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Last active December 11, 2023 14:52
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Get Surrounding Elements in a Numpy Array
def surrounding(x, idx, radius=1, fill=0):
Gets surrounding elements from a numpy array
x (ndarray of rank N): Input array
idx (N-Dimensional Index): The index at which to get surrounding elements. If None is specified for a particular axis,
the entire axis is returned.
radius (array-like of rank N or scalar): The radius across each axis. If None is specified for a particular axis,
the entire axis is returned.
fill (scalar or None): The value to fill the array for indices that are out-of-bounds.
If value is None, only the surrounding indices that are within the original array are returned.
ndarray: The surrounding elements at the specified index
assert len(idx) == len(x.shape)
if np.isscalar(radius): radius = tuple([radius for i in range(len(x.shape))])
slices = []
paddings = []
for axis in range(len(x.shape)):
if idx[axis] is None or radius[axis] is None:
slices.append(slice(0, x.shape[axis]))
paddings.append((0, 0))
r = radius[axis]
l = idx[axis] - r
r = idx[axis] + r
pl = 0 if l > 0 else abs(l)
pr = 0 if r < x.shape[axis] else r - x.shape[axis] + 1
slices.append(slice(max(0, l), min(x.shape[axis], r+1)))
paddings.append((pl, pr))
if fill is None: return x[slices]
return np.pad(x[slices], paddings, 'constant', constant_values=fill)
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