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Created June 22, 2022 20:27
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package config
import "bytes"
// bsutil implements efficient zero-allocation operations on a byte slice.
type bsutil []byte
var asciiSpace = [256]uint8{'\t': 1, '\n': 1, '\v': 1, '\f': 1, '\r': 1, ' ': 1}
// Clone returns a clone of b (but not the underlying data).
func (b *bsutil) Clone() *bsutil {
n := *b
return &n
// DeepClone returns a clone of b and the underlying data.
func (b *bsutil) DeepClone() *bsutil {
n := make(bsutil, len(*b))
copy(n, *b)
return &n
// IsAscii checks if b contains only valid ASCII.
func (b bsutil) IsAscii() bool {
for _, c := range b {
if c > 127 {
return false
return true
// TrimSpace trims whitespace from the beinning and end of the string, returning
// whether spaces were trimmed from either end.
func (b *bsutil) TrimSpace() (bool, bool) {
i, j, n := 0, len(*b), len(*b)
for ; i < n; i++ {
if asciiSpace[(*b)[i]] == 0 {
for ; j > i; j-- {
if asciiSpace[(*b)[j-1]] == 0 {
*b = (*b)[i:j]
return i != 0, n-j > 0
// PopStart pops a byte from the start, returning a zero byte if there are no
// more bytes to pop.
func (b *bsutil) PopStartZero() byte {
if len(*b) != 0 {
t := (*b)[0]
*b = (*b)[1:]
return t
return 0
// HasPrefixByte checks if b begins with the specified byte.
func (b bsutil) HasPrefixByte(x byte) bool {
return len(b) != 0 && b[0] == x
// HasPrefixString checks if b begins with the provided string.
func (b bsutil) HasPrefixString(s string) bool {
return bytes.HasPrefix(b, []byte(s))
// FieldCount counts the number of whitespace-delimited fields in b, ignoring
// leading/trailing/consecutive whitespace.
func (b bsutil) FieldCount() int {
var i, n int
for i < len(b) {
for ; i < len(b); i++ {
if asciiSpace[(b)[i]] == 0 {
for ; i < len(b); i++ {
if asciiSpace[(b)[i]] == 1 {
return n
// FieldStart trims whitespace from the beginning of b, returns the byte slice
// up to the next whitespace character or the end, and updates b to point at the
// next character.
func (b *bsutil) FieldStart() bsutil {
var i, j int
for i = 0; i < len(*b); i++ {
if asciiSpace[(*b)[i]] == 0 {
for j = i; j < len(*b); j++ {
if asciiSpace[(*b)[j]] == 1 {
r := (*b)[i:j]
*b = (*b)[j:]
return r
// FieldEnd trims whitespace from the end of b, returns the byte slice up to the
// next whitespace character or the beginning, and updates b to point at the
// next character.
func (b *bsutil) FieldEnd() bsutil {
var i, j int
for i = len(*b); i > 0; i-- {
if asciiSpace[(*b)[i-1]] == 0 {
for j = i; j > 0; j-- {
if asciiSpace[(*b)[j-1]] == 1 {
r := (*b)[j:i]
*b = (*b)[:j]
return r
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