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Created February 18, 2015 19:28
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CSSRule is a constructor that allows to create classes on the run, it detects the prefix needed and you can use it by sending a callback function instead of a string to the add method.
var CSSRule = (function (){
var prefix = (function getPropertiesPrefix(){
var t, el = document.createElement("fakeelement")
,animations = {
"animation": "",
"OAnimation": "-o-",
"msAnimation": "-ms-",
"MozAnimation": "-moz-",
"WebkitAnimation": "-webkit-"
for(t in animations) if([t] !== undefined){
return animations[t];
function CSSRule(name){ = name.trim();
this.rules = {};
Object.defineProperties(CSSRule.prototype, {
'add': {
value: function (prop, val){
if(typeof prop === 'function'){, prefix, this.rules);
} else this.rules[prop] = val;
return this;
,'create': {
value: function (){
var rule = + ' { ';
for(var prop in this.rules) if(this.rules.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
rule += prop + ': ' + this.rules[prop] + ';';
rule += ' }';
if( document.styleSheets && document.styleSheets.length ) {
document.styleSheets[0].insertRule(rule, 0);
} else {
var s = document.createElement( 'style' );
s.innerHTML = rule;
return null; // we return null because once created, we don't need to change it
return CSSRule;
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