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Created April 14, 2023 05:53
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Python client for getting data from the Phyphox remote access server.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import itertools
import json
import math
import socket
import time
import urllib.error
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
class Phyphox:
def __init__(self, url, timeout=1.000, socket_timeout_retries=4):
u = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
if not u.netloc:
u = urllib.parse.urlparse("//" + url)
if not u.scheme:
u = u._replace(scheme="http")
u = u._replace(path="", params="", query="", fragment="")
self.__addr = u.geturl()
self.timeout = timeout
self.socket_timeout_retries = socket_timeout_retries
def url(self):
Gets the current base URL.
return self.__addr
def json(self, path):
Makes a JSON request to Phyphox.
tries = 0
while True:
tries += 1
# note: must use urllib (or something else which doesn't keep-alive,
# since that will break Phyphox)
with urllib.request.urlopen(self.__addr + path, timeout=self.timeout) as r:
if r.status != 200:
raise Exception("invalid phyphox response: status {r.status}")
return json.loads(
except urllib.error.URLError as err:
if isinstance(err.reason, socket.timeout):
if tries < self.socket_timeout_retries:
raise err
except socket.timeout as err:
if tries < self.socket_timeout_retries:
raise err
def control(self, cmd):
Sends a command to Phyphox.
obj = self.json(f"/control?cmd={cmd}")
if "result" not in obj:
raise Exception("invalid phyphox response: does not contain result")
if not obj["result"]:
raise Exception(f"phyphox error: failed to execute {cmd}")
def get(self, time_var, since=None, *vars):
Get the experiment data, and whether the experiment is running, for the
dependent vars, using the independent variable time_var. If since is an
integer greater than or equal to 0, everything since then is returned.
Otherwise, only the latest sample is returned.
vars = [time_var, *vars]
# build the request params
prt = since is not None and since >= 0
qry = "&".join(
[f"{time_var}={since:.4f}" if prt else time_var] +
[f"{var}={since:.4f}|{time_var}" if prt else var for var in vars])
obj = self.json(f"/get?{qry}")
# expected update modes
upd = {"full", "partial"} if prt else {"single"}
# validate
if "status" not in obj or type(obj["status"]) != dict:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: missing status object")
if "measuring" not in obj["status"] or type(obj["status"]["measuring"]) != bool:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: missing status.measuring bool")
if "buffer" not in obj or type(obj["buffer"]) != dict:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: missing buffer object")
# status
mea = obj["status"]["measuring"]
# load the data
dat = dict()
for var in vars:
# check if the var actually exists
if var not in obj["buffer"]:
raise Exception(f"phyphox error: variable {var} does not exist for the current experiment")
# validate
if type(obj["buffer"][var]) != dict:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: buffer.{var} is not an object")
if "updateMode" not in obj["buffer"][var] or type(obj["buffer"][var]["updateMode"]) != str:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: missing buffer.{var}.updateMode string")
if "buffer" not in obj["buffer"][var] or type(obj["buffer"][var]["buffer"]) != list:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: buffer.{var}.buffer is not an array")
# ensure the update mode is what we think it should be
if obj["buffer"][var]["updateMode"] not in upd:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: unexpected updateMode for {var}: got {obj['buffer'][var]['updateMode']}, expected one of {', '.join(upd)} (this is likely a bug in our code)")
# get the values
buf = obj["buffer"][var]["buffer"]
# if length is zero (for partial updates), or the first item is
# null (for single updates), we haven't recorded any data yet
if len(buf) == 0 or (len(buf) == 1 and buf[0] is None):
buf = []
# check the data for consistency
if len(buf):
if prt:
if var == time_var:
# round the timestamp to avoid error
buf = [round(x, 5) for x in buf]
# must be greater than the start timestamp
if buf[0] < since:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: first timestamp {buf[0]:.4f} is older than expected start {since}")
# must be monotonous without duplicates
for prev, cur in zip(buf, buf[1:]):
if cur == prev:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: duplicate timestamp in data ({cur:.4f})")
if cur < prev:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: time does not move forwards ({prev:.4f}, {cur:.4f})")
# check if we have extra samples at the end
# - this should never happen on Android
# - on iOS, it seems to write the internal buffer directly
# to the response without copying/synchronization, which
# means it sometimes returns a few extra samples
n_exp, n_act = len(dat[time_var]), len(buf)
if max(n_exp, n_act) - min(n_exp, n_act) > 15:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: expected ~{n_exp} values for {var}, got {n_act} (this is likely a bug in phyphox or our code)")
# a single update should have at most one value
if len(buf) > 1:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: more than one value ({len(buf)}) returned for single update")
# done
dat[var] = buf
# put the columns together, dropping extra samples at the end of columns
# if needed
dat = list(zip(*[dat[var] for var in vars]))
# done
return dat, mea
def is_measuring(self):
Checks if the experiment is currently running.
# On Android /get works, and with a non-existent column (/get?dummy), it
# returns the status and an empty buffer. On iOS /get doesn't work
# (401, it wants columns), and with a non-existent column (/get?dummy), it
# returns the status and an empty buffer.
obj = self.json("/get?dummy")
if "status" not in obj or type(obj["status"]) != dict:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: missing status object")
if "measuring" not in obj["status"] or type(obj["status"]["measuring"]) != bool:
raise Exception(f"invalid phyphox response: missing status.measuring bool")
return obj["status"]["measuring"]
def wait_measuring(self, measuring=True, tries=4, interval=0.25):
Polls the state of the experiment up to {tries} every {interval},
returning True when the state matches, and False otherwise.
for i in range(tries):
if self.is_measuring() == measuring:
return True
return False
def clear(self, no_sleep=False):
Clears the experiment buffer and stops recording data. Not guaranteed to
take effect immediately.
if not no_sleep:
def stop(self, no_sleep=False):
Stops recording data. Not guaranteed to take effect immediately; use
wait_measuring (and optionally no_sleep) to check for that.
if not no_sleep:
def start(self, no_sleep=False):
Starts recording data. Not guaranteed to take effect immediately; use
wait_measuring (and optionally no_sleep) to check for that.
if not no_sleep:
def ticker(interval, resolution=0.01):
Returns a generator which yields a value, evenly spaced at interval, queuing
up to one missed tick.
ts = time.monotonic()
if interval <= 0:
raise ValueError("window must be positive")
while True:
tc = ts
while True:
cur = time.monotonic()
if ts <= cur:
while ts <= cur:
ts += interval
if ts - cur - resolution*2 > 0:
time.sleep(ts - cur - resolution*2)
yield tc
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
import sys
import signal
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("phyphox_live")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--interval", help="Best-effort interval to get the next set of samples at (seconds).", type=float, default=0.500)
parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", help="HTTP timeout (seconds).", type=float, default=1.000)
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Show additional debugging information.", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction)
parser.add_argument("host", help="Phyphox HTTP host.", type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
pp = Phyphox(, timeout=args.timeout)
print("clearing data", file=sys.stderr)
if not pp.wait_measuring(False):
raise Exception("phyphox didn't clear the buffer")
print("starting recording", file=sys.stderr)
if not pp.wait_measuring(True):
raise Exception("phyphox didn't start recording")
def interrupt(*a):
print("stopping recording", file=sys.stderr)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, interrupt)
print("getting data", file=sys.stderr)
t = 0
for _ in ticker(args.interval):
buf, mea = pp.get("acc_time", t, "accX", "accY", "accZ")
if not mea or round(t, 3) > round(buf[-1][0], 3):
print("recording stopped", file=sys.stderr)
t = buf[-1][0]
for acc_time, accX, accY, accZ in buf:
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