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Created March 25, 2018 09:17
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Asyncio task hierarchy using an Aiohttp server plus an Aioredis pool.
import aioredis
import asyncio
import json
from aiohttp import web
tasks = {}
task_id = 0
def task_factory(loop, coro):
global task_id
current_task = asyncio.Task.current_task(loop=loop)
task = asyncio.tasks.Task(coro, loop=loop)
if task._source_traceback:
del task._source_traceback[-1]
task_repr = {
'name': coro.__qualname__,
'children': {}
task.task_repr = task_repr
if current_task:
current_task.task_repr['children'][task_id] = task_repr
tasks[task_id] = task_repr
task_id += 1
return task
class Redis:
def __init__(self):
self._pool = None
async def ping(self):
if not self._pool:
self._pool = await aioredis.create_pool(
minsize=1, maxsize=11)
await self._pool.execute('ping')
redis = Redis()
async def handle(request):
return web.Response(text='hellow world')
app = web.Application()
app.router.add_get('/', handle)
web.run_app(app, access_log=None, host="", port=5000)
print(json.dumps(tasks, indent=4))
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First hit the endpoint published by the Aiohttp server

$ curl "http://localhost:5000/"
hellow world
$ curl "http://localhost:5000/"
hellow world

The hierarchy of tasks created by Asyncio and the coroutines related to each task can be seen in the following output

    "0": {
        "name": "BaseRunner.setup",
        "children": {}
    "1": {
        "name": "TCPSite.start",
        "children": {
            "2": {
                "name": "BaseEventLoop._create_server_getaddrinfo",
                "children": {}
    "3": {
        "name": "BaseSelectorEventLoop._accept_connection2",
        "children": {
            "4": {
                "name": "RequestHandler.start",
                "children": {
                    "5": {
                        "name": "RedisConnection._read_data",
                        "children": {}
    "6": {
        "name": "BaseSelectorEventLoop._accept_connection2",
        "children": {
            "7": {
                "name": "RequestHandler.start",
                "children": {}
    "8": {
        "name": "BaseRunner.cleanup",
        "children": {}
    "9": {
        "name": "BaseEventLoop.shutdown_asyncgens",
        "children": {}

The tasks identified by the ids 3 and 6 are the ones that are created to attend the two curl requests, the other ones that are at the first level are just the setup and tear down tasks started by Aiohttp.

So, Per each connection a new task is created, 3 and 6 respectively, these tasks [1] are temporary and ephemeral and are triggered by Asyncio internally and they will be destroyed once the connection has completed. The read callback [2] that is in charge of reading all of the data for the opened connection is executed using the context of the task mentioned in the previous point.

For each new connection, Aiohttp creates a new task, in the previous output, are identified by the 4 and 7 id, these tasks will handle the incoming requests. Here appears one of the structural differences between Asyncio and other frameworks such as Trio or Curio. The task context of the callback in charge of the input/output might belong to a task context that differs from the task context that is performing the read.

The first time that we have a request, the Redis pool is created and the connection is bound to the task number 5. Hence, when the second request comes into the system - having the pool initialized - the context used to read the response of the ping method will be the same context used to create the connection and register the read callback, the 5 one.

Asyncio, by design, allows these situations.


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