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Created January 24, 2017 16:30
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.p2align 2
.type _ZN4core3num14from_str_radix17h163fa34f02ec59b7E,@function
_ZN4core3num14from_str_radix17h163fa34f02ec59b7E: ; @_ZN4core3num14from_str_radix17h163fa34f02ec59b7E
; BB#0: ; %entry-block
push.w r11
push.w r10
push.w r9
push.w r8
push.w r7
push.w r6
push.w r5
push.w r4
sub.w #38, r1
mov.w r13, r9
mov.w r14, r10
mov.w 56(r1), r5
mov.w 58(r1), r11
mov.w r5, r12
add.w #-2, r12
mov.w r11, r14
addc.w #-1, r14
cmp.w #35, r12
mov.w r2, r13
cmp.w #0, r14
jeq .LBB75_2
; BB#1: ; %entry-block
mov.w #0, r12
jmp .LBB75_3
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r13, r12
.LBB75_3: ; %entry-block
mov.w r11, 34(r1)
mov.w r5, 32(r1)
bit.w #1, r12
jne 4
br #.LBB75_91
.LBB75_4: ; %bb6
cmp.w #0, r9
jeq .LBB75_13
; BB#5: ; %bb18
mov.b #1, r12
mov.b 0(r10), r13
cmp.b #43, r13
jeq .LBB75_8
; BB#6: ; %bb18
cmp.b #45, r13
jne .LBB75_11
; BB#7: ; %"_ZN4core5slice67_$LT$impl$u20$core..ops..Index$LT$I$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$5index17h0a5284f108105f75E.exit"
mov.b #0, r12
.LBB75_8: ; %bb23
mov.w r9, r13
add.w #-1, r13
cmp.w #0, r13
jeq .LBB75_13
; BB#9: ; %bb28
add.w #1, r10
cmp.b #0, r12
jeq .LBB75_50
; BB#10:
mov.w r13, r9
.LBB75_11: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$"
cmp.w #0, r11
mov.w r2, r13
cmp.w #37, r5
mov.w r15, 10(r1) ; 2-byte Folded Spill
jeq .LBB75_14
; BB#12: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$"
rra.w r13
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r13, r12
jmp .LBB75_15
.LBB75_13: ; %bb10
mov.w #1, 0(r15)
mov.b #0, 2(r15)
br #.LBB75_90
mov.w r2, r12
and.w #1, r12
.LBB75_15: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$"
bit.w #1, r12
jeq 4
br #.LBB75_92
.LBB75_16: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit59.preheader"
mov.w #0, r12
mov.w #0, r13
mov.w #0, r14
mov.w #0, r15
.LBB75_17: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit59"
; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
mov.b 0(r10), r8
mov.w r8, r4
add.w #-48, r4
mov.w #0, r11
addc.w #-1, r11
cmp.w #10, r4
mov.w r2, r6
cmp.w #0, r11
jeq .LBB75_19
; BB#18: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit59"
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r7
jmp .LBB75_20
.LBB75_19: ; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r7
bic.w r6, r7
.LBB75_20: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit59"
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w 58(r1), r6
bit.w #1, r7
jne .LBB75_30
; BB#21: ; %bb7.i49
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.b r8, r4
mov.w #0, r11
mov.w r4, r8
add.w #-97, r8
mov.w #0, r7
addc.w #-1, r7
cmp.w #26, r8
mov.w r2, r8
cmp.w #0, r7
jne .LBB75_23
; BB#22: ; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r11
bic.w r8, r11
.LBB75_23: ; %bb7.i49
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r11
jeq .LBB75_25
; BB#24: ; %bb4.i45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
add.w #-87, r4
jmp .LBB75_29
.LBB75_25: ; %bb9.i51
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r11
mov.w r4, r8
add.w #-65, r8
mov.w #0, r7
addc.w #-1, r7
cmp.w #26, r8
mov.w r2, r8
cmp.w #0, r7
jne .LBB75_27
; BB#26: ; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r11
bic.w r8, r11
.LBB75_27: ; %bb9.i51
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r11
jne 4
br #.LBB75_88
.LBB75_28: ; %bb5.i46
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
add.w #-55, r4
.LBB75_29: ; %bb12.i53
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r11
addc.w #-1, r11
.LBB75_30: ; %bb12.i53
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
cmp.w r5, r4
mov.w r2, r7
mov.w #1, r8
cmp.w r6, r11
jeq .LBB75_32
; BB#31: ; %bb12.i53
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
bic.w r2, r8
jmp .LBB75_33
.LBB75_32: ; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
bic.w r7, r8
.LBB75_33: ; %bb12.i53
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r8
jne 4
br #.LBB75_88
.LBB75_34: ; %bb40
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w #0, 12(r1)
mov.w r1, r8
add.w #12, r8
mov.w r8, 8(r1)
mov.w r6, 2(r1)
mov.w r5, 0(r1)
mov.w #0, 6(r1)
mov.w #0, 4(r1)
call #__mulodi4
mov.w r14, r8
mov.w r15, r7
cmp.w #0, 12(r1)
mov.w r2, r14
rra.w r14
mov.w #1, r15
bic.w r14, r15
cmp.b #1, r15
jeq .LBB75_49
; BB#35: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
add.w r4, r12
addc.w r11, r13
mov.w r8, r14
addc.w #0, r14
mov.w r7, r15
addc.w #0, r15
mov.w #1, r11
cmp.w #0, r15
mov.w #1, r4
jge .LBB75_37
; BB#36: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r4
.LBB75_37: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r6
jeq .LBB75_39
; BB#38: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w r4, r6
.LBB75_39: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w r14, r5
bis.w r15, r5
cmp.w #0, r5
mov.w #1, r4
jeq .LBB75_41
; BB#40: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w r6, r4
.LBB75_41: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
cmp.w #0, r7
mov.w #1, r6
jge .LBB75_43
; BB#42: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r6
.LBB75_43: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r5
jeq .LBB75_45
; BB#44: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w r6, r5
.LBB75_45: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
bis.w r7, r8
cmp.w #0, r8
jeq .LBB75_47
; BB#46: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
mov.w r5, r11
.LBB75_47: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
cmp.b r4, r11
mov.w r2, r8
cmp.b #1, r11
mov.w r2, r11
rra.w r8
rra.w r11
bic.w r8, r11
and.w #1, r11
cmp.b #1, r11
jeq .LBB75_49
; BB#48: ; %bb48
; in Loop: Header=BB75_17 Depth=1
add.w #1, r10
add.w #-1, r9
cmp.w #0, r9
mov.w 56(r1), r5
jne .LBB75_17
jmp .LBB75_87
.LBB75_49: ; %bb44
mov.w 10(r1), r12 ; 2-byte Folded Reload
mov.w #1, 0(r12)
mov.b #2, 2(r12)
jmp .LBB75_90
.LBB75_50: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$"
cmp.w #0, r11
mov.w r2, r13
cmp.w #37, r5
mov.w r15, 10(r1) ; 2-byte Folded Spill
jeq .LBB75_52
; BB#51: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$"
rra.w r13
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r13, r12
jmp .LBB75_53
mov.w r2, r12
and.w #1, r12
.LBB75_53: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$"
bit.w #1, r12
jeq 4
br #.LBB75_93
.LBB75_54: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit.preheader"
mov.w #0, r12
add.w #-1, r9
mov.w #0, r13
mov.w #0, r14
mov.w #0, r15
.LBB75_55: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit"
; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
mov.b 0(r10), r8
mov.w r8, r4
add.w #-48, r4
mov.w #0, r11
addc.w #-1, r11
cmp.w #10, r4
mov.w r2, r6
cmp.w #0, r11
jeq .LBB75_57
; BB#56: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit"
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r7
jmp .LBB75_58
.LBB75_57: ; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r7
bic.w r6, r7
.LBB75_58: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit"
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w 58(r1), r6
bit.w #1, r7
jne .LBB75_68
; BB#59: ; %bb7.i
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.b r8, r4
mov.w #0, r11
mov.w r4, r8
add.w #-97, r8
mov.w #0, r7
addc.w #-1, r7
cmp.w #26, r8
mov.w r2, r8
cmp.w #0, r7
jne .LBB75_61
; BB#60: ; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r11
bic.w r8, r11
.LBB75_61: ; %bb7.i
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r11
jeq .LBB75_63
; BB#62: ; %bb4.i
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
add.w #-87, r4
jmp .LBB75_67
.LBB75_63: ; %bb9.i
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r11
mov.w r4, r8
add.w #-65, r8
mov.w #0, r7
addc.w #-1, r7
cmp.w #26, r8
mov.w r2, r8
cmp.w #0, r7
jne .LBB75_65
; BB#64: ; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r11
bic.w r8, r11
.LBB75_65: ; %bb9.i
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r11
jeq .LBB75_88
; BB#66: ; %bb5.i
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
add.w #-55, r4
.LBB75_67: ; %bb12.i
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r11
addc.w #-1, r11
.LBB75_68: ; %bb12.i
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
cmp.w r5, r4
mov.w r2, r7
mov.w #1, r8
cmp.w r6, r11
jeq .LBB75_70
; BB#69: ; %bb12.i
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
bic.w r2, r8
jmp .LBB75_71
.LBB75_70: ; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
bic.w r7, r8
.LBB75_71: ; %bb12.i
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r8
jeq .LBB75_88
; BB#72: ; %bb56
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w #0, 14(r1)
mov.w r1, r8
add.w #14, r8
mov.w r8, 8(r1)
mov.w r6, 2(r1)
mov.w r5, 0(r1)
mov.w #0, 6(r1)
mov.w #0, 4(r1)
call #__mulodi4
mov.w r14, r8
mov.w r15, r7
cmp.w #0, 14(r1)
mov.w r2, r14
rra.w r14
mov.w #1, r15
bic.w r14, r15
cmp.b #1, r15
jeq .LBB75_89
; BB#73: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
sub.w r4, r12
subc.w r11, r13
mov.w r8, r14
subc.w #0, r14
mov.w r7, r15
subc.w #0, r15
mov.w #1, r11
cmp.w #0, r15
mov.w #1, r5
jge .LBB75_75
; BB#74: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r5
.LBB75_75: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r6
jeq .LBB75_77
; BB#76: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w r5, r6
.LBB75_77: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w r14, r5
bis.w r15, r5
cmp.w #0, r5
mov.w #1, r4
jeq .LBB75_79
; BB#78: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w r6, r4
.LBB75_79: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
cmp.w #0, r7
mov.w #1, r5
jge .LBB75_81
; BB#80: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r5
.LBB75_81: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r6
jeq .LBB75_83
; BB#82: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w r5, r6
.LBB75_83: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
bis.w r7, r8
cmp.w #0, r8
jeq .LBB75_85
; BB#84: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
mov.w r6, r11
.LBB75_85: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
cmp.b r4, r11
mov.w r2, r8
cmp.b #1, r11
mov.w r2, r11
rra.w r8
rra.w r11
xor.w #-1, r11
bic.w r8, r11
and.w #1, r11
cmp.b #1, r11
mov.w 56(r1), r5
jeq .LBB75_89
; BB#86: ; %bb63
; in Loop: Header=BB75_55 Depth=1
add.w #1, r10
add.w #-1, r9
cmp.w #0, r9
jne .LBB75_55
.LBB75_87: ; %bb64
mov.w 10(r1), r11 ; 2-byte Folded Reload
mov.w #0, 0(r11)
mov.w r13, 6(r11)
mov.w r12, 4(r11)
mov.w r14, 8(r11)
mov.w r15, 10(r11)
jmp .LBB75_90
.LBB75_88: ; %bb39
mov.w 10(r1), r12 ; 2-byte Folded Reload
mov.w #1, 0(r12)
mov.b #1, 2(r12)
jmp .LBB75_90
.LBB75_89: ; %bb59
mov.w 10(r1), r12 ; 2-byte Folded Reload
mov.w #1, 0(r12)
mov.b #3, 2(r12)
.LBB75_90: ; %bb12
add.w #38, r1
pop.w r4
pop.w r5
pop.w r6
pop.w r7
pop.w r8
pop.w r9
pop.w r10
pop.w r11
.LBB75_91: ; %bb5
mov.w r1, r12
add.w #32, r12
mov.w r12, 16(r1)
mov.w #_ZN4core3fmt3num52_$LT$impl$u20$core..fmt..Display$u20$for$u20$u32$GT$3fmt17h6c6b46e6168870cfE, 18(r1)
mov.w #ref.5d, 20(r1)
mov.w #1, 22(r1)
mov.w #0, 24(r1)
mov.w r1, r12
add.w #16, r12
mov.w r12, 28(r1)
mov.w #1, 30(r1)
mov.w r1, r15
add.w #20, r15
mov.w #_ZN4core3num14from_str_radix10_FILE_LINE17h7a3414d47be433e8E, r14
call #_ZN4core9panicking9panic_fmt17h2c5bfaf5393d6b90E
.LBB75_92: ; %bb1.i42.split
mov.w #_ZN44_$LT$char$u20$as$u20$core..char..CharExt$GT$8to_digit14_MSG_FILE_LINE17he62f39effb16aaf1E, r15
call #_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h0d6b35e7f4bf5dd8E
.LBB75_93: ; %bb1.i.split
mov.w #_ZN44_$LT$char$u20$as$u20$core..char..CharExt$GT$8to_digit14_MSG_FILE_LINE17he62f39effb16aaf1E, r15
call #_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h0d6b35e7f4bf5dd8E
.size _ZN4core3num14from_str_radix17h163fa34f02ec59b7E, .Lfunc_end75-_ZN4core3num14from_str_radix17h163fa34f02ec59b7E
.p2align 2
.type _ZN4core3num14from_str_radix17h198558fb5c443b2fE,@function
_ZN4core3num14from_str_radix17h198558fb5c443b2fE: ; @_ZN4core3num14from_str_radix17h198558fb5c443b2fE
; BB#0: ; %entry-block
push.w r11
push.w r10
push.w r9
push.w r8
push.w r7
push.w r6
push.w r5
sub.w #20, r1
mov.w r13, r9
mov.w r14, r10
mov.w r15, r11
mov.w 36(r1), r8
mov.w 38(r1), r7
mov.w r8, r12
add.w #-2, r12
mov.w r7, r14
addc.w #-1, r14
cmp.w #35, r12
mov.w r2, r13
cmp.w #0, r14
jeq .LBB76_2
; BB#1: ; %entry-block
mov.w #0, r12
jmp .LBB76_3
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r13, r12
.LBB76_3: ; %entry-block
mov.w r7, 18(r1)
mov.w r8, 16(r1)
bit.w #1, r12
jne 4
br #.LBB76_79
.LBB76_4: ; %bb6
cmp.w #0, r9
jeq .LBB76_13
; BB#5: ; %bb18
mov.b #1, r12
mov.b 0(r10), r13
cmp.b #43, r13
jeq .LBB76_8
; BB#6: ; %bb18
cmp.b #45, r13
jne .LBB76_11
; BB#7: ; %"_ZN4core5slice67_$LT$impl$u20$core..ops..Index$LT$I$GT$$u20$for$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$5index17h0a5284f108105f75E.exit"
mov.b #0, r12
.LBB76_8: ; %bb23
mov.w r9, r13
add.w #-1, r13
cmp.w #0, r13
jeq .LBB76_13
; BB#9: ; %bb28
add.w #1, r10
cmp.b #0, r12
jeq .LBB76_44
; BB#10:
mov.w r13, r9
.LBB76_11: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$"
cmp.w #0, r7
mov.w r2, r13
cmp.w #37, r8
jeq .LBB76_14
; BB#12: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$"
rra.w r13
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r13, r12
jmp .LBB76_15
.LBB76_13: ; %bb10
mov.w #1, 0(r11)
mov.b #0, 2(r11)
br #.LBB76_78
mov.w r2, r12
and.w #1, r12
.LBB76_15: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$"
bit.w #1, r12
jeq 4
br #.LBB76_80
.LBB76_16: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit59.preheader"
mov.w #0, r14
.LBB76_17: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit59"
; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
mov.b 0(r10), r13
mov.w r13, r6
add.w #-48, r6
mov.w #0, r12
addc.w #-1, r12
cmp.w #10, r6
mov.w r2, r5
cmp.w #0, r12
jeq .LBB76_19
; BB#18: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit59"
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r15
jmp .LBB76_20
.LBB76_19: ; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r15
bic.w r5, r15
.LBB76_20: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit59"
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r15
jne .LBB76_30
; BB#21: ; %bb7.i49
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.b r13, r6
mov.w #0, r12
mov.w r6, r13
add.w #-97, r13
mov.w #0, r15
addc.w #-1, r15
cmp.w #26, r13
mov.w r2, r13
cmp.w #0, r15
jne .LBB76_23
; BB#22: ; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r13, r12
.LBB76_23: ; %bb7.i49
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r12
jeq .LBB76_25
; BB#24: ; %bb4.i45
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
add.w #-87, r6
jmp .LBB76_29
.LBB76_25: ; %bb9.i51
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r12
mov.w r6, r13
add.w #-65, r13
mov.w #0, r15
addc.w #-1, r15
cmp.w #26, r13
mov.w r2, r13
cmp.w #0, r15
jne .LBB76_27
; BB#26: ; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r13, r12
.LBB76_27: ; %bb9.i51
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r12
jne 4
br #.LBB76_76
.LBB76_28: ; %bb5.i46
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
add.w #-55, r6
.LBB76_29: ; %bb12.i53
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r12
addc.w #-1, r12
.LBB76_30: ; %bb12.i53
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
cmp.w r8, r6
mov.w r2, r13
cmp.w r7, r12
jeq .LBB76_32
; BB#31: ; %bb12.i53
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r2, r12
jmp .LBB76_33
.LBB76_32: ; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r13, r12
.LBB76_33: ; %bb12.i53
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r12
jne 4
br #.LBB76_76
.LBB76_34: ; %bb40
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w r8, r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
mov.w r14, r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
mov.w r14, r15
mov.w r13, r14
mov.w r8, r13
call #__mulsi3
mov.w r14, r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
cmp.w r12, r15
mov.w r2, r12
rra.w r12
mov.w #1, r13
bic.w r12, r13
cmp.w #1, r13
jeq .LBB76_43
; BB#35: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r12
cmp.w #0, r6
mov.w #1, r13
jge .LBB76_37
; BB#36: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r13
.LBB76_37: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
cmp.w #0, r14
mov.w #1, r15
jge .LBB76_39
; BB#38: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r15
.LBB76_39: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
cmp.w r13, r15
mov.w r2, r13
add.w r6, r14
cmp.w #0, r14
jge .LBB76_41
; BB#40: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r12
.LBB76_41: ; %bb45
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
cmp.w r12, r15
mov.w r2, r12
rra.w r13
rra.w r12
bic.w r12, r13
and.w #1, r13
cmp.b #1, r13
jeq .LBB76_43
; BB#42: ; %bb48
; in Loop: Header=BB76_17 Depth=1
add.w #1, r10
add.w #-1, r9
cmp.w #0, r9
jne .LBB76_17
jmp .LBB76_75
.LBB76_43: ; %bb44
mov.w #1, 0(r11)
mov.b #2, 2(r11)
jmp .LBB76_78
.LBB76_44: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$"
cmp.w #0, r7
mov.w r2, r13
cmp.w #37, r8
jeq .LBB76_46
; BB#45: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$"
rra.w r13
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r13, r12
jmp .LBB76_47
mov.w r2, r12
and.w #1, r12
.LBB76_47: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$"
bit.w #1, r12
jeq 4
br #.LBB76_81
.LBB76_48: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit.preheader"
mov.w #0, r14
add.w #-1, r9
.LBB76_49: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit"
; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
mov.b 0(r10), r13
mov.w r13, r6
add.w #-48, r6
mov.w #0, r12
addc.w #-1, r12
cmp.w #10, r6
mov.w r2, r5
cmp.w #0, r12
jeq .LBB76_51
; BB#50: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit"
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r15
jmp .LBB76_52
.LBB76_51: ; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r15
bic.w r5, r15
.LBB76_52: ; %"_ZN91_$LT$core..slice..Iter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..iter..iterator..Iterator$GT$4next17he56886c8b9404bd0E.exit"
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r15
jne .LBB76_62
; BB#53: ; %bb7.i
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.b r13, r6
mov.w #0, r12
mov.w r6, r13
add.w #-97, r13
mov.w #0, r15
addc.w #-1, r15
cmp.w #26, r13
mov.w r2, r13
cmp.w #0, r15
jne .LBB76_55
; BB#54: ; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r13, r12
.LBB76_55: ; %bb7.i
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r12
jeq .LBB76_57
; BB#56: ; %bb4.i
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
add.w #-87, r6
jmp .LBB76_61
.LBB76_57: ; %bb9.i
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r12
mov.w r6, r13
add.w #-65, r13
mov.w #0, r15
addc.w #-1, r15
cmp.w #26, r13
mov.w r2, r13
cmp.w #0, r15
jne .LBB76_59
; BB#58: ; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r13, r12
.LBB76_59: ; %bb9.i
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r12
jeq .LBB76_76
; BB#60: ; %bb5.i
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
add.w #-55, r6
.LBB76_61: ; %bb12.i
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r12
addc.w #-1, r12
.LBB76_62: ; %bb12.i
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
cmp.w r8, r6
mov.w r2, r13
cmp.w r7, r12
jeq .LBB76_64
; BB#63: ; %bb12.i
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r2, r12
jmp .LBB76_65
.LBB76_64: ; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r12
bic.w r13, r12
.LBB76_65: ; %bb12.i
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
bit.w #1, r12
jeq .LBB76_76
; BB#66: ; %bb56
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w r8, r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
mov.w r14, r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
mov.w r14, r15
mov.w r13, r14
mov.w r8, r13
call #__mulsi3
mov.w r14, r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
rra.w r12
cmp.w r12, r15
mov.w r2, r12
rra.w r12
mov.w #1, r13
bic.w r12, r13
cmp.w #1, r13
jeq .LBB76_77
; BB#67: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w #1, r12
cmp.w #0, r6
mov.w #1, r13
jge .LBB76_69
; BB#68: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r13
.LBB76_69: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
cmp.w #0, r14
mov.w #1, r15
jge .LBB76_71
; BB#70: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r15
.LBB76_71: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
cmp.w r13, r15
mov.w r2, r13
sub.w r6, r14
cmp.w #0, r14
jge .LBB76_73
; BB#72: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
mov.w #0, r12
.LBB76_73: ; %bb60
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
cmp.w r12, r15
mov.w r2, r12
rra.w r13
xor.w #-1, r13
rra.w r12
bic.w r12, r13
and.w #1, r13
cmp.b #1, r13
jeq .LBB76_77
; BB#74: ; %bb63
; in Loop: Header=BB76_49 Depth=1
add.w #1, r10
add.w #-1, r9
cmp.w #0, r9
jne .LBB76_49
.LBB76_75: ; %bb64
mov.w #0, 0(r11)
mov.w r14, 2(r11)
jmp .LBB76_78
.LBB76_76: ; %bb39
mov.w #1, 0(r11)
mov.b #1, 2(r11)
jmp .LBB76_78
.LBB76_77: ; %bb59
mov.w #1, 0(r11)
mov.b #3, 2(r11)
.LBB76_78: ; %bb12
add.w #20, r1
pop.w r5
pop.w r6
pop.w r7
pop.w r8
pop.w r9
pop.w r10
pop.w r11
.LBB76_79: ; %bb5
mov.w r1, r12
add.w #16, r12
mov.w r12, 0(r1)
mov.w #_ZN4core3fmt3num52_$LT$impl$u20$core..fmt..Display$u20$for$u20$u32$GT$3fmt17h6c6b46e6168870cfE, 2(r1)
mov.w #ref.5d, 4(r1)
mov.w #1, 6(r1)
mov.w #0, 8(r1)
mov.w r1, r12
mov.w r12, 12(r1)
mov.w #1, 14(r1)
mov.w r1, r15
add.w #4, r15
mov.w #_ZN4core3num14from_str_radix10_FILE_LINE17h7a3414d47be433e8E, r14
call #_ZN4core9panicking9panic_fmt17h2c5bfaf5393d6b90E
.LBB76_80: ; %bb1.i42.split
mov.w #_ZN44_$LT$char$u20$as$u20$core..char..CharExt$GT$8to_digit14_MSG_FILE_LINE17he62f39effb16aaf1E, r15
call #_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h0d6b35e7f4bf5dd8E
.LBB76_81: ; %bb1.i.split
mov.w #_ZN44_$LT$char$u20$as$u20$core..char..CharExt$GT$8to_digit14_MSG_FILE_LINE17he62f39effb16aaf1E, r15
call #_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h0d6b35e7f4bf5dd8E
.size _ZN4core3num14from_str_radix17h198558fb5c443b2fE, .Lfunc_end76-_ZN4core3num14from_str_radix17h198558fb5c443b2fE
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