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Last active March 10, 2016 12:24
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Garmin Connect add approximate Strokes Per Minute (SPM)
var col = 11; // this is the column before it will be inserted
$('#intervals-table table thead').find('th').eq(col).after('<td>SPM</td>');
$('#intervals-table table tbody').find('tr').each(function(){
var strokes = parseInt($(this).find('td').eq(12).text().trim());
var timeString = $(this).find('td').eq(5).text().trim();
var regex = /(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})/g;
var result = regex.exec(timeString);
var minutes = parseInt(result[1]);
var seconds = parseInt(result[2]);
var totalSeconds = minutes * 60 + seconds;
var spm = (strokes*2 / totalSeconds)*60;
$(this).find('td').eq(col).after('<td>' + String(Math.round(spm * 100) / 100) + '</td>');
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