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Created May 3, 2023 16:58
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Python script to do clang refactoring
# Create a find function to refactor nodes. This takes a node which is a clang
# cursor and ClangReplacements class. It will return true if it should
# traverse the children.
# def find(node, r):
# ...
# return True
# refactor = ClangRefactor(compiler_path='/usr')
# refactor.walk(find)
from ctypes import *
import clang.cindex as clang
import os, sys, re, subprocess, yaml
from multiprocessing import Pool
cursor_and_range_visit = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, clang.Cursor, clang.SourceRange)
def get_include_locations(tu, f):
for fi in tu.get_includes():
loc = fi.location
if str(loc.file) == str(f):
yield loc
def get_specialized_cursor_template(c):
return clang.conf.lib.clang_getSpecializedCursorTemplate(c)
def get_template_cursor_kind(c):
return clang.CursorKind.from_id(clang.conf.lib.clang_getTemplateCursorKind(c))
class ClangReplacements:
def __init__(self, src, dir=None):
self.src = src
self.replacements = []
self.dir = dir or os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'fixits')
self.includes = {}
def make_id(self):
return re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z_]','_', self.src) + '.yaml'
def replace(self, c, text):
self.replacements.append(self.convert_replacement(c, text))
def insert(self, c, text):
self.replacements.append(self.convert_replacement(c, text, length=0))
def insert_at(self, src, offset, text):
self.replacements.append(self.get_replacement(src, offset, 0, text))
def insert_include(self, node, include):
tu = node.translation_unit
src = str(node.location.file)
if not src in self.includes:
self.includes[src] = []
if not include in self.includes[src]:
includes = list(get_include_locations(tu, src))
loc = includes[-1]
loc2 = clang.SourceLocation.from_position(tu, loc.file, loc.line, 1)
self.insert_at(loc2.file, loc2.offset, "#include {}\n".format(include))
def get_replacement(self, filepath, offset, length, text):
return {'FilePath': str(filepath), 'Offset': offset, 'Length': length, 'ReplacementText': str(text)}
def convert_replacement(self, c, text, length=None):
sr = c.extent
ln = length or sr.end.offset-sr.start.offset
loc = c.location
return self.get_replacement(loc.file, sr.start.offset, ln, text)
def merge_replacements(self):
offsets = {}
rep = []
for replacement in self.replacements:
if replacement['Offset'] in offsets and replacement['Length'] == 0:
r = offsets[replacement['Offset']]
r['ReplacementText'] = r['ReplacementText'] + replacement['ReplacementText']
offsets[replacement['Offset']] = replacement
for offset, r in offsets.items():
return rep
def to_clang_replacements(self):
return {'MainSourceFile': self.src, 'Replacements': self.merge_replacements()}
def to_file(self, f):
stream = open(f, 'w')
r = self.to_clang_replacements()
yaml.dump(r, stream)
def save(self):
if len(self.replacements) > 0:
self.to_file(os.path.join(self.dir, self.make_id()))
def expression_string(c):
return ' '.join([tok.spelling for tok in c.get_tokens()])
def walk_cursors(node, v, r):
if not v(node, r):
for child in node.get_children():
walk_cursors(child, v, r)
def show_label(c, label):
if c:
print(label, c.kind, c.displayname)
print(label, 'None')
def show(c):
print(c.kind, c.displayname)
show_label(c.referenced, 'referenced:')
for child in c.get_children():
show_label(child, ' child:')
for arg in c.get_arguments():
show_label(arg, ' arg:')
def skip_children(c, *kinds):
for child in c.get_children():
if child.kind in kinds:
for gchild in skip_children(child, *kinds):
yield gchild
yield child
def get_kinds(cs, *kinds):
for c in cs:
if c.kind in kinds:
yield c
def has_kinds(cs, *kinds):
for c in get_kinds(cs, *kinds):
return True
return False
def get_spellings(cs):
return [c.spelling for c in cs]
def get_base_fields(c):
for base in get_kinds(c.get_children(), clang.CursorKind.CXX_BASE_SPECIFIER):
for field in get_fields(base.referenced):
yield field
def get_fields(c):
if not c:
return []
if c.kind == clang.CursorKind.TYPE_REF:
return get_fields(c.referenced)
t = get_specialized_cursor_template(c)
if t:
return get_fields(t)
if has_kinds(c.get_children(), clang.CursorKind.FIELD_DECL):
return get_kinds(c.get_children(), clang.CursorKind.FIELD_DECL)
return get_base_fields(c)
def print_diagnostics(diags, depth=0):
for diag in diags:
margin = ''
for x in range(depth):
margin = margin + '*'
print(margin, diag.format())
print_diagnostics(diag.children, depth+1)
class ClangRefactor:
def __init__(self, compiler_path, build_dir=None, fixit_dir=None):
self.compiler_path = compiler_path
self.default_includes = self.get_default_includes()
self.build_dir = build_dir or os.getcwd()
self.fixit_dir = fixit_dir or os.path.join(self.build_dir, 'fixits')
self.cdb = clang.CompilationDatabase.fromDirectory(self.build_dir)
self.index = clang.Index.create()
def add_function(self, *args):
clang.register_function(clang.conf.lib, args, True)
def add_functions(self):
self.add_function('clang_findIncludesInFile', [clang.TranslationUnit, clang.File, cursor_and_range_visit])
def get_default_includes(self):
includes = []
clang_exe = '{}/bin/clang++'.format(self.compiler_path)
output = subprocess.check_output([clang_exe, '-E', '-x', 'c++', '-', '-v'], input='', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
capture = False
for line in output.decode('utf-8').split('\n'):
if 'End of search' in line:
if capture:
if '#include <...> search starts here' in line:
capture = True
return includes
def parse(self, filename):
file_args = self.cdb.getCompileCommands(filename)[0].arguments
args = []
skip = True
for arg in file_args:
if skip:
skip = False
if arg in ['-c', '-o']:
skip = True
for include in self.default_includes:
tu = self.index.parse(filename, args)
print(filename, ' '.join(args))
return tu
def get_files(self):
cmds = self.cdb.getAllCompileCommands()
return [str(c.filename) for c in cmds]
def walk_file(self, f, v):
tu = self.parse(f)
r = ClangReplacements(f, self.fixit_dir)
walk_cursors(tu.cursor, v, r)
def walk(self, v):
p = Pool()
fv = ((f, v) for f in self.get_files())
p.starmap(self.walk_file, fv)
def __getstate__(self):
attributes = self.__dict__.copy()
del attributes['cdb']
del attributes['index']
return attributes
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.__dict__ = state
self.cdb = clang.CompilationDatabase.fromDirectory(self.build_dir)
self.index = clang.Index.create()
# clang_findIncludesInFile doesn't seem to work
def find_includes(tu, f):
includes = []
def visitor(ctx, c, r):
includes.append((c, r))
clang.conf.lib.clang_findIncludesInFile(tu, f, cursor_and_range_visit(visitor))
return includes
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