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Created September 28, 2012 10:02
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Save pgjones/3798969 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extract Nhit and time per event histogram from SNOMAN QSNO root files
/// Extracts the Nhit histograms and Time histograms, into
/// a SNOMAN independent version.
/// 06/12/10 - New File
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
using namespace ROOT;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <QEvent.h>
#include <QMCEvent.h>
#include <QTree.h>
#include <QMCVX.h>
#include <QPMT.h>
#include <QFit.h>
// Must do this first
QEvent* qEV,
QMCEvent* qMCEvent,
TH1D* timeMC,
TH1D* nHitsMC,
TH1D* timeEV,
TH1D* nHitsEV,
bool residual );
char* lpInFile,
char* lpOutFile,
bool residual = false )
// Load the root file first
TFile *file = new TFile( lpInFile );
QTree *tree = (QTree*)file->Get( "T" );
QEvent *qEV = new QEvent();
tree->SetEventAddress( qEV );
TTree* mcTree = (TTree*)file->Get( "MCEvents" );
QMCEvent* qMCEvent = new QMCEvent();
mcTree->SetBranchAddress( "MCEvents", &qMCEvent );
int mcOffset = -1;
time_t codeStart = time( NULL );
// Loop over the events
int iLoop;
int numMCEvents = tree->GetEntries();
TH1D* timeMC = new TH1D( "timeMC", "timeMC", 500, 0.0, 500.0 );
TH1D* nHitsMC = new TH1D( "nHitsMC", "nHitsMC", 4000, 0.0, 4000.0 );
TH1D* timeEV = new TH1D( "timeEV", "timeEV", 500, 0.0, 500.0 );
TH1D* nHitsEV = new TH1D( "nHitsEV", "nHitsEV", 4000, 0.0, 4000.0 );
for( iLoop = 0; iLoop < numMCEvents; iLoop++ )
if( iLoop % 100 == 0 )
cout << iLoop << " finished at " << time( NULL ) - codeStart << endl;
tree->GetEntry( iLoop );
mcTree->GetEntry( qEV->GetMCEventNumber() + mcOffset );
while( qMCEvent->GetEventNumber() != qEV->GetMCEventNumber() )
if( qMCEvent->GetEventNumber() > qEV->GetMCEventNumber() )
mcOffset -= 1;
mcOffset += 1;
mcTree->GetEntry( qEV->GetMCEventNumber() + mcOffset );
if( qMCEvent->GetEventNumber() != qEV->GetMCEventNumber() )
cout << qEV->GetMCEventNumber() << " " << qMCEvent->GetEventNumber() << " " << mcOffset << endl;
FillHistograms( qEV, qMCEvent, timeMC, nHitsMC, timeEV, nHitsEV, residual );
TFile outFile( lpOutFile, "RECREATE" );;
QEvent* qEV,
QMCEvent* qMCEvent,
TH1D* timeMC,
TH1D* nHitsMC,
TH1D* timeEV,
TH1D* nHitsEV,
bool residual )
int numPMTHits = qEV->GetnMCPMs();
nHitsMC->Fill( numPMTHits );
int iLoop;
for( iLoop = 0; iLoop < numPMTHits; iLoop++ )
QPMT* qPMT = qEV->GetMCPM( iLoop );
timeMC->Fill( qPMT->Gett() );
int numPMTHits = qEV->GetnPMTs();
nHitsEV->Fill( qEV->GetNhits() );
QFit* qFit = qEV->GetFitByIndex(9);
double fitTime = 0.0;
if( qFit != NULL )
fitTime = qFit->GetTime();
for( int iLoop = 0; iLoop < numPMTHits; iLoop++ )
QPMT* qPMT = qEV->GetPMT( iLoop );
if( residual )
timeEV->Fill( qPMT->TimeResidual( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, fitTime ) + 220.0 );
timeEV->Fill( qPMT->Gett() - fitTime + 220.0 );
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