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Created February 18, 2015 19:26
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  • Save pgarciacamou/29a1b0959c94356f0a17 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pgarciacamou/29a1b0959c94356f0a17 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Animation Detector. Watches for the end of and animation to execute a callback and on start you can add the proper classes to start the animation.
var Animation = (function (){
var animationEvent = (function whichAnimationEvent(){
var t, el = document.createElement("fakeelement")
,animation = null
,animations = {
"WebkitAnimation": "webkitAnimationEnd",
"MozAnimation": "animationend",
"OAnimation": "oAnimationEnd",
"animation": "animationend"
for(t in animations) if(!animation &&[t] !== undefined) {
animation = animations[t];
return animation;
function Animation(elem){
this.elem = elem;
var self = this;
this.elem.on(animationEvent, function (){
self.isExecuting = false;
return self.onAnimationEnd && self.onAnimationEnd();
Object.defineProperties(Animation.prototype, {
'start': {
value: function (){
if(this.onAnimationStart) this.onAnimationStart();
this.isExecuting = true;
return this;
,'before': {
value: function (callback){
this.onAnimationStart = callback;
return this;
,'after': {
value: function (callback){
this.onAnimationEnd = callback;
return this;
return Animation;
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