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Created May 10, 2012 15:13
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what's happening springmeyer?
<springmeyer> TWG! here we go :)
Hi everyone - if you are here for the Technical working group meeting...
--> pierzen (~chatzilla@ has joined #hot
<springmeyer> here is a basic agenda:
<pgiraud> hello all
<springmeyer> Agenda
- raise hand if present, state name, and interests (in just a few words)
- What existing software tools has HOT sponsored or encouraged
- how can we best/better coordinate software development priorities for HOTOSM needs?
- What gaps exist in the current tools?
--> CGI112 ( has joined #hot
<springmeyer> so, I will start by introducing myself
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--> CGI112 ( has joined #hot
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<springmeyer> I'm Dane Springmeyer, on the board of hotosm, and excited to help coordinate and maximize the power of HOT through better software
others here for the meeting please introduce yourself
<pgiraud> I'm Pierre GIRAUD, hotosm member, mainly involved in the development of the Tasking Manager
--> Firefishy ( has joined #hot
<harry-wood> I'm Harry Wood, also on the board of hotosm. Don't get much time to develop stuff, but if I did I'd make HOT stuff
<IknowJoseph> hello, Joseph Reeves, interested in using HOT software, will largely be lurking as I'm supposed to at work.
<harry-wood> Yeah ditto that. Supposed to be at work
<springmeyer> lurking is just fine, jump in any time :)
--> _Matze_ ( has joined #hot
<springmeyer> IknowJoseph: and harry-wood - for future meetings would later in the day be better?
--> geohacker ( has joined #hot
<harry-wood> Well for europeans maybe
<IknowJoseph> I'm not a developer, so I'd probably just lurk regardless of the time :)
* pgiraud is european too
<springmeyer> okay, when I send out meeting notes from this meeting I will propose a slightly later time
* geohacker is not.
<springmeyer> I'm west coast US, so this is pretty early for me :)
* Firefishy is African... Living in London town.
<springmeyer> great, for those that just joined I will re-state agenda:
springmeyer: - raise hand if present, state name, and interests (in just a few words)
[07:02am] springmeyer: - What existing software tools has HOT sponsored or encouraged
[07:02am] springmeyer: - how can we best/better coordinate software development priorities for HOTOSM needs?
[07:02am] springmeyer: - What gaps exist in the current tools
* geohacker is in India. IST is Indian Stretchable Time.
<springmeyer> geohacker: :) nice
geohacker: what are your main interests related to software and hot?
--> DennisL ( has joined #hot
<geohacker> springmeyer: I'm an independent consultant. and I help people to use maps.
<springmeyer> geohacker: great, and you are Sajjad Anwar ?
<geohacker> I work with NGOs in India to help them build geo infrastructure.
springmeyer: yes! :)
<pierzen> Pierre Béland, team member and interested in various aspect of HotOsm. EST Time schedule. Time is less a problem for me.
--> chippy ( has joined #hot
<harry-wood> perzen==Pierre Beland !=the other pierre ….must try to remember that
<jgc> Jean-Guilhem Cailton, hotosm member, lurking while tracing in Tierralta
<pgiraud> I'm still interested in working on the Tasking Manager, my will is to make it as easy to use as possible
<springmeyer> pgiraud: great segway :)
<springmeyer> great, so intros are wrapping up, now I'll move to recapping existing tools that HOT members are actively working on
<geohacker> cool
<springmeyer> 1) pgiraud's Tasking Manager - |
<springmeyer> many of us know and already love this tool, its in active use for HOT
<springmeyer> from a top level I'm excited to see it has a healthy issue queue:
<springmeyer> it is also linked off the new web site for HOT:
<pgiraud> what does healthy mean?
<geohacker> neat
<springmeyer> but we plan to have a "tools" page that will feature it and the others I'm about to cover
so that new people that are interested in HOT will be able to quickly find code to contribute to
<springmeyer> pgiraud: active, and long :)
<harry-wood> hehe. I was wondering what healthy meant :-)
<springmeyer> and with as many closed tasks as open :)
<geohacker> +1 to the tools page.
<pgiraud> I recently got pull requests from a potential contributor
<-- _Matze_ ( has left #hot
<springmeyer> geohacker: thx, this is on my plate for doing this week and I will sent out to the mailing list for review
<springmeyer> pgiraud: nice. can you summarize briefly what the big next steps are for the tool?
<pgiraud> no real road map, but many ideas that are still in my head
<springmeyer> okay, good enough. I'll move on then to cover things quickly...
<pgiraud> I tried to create a "draw your own area" feature to allow users to draw polygons
<geohacker> pgiraud: I can write Python. Have used and now building stuff using Flask.
<springmeyer> 2) SDS-Server - - a way to separately store private data tied to osm_id (works with JOSM plugin)
<geohacker> i'll touch base the code and see what I can do :)
<springmeyer> This tool was written by Geofabrik and used for the HOT indonesia project
since it deals with private data there is not a public instance, but the code is open
<pgiraud> what does SDS mean ?
<geohacker> okay.
<springmeyer> "Separate DataStore"
name comes from the specific JOSM plugin it integrates with
<harry-wood> back in a minute
<springmeyer> harry-wood: k
<-- harry-wood has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
<springmeyer> No actionable things on this tool for us as a group that I know of, but good to know it exists...
3) - Exports tool - | - currently instance is specific to Haiti but has a lot of potential
also written by the talented guys at geofabrik. it accepts a bbox and pumped out data extracts in a ton of formats
This tool is very new, I encourage anyone interested to get it running locally
I also would like to encourage thinking around how it overlaps/complements other export tools - this is obviously a common thing
<geohacker> so you basically create a new job, submit the bounding box. right?
<springmeyer> yes
It was specifically designed for the mapping needs in haiti where very non-techical users needed frequent extracts
<geohacker> okay.
--> billyirst ( has joined #hot
<pierzen> SDS Server Description and More information link are not operational.
<springmeyer> pierzen: great, I will look at fixing that, thank you
Any other questions about those tools?
<geohacker> springmeyer: doesn't the hot-extract work for the whole planet now?
* geohacker tries
<springmeyer> geohacker: I was not aware that it did. the tool certainly could but I think its only populated with haiti data
--> harry-wood (~Adium@ has joined #hot
<springmeyer> that instance at least
So, that was my main list I wanted to cover today.
--> iandees ( has joined #hot
<springmeyer> Anything I missed?
<pgiraud> maybe it's off topic, but is there any guideline about licenses for the tools?
<springmeyer> pgiraud: great question
<pgiraud> the tasking manager is currently NOT licensed
Kate already asked me about that
<springmeyer> The hot board discussed this and felt like the next step
would be to discuss licensing on the mailing list
<pgiraud> that's fine
<springmeyer> to gather peoples thoughts
<pgiraud> I'm open to any proposal
<springmeyer> HOT tools so far have tended to be BSD licenced
but I think we should discuss as a group a bit
<springmeyer> okay, great pgiraud
<jgc> pgiraud, seeing that the tasking manager can export task tiles as a shapefile, I was wondering whether it would be possible to also import task boundaries as a shapefile ?
<pgiraud> it should be really easy
<jgc> This could be useful to share checking of, eg, Orbview3 images
<pgiraud> don't hesitate to open an issue on that topic
<springmeyer> pgiraud: at, yes?
<jgc> ok
<springmeyer> thanks jgc
so, let's move on to next agenda items
good starting topics for discussion I felt are:
<geohacker> hmm Tasking Manager looks very interesting.
* geohacker clones.
<springmeyer> - how can we best/better coordinate software development priorities for HOTOSM needs?
- What gaps exist in the current tools?
So, basically: how can we work together better and what should be the top priorities?
<geohacker> sorry. I need to step out for a bit. back soon.
<springmeyer> we have 30 minutes to discuss freely here, if you have the time, so share you thoughts and take off when you need to
geohacker: k, see you later
<geohacker> springmeyer: I'll look up the log and respond.
<springmeyer> okay, good
So, my feelings are that we need
a page at like
that lists all the top tools and potential needs
<pgiraud> can we say that using github is a good solution to work on code?
<springmeyer> yes, I think so
my second thought is to do a better job
promoting and using this group: and that we get more people
er, copy paste error
this group:
<pgiraud> I didn't know that this group existed
<springmeyer> right, it was created but not used much yet
so it is a possibility to use more
<harry-wood> Is it just a grouping of repos?
<springmeyer> harry-wood: yes
I can add each of you as members now - what do you think?
* pgiraud agrees
<harry-wood> yep. do it
<pierzen> +1
<harry-wood> I was imagining I might have to do some coding work to show up on the list :-)
So we should/could add the tasking manager to this?
<pgiraud> I think so
<springmeyer> I would be supportive of that if pgiraud was open
<pgiraud> I am
<springmeyer> okay
<pgiraud> what do I need to do?
<springmeyer> can each of you state your github username?
(i realize it may be the same as IRC)
<harry-wood> The thing I don't like about github is… it reveals just how much I talk about stuff and don't do anything :-)
<flavour> awake now
<-- jsanz has quit (Quit: Saliendo)
<pgiraud> harry-wood, talking is better than doing nothing
<springmeyer> hey flavour - nice nic
<springmeyer> flavour: great to have you, can you state your name and general interests?
<flavour> Fran Boon, Sahana Eden lead developer
Interested in supporting Huamnaitarian Orgs
With Mapping tools
& Data
<springmeyer> awesome, thanks
<flavour> Work with IFRC, WFP, Oxfam, etc
<IknowJoseph> flavour: according to github we're in the same town? Oxford?
<flavour> ok :)
Cool, let's meet
<IknowJoseph> sounds good!
<flavour> So I integrate OSM into Sahana as much as possible - embed Potlatch, do import/export of our data to .osm format, use OSM Tiles as Baselayer
<springmeyer> okay, thanks team - all usernames added to the github/hotosm group
so you should recieve an email notice
<flavour> I assume the 'Potlatch on slow links' issue is more the data on live server as opposed to the client download?
<springmeyer> I may still shift around a bit, but the important thing is I have your usernames now
<flavour> We can fix the latter but not the former, obviously
I had wanted to be able to have a local replica of DB for edits
But that doesn't seem something that is easy to support in OSM currently
Although I guss that could eb done by adding to Sahana DB & then exporting as .osm
Funny hyow things click sometimes ;)
<springmeyer> flavour: I'm not fully following
we're discussing here the basic question of how can we work together better and what should be the top priorities for HOT re: tools and software
<flavour> Yup
Well, the editors issue had been one, wasn't it?
Raised by the training team
Potlatch easy to use but bad on slow links
JOSM hard to use but great offline
<harry-wood> yeah I was wondering about this too flavour. Wasn't clear if the issue was data traffic as opposed to the initial client download
<springmeyer> yes, thanks for tying together
<flavour> So I'm not sure iif Sahana can count as a HOTOSM tool
It certainly has some potential there
But it's not really its direct focus
<harry-wood> Is sahana quite a big well funded project?
I have that impression
<flavour> Pretty big although funds are project-tied as-usual
IFRC are investing a lot at the moment
<springmeyer> flavour: there are tools HOTOSM works on specifically and then a wider ecosystem we want to support
<flavour> We've been workign with Asia Pacific zone but both Americas & Africa have advertised for full-time positions to roll it out
<springmeyer> sahana I would say is definitely one
<flavour> So then IFRC will have 4 ppl globally working fuill-time on rolling it out
So a pretty big investment from them all in all
Cool - I see Sahana as beign a big way in which Huamnitarians will access OSM data
<harry-wood> and Sahana deployment (sending people places) projects etc. So it's a full-on organisation which HOT needs to mesh with
<flavour> & I'd like them to be able to contribute back more easily too as they have boots on the ground & know what's apepning
<springmeyer> for those who missed the acronym:
<flavour> Job Advert for Africa:
RMS = IFRC's branded version of Sahana
<jgc> springmeyer, sorry, I was not looking:
<springmeyer> jgc: thx
so, we have just 5 more minutes until wrapping up
1) we covered existing tools
2) discussed coordinating better via github grouo "hotosm"
3) discussed related tools/projects like sahana
<flavour> How does the GitHub group improve coordination?
<springmeyer> 4) I mentioned I will be creating a tools page at that I will look for review on
<flavour> Tools page will eb a Wiki?
* pgiraud is still wondering how to get OSMTM in the list of repos in the hotosm github's page
<springmeyer> flavour: open question.
<springmeyer> pgiraud: let's connect on that after the meeting
<pgiraud> ok
<flavour> We need some kind of sctrachpad
To work out where the gaps are
& suggest ways of bridging those
<springmeyer> flavour: yes, and maybe a high level issue tracker that indicates big gaps where we see solutions
<flavour> Can we use the GitHub group for that?
<springmeyer> flavour: sounds good to me - are others okay with that?
the other way to do it would be to use the osm wiki
<flavour> I'm not sure if GitHub groups have trackers
Seems to be just repos
I'm fine with the OSM wiki if GitHub doesn't have a non-repo locatiion...or we could create a dummy repo for the coordination?
<springmeyer> yeah, just repo's - so we could create a general repo for cross-cutting issues perhaps
yeah, exactly ^^
ideas for names?
<flavour> Same as the group? hotosm
<springmeyer> k, good call
okay, meeting time is up
thanks everyone for showing up and discussing broadly. I think this sets us up nicely for future meetings
my actionable items are:
1) update
2) create "hotosm" github repo to coordinate on wiki
<springmeyer> 3) work with pgiraud to discuss moving over tasking server to the hotosm github group
<springmeyer> 4) send out TWG meeting notes to the hot mailing list
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