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Created February 26, 2012 13:39
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The code skeleton for markov localization of robotic car
# the 'map'
colors = [['red', 'green', 'green', 'red' , 'red'],
['red', 'red', 'green', 'red', 'red'],
['red', 'red', 'green', 'green', 'red'],
['red', 'red', 'red', 'red', 'red']]
# the results of sensor
measurements = ['green', 'green', 'green' ,'green', 'green']
# motions
motions = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,0],[0,1]]
# probability of sensors doing right
sensor_right = 0.7
# probability of moving success
p_move = 0.8
def show(p):
for i in range(len(p)):
print p[i]
# init p with uniform distribution
p = []
uni = 1.0 / (len(colors) * len(colors[0]))
for row in colors:
newRow = []
for col in row:
def sense(p, mm):
q = []
for (rowIndex, row) in enumerate(p):
for (colIndex, col) in enumerate(row):
if mm == colors[rowIndex][colIndex]:
q[rowIndex].append(col * sensor_right)
q[rowIndex].append(col * (1 - sensor_right))
# normalization
normalizer = sum(map(sum, q))
return map(lambda r: map(lambda x: x / normalizer, r), q)
def move(p, motion):
q = []
for (rowIndex, row) in enumerate(p):
for (colIndex, col) in enumerate(row):
q[rowIndex].append(col * (1-p_move) + p_move * p[(rowIndex - motion[0]) % len(p)][(colIndex - motion[1]) % len(row)])
return q
for (motion, mm) in zip(motions, measurements):
p = move(p, motion)
p = sense(p, mm)
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