 400.82
Libya 1.79 4.47 17.27
Lithuania 0.04 0.33 15.58
Luxembourg 0.01 2.06 424.2
Malawi 7.2 0.35 49.57
Malaysia 4.02 3.29 300.08
Mali 8.78 0.96 12.11
Malta 0.19 14.17 19472.84
Mauritania 19.44 18.98 72.47
Mexico 0.11 0.01 0.94
Montenegro 0.43 10.39 470.31
Morocco 0.16 0.04 2.99
Mozambique 3.86 0.17 5.75
Namibia 0.18 0.75 2.14
Nepal 16.2 1.37 261.37
Netherlands 1.74 4.91 2350.06
New Zealand 0.04 0.3 5
Nicaragua 0.06 0.05 2.16
Niger 80.59 4.2 65.53
Nigeria 0.21 0.01 1.36
Norway 0.69 9.24 147.4
Pakistan 315.9 8.13 1716.92
Panama 0.89 4.4 229.17
Papua New Guinea 3.93 1.27 20.48
Paraguay 0.02 0.02 0.38
Peru 0.11 0.04 1
Poland 0.63 0.41 50.65
Portugal 0.03 0.07 7.61
Rep. of Korea 0.03 0.02 11.86
Rep. of Moldova 0.07 0.1 9.94
Romania 0.12 0.1 9.19
Russian Federation 9.42 1.65 13.96
Rwanda 47.51 6.1 2915.71
Saudi Arabia 0.01 0.02 0.29
Senegal 6.18 0.98 72.28
Serbia and Kosovo (S/RES/1244 (1999)) 4.34 4.62 428.02
Sierra Leone 0.67 0.22 18.89
Slovakia 0.03 0.15 16.33
Slovenia 0.01 0.12 12.68
South Africa 8.46 2.11 91.8
South Sudan 112.04 21.14 383.96
Spain 0.17 0.12 11.48
Sri Lanka 0.05 0.02 7.65
Sudan 67.69 7.17 147.31
Swaziland 0.08 0.41 29.73
Sweden 3.06 14.77 318.42
Switzerland 1.08 7.68 1521.68
Syrian Arab Rep. 24.04 6.78 800.19
Tajikistan 0.76 0.24 14.27
Thailand 8.88 1.94 251.96
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0.07 0.42 34.84
Togo 15.08 3.11 380.22
Tunisia 0.08 0.08 5.8
Turkey 79.82 20.93 2033.28
Uganda 194.73 9.92 1590.68
Ukraine 0.39 0.07 5.37
United Arab Emirates 0.01 0.04 5.3
United Kingdom 2.92 1.85 480.36
United Rep. of Tanzania 35.34 1.74 93.56
United States of America 4.95 0.83 28.72
Uruguay 0.01 0.08 1.53
Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) 9.94 5.63 189.7
Yemen 62.1 10.32 611.96
Zambia 6.29 1.7 33.92
Zimbabwe 3.27 0.42 15.51
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