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Created December 28, 2021 14:15
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CloudFormation template including all ElasticBeanstalk Environment OptionSettings values
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: A CloudFormation template including all ElasticBeanstalk Environment OptionSettings values
# See
Type: AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment
ApplicationName: ""
Description: ""
EnvironmentName: ""
SolutionStackName: ""
Name: ""
Type: ""
Version: ""
# Template
- Namespace: ""
OptionName: ""
Value: ""
# For details on the Option Values, see
# aws:autoscaling:asg
# Availability Zones
# Cooldown
# Custom Availability Zones
# EnableCapacityRebalancing
# MinSize
# MaxSize
# aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration
# DisableIMDSv1
# EC2KeyName
# IamInstanceProfile
# ImageId
# InstanceType
# MonitoringInterval
# SecurityGroups
# SSHSourceRestriction
# BlockDeviceMappings
# RootVolumeType
# RootVolumeSize
# RootVolumeIOPS
# RootVolumeThroughput
# aws:autoscaling:scheduledaction
# StartTime
# EndTime
# MaxSize
# MinSize
# DesiredCapacity
# Recurrence
# Suspend
# aws:autoscaling:trigger
# BreachDuration
# LowerBreachScaleIncrement
# LowerThreshold
# MeasureName
# Period
# EvaluationPeriods
# Statistic
# Unit
# UpperBreachScaleIncrement
# aws:autoscaling:updatepolicy:rollingupdate
# MaxBatchSize
# MinInstancesInService
# RollingUpdateEnabled
# RollingUpdateType
# PauseTime
# Timeout
# aws:ec2:instances
# EnableSpot
# InstanceTypes
# SpotFleetOnDemandBase
# SpotFleetOnDemandAboveBasePercentage
# SpotMaxPrice
# aws:ec2:vpc
# Subnets
# ELBSubnets
# ELBScheme
# DBSubnets
# AssociatePublicIpAddress
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:application
# Application Healthcheck URL
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment
# Varies
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:cloudwatch:logs
# StreamLogs
# DeleteOnTerminate
# RetentionInDays
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:cloudwatch:logs:health
# HealthStreamingEnabled
# DeleteOnTerminate
# RetentionInDays
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:command
# DeploymentPolicy
# Timeout
# BatchSizeType
# BatchSize
# IgnoreHealthCheck
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment
# EnvironmentType
# ServiceRole
# LoadBalancerType
# LoadBalancerIsShared
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment:process:default
# DeregistrationDelay
# HealthCheckInterval
# HealthCheckPath
# HealthCheckTimeout
# HealthyThresholdCount
# MatcherHTTPCode
# Port
# Protocol
# StickinessEnabled
# StickinessLBCookieDuration
# StickinessType
# UnhealthyThresholdCount
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment:process:process_name
# DeregistrationDelay
# HealthCheckInterval
# HealthCheckPath
# HealthCheckTimeout
# HealthyThresholdCount
# MatcherHTTPCode
# Port
# Protocol
# StickinessEnabled
# StickinessLBCookieDuration
# StickinessType
# UnhealthyThresholdCount
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment:proxy:staticfiles
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:healthreporting:system
# SystemType
# ConfigDocument
# EnhancedHealthAuthEnabled
# HealthCheckSuccessThreshold
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:hostmanager
# LogPublicationControl
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:managedactions
# ManagedActionsEnabled
# PreferredStartTime
# ServiceRoleForManagedUpdates
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:managedactions:platformupdate
# UpdateLevel
# InstanceRefreshEnabled
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:monitoring
# Legacy
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:sns:topics
# Notification Endpoint
# Notification Protocol
# Notification Topic ARN
# Notification Topic Name
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:sqsd
# WorkerQueueURL
# HttpPath
# MimeType
# HttpConnections
# ConnectTimeout
# InactivityTimeout
# VisibilityTimeout
# ErrorVisibilityTimeout
# RetentionPeriod
# MaxRetries
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:trafficsplitting
# NewVersionPercent
# EvaluationTime
# aws:elasticbeanstalk:xray
# XRayEnabled
# aws:elb:healthcheck
# HealthyThreshold
# Interval
# Timeout
# UnhealthyThreshold
# aws:elb:loadbalancer
# CrossZone
# SecurityGroups
# ManagedSecurityGroup
# aws:elb:listener
# ListenerProtocol
# InstancePort
# InstanceProtocol
# aws:elb:listener:listener_port
# ListenerProtocol
# InstancePort
# InstanceProtocol
# aws:elb:policies
# ConnectionDrainingEnabled
# ConnectionDrainingTimeout
# ConnectionSettingIdleTimeout
# LoadBalancerPorts
# Stickiness Cookie Expiration
# Stickiness Policy
# aws:elb:policies:policy_name
# CookieName
# InstancePorts
# LoadBalancerPorts
# ProxyProtocol
# PublicKey
# PublicKeyPolicyNames
# SSLProtocols
# SSLReferencePolicy
# Stickiness Cookie Expiration
# Stickiness Policy
# aws:elbv2:listener:default
# DefaultProcess
# ListenerEnabled
# Protocol
# Rules
# SSLCertificateArns
# SSLPolicy
# aws:elbv2:listener:listener_port
# DefaultProcess
# ListenerEnabled
# Protocol
# Rules
# SSLCertificateArns
# SSLPolicy
# aws:elbv2:listenerrule:rule_name
# HostHeaders
# PathPatterns
# Priority
# Process
# aws:elbv2:loadbalancer
# AccessLogsS3Bucket
# AccessLogsS3Enabled
# AccessLogsS3Prefix
# IdleTimeout
# ManagedSecurityGroup
# SecurityGroups
# SharedLoadBalancer
# aws:rds:dbinstance
# DBAllocatedStorage
# DBDeletionPolicy
# DBEngine
# DBEngineVersion
# DBInstanceClass
# DBPassword
# DBSnapshotIdentifier
# DBUser
# HasCoupledDatabase
# MultiAZDatabase
Description: "The ElasticBeantalk Environment EndpointURL"
Value: !GetAtt Environment.EndpointURL
Name: "endpoint-url"
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