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Created October 8, 2012 13:13
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Basic rat macros and code

.cc Files

To run a file called on the rat created root file jim.root do the following

Bob( jim.root )

.py Files

To run a file called on the rat created root file jim.root do the following

python jim.root
# To use an air filled detector add this command to a macro before the /run/initialize
/rat/db/set DETECTOR geo_file "geo/snoplus_air.geo"
# To just use an air filled inner volume of the AV (scint volume) add this instead
/rat/db/set GEO[scint] material "air"
OutputStorage = "/tmp/jobOutput";
JdlDefaultAttributes = [
RetryCount = 3;
rank = - other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime;
PerusalFileEnable = false;
AllowZippedISB = true;
requirements = other.GlueCEStateStatus == "Production";
ShallowRetryCount = 10;
SignificantAttributes = {"Requirements", "Rank", "FuzzyRank"};
MyProxyServer = "";
ErrorStorage = "/tmp";
VirtualOrganisation = "";
ListenerStorage = "/tmp";
WMProxyEndpoints = {"","","",""};
WorkloadManagerProxy = [
maxInputSandboxFiles = 20;
# To simulate electrons in a basic macro
/rat/proc frontend
/rat/proc trigger
/rat/proc eventbuilder
/rat/proc calibratePMT
# Save the output
/rat/proc outroot
/rat/procset file "Speedy.root"
# Generate events
/generator/add combo gun:fill
/generator/vtx/set e- 0 0 0 1.0
/generator/pos/set 0.0 0.0 0.0
/generator/rate/set 1
/run/beamOn 10
# The DAQ Processor loop, should be added to all macros that you wish to analyses the hit information
/rat/proc frontend # Front end electrons simulation
/rat/proc trigger # Trigger simulation
/rat/proc eventbuilder # Event builder (combine hits into an event)
/rat/proc calibratePMT # Calibrate the PMT hit times and charges
# To change to the disc optical model add these commands before /run/intialize
/rat/db/set GEO[innerPMT] grey_disc [1]
/rat/db/set GEO[outerPMT] grey_disc [1]
# To generate neutrinoless double beta decay events, use this generator
/generator/add combo doublebeta:fill
/generator/vtx/set Nd150 0
/generator/pos/set 0 0 0
/generator/rate/set 1
# To generate neutrino present double beta decay events, use this generator
/generator/add combo doublebeta:fill
/generator/vtx/set Nd150 2
/generator/pos/set 0 0 0
/generator/rate/set 1
print 'YOUR GANGA JOBID: ',j.fqid
print 'CHECK WITH j.status and j.peek()'
Executable = "hello.scr";
Arguments = "";
StdOutput = "hw.out";
StdError = "hw.err";
InputSandbox = {"hello.scr"};
OutputSandbox = {"hw.out", "hw.err"};
VirtualOrganisation = "";
echo "Hello World! SNO+ is on the grid."
# To simulate 138La decays use this generator
/generator/add decaychain 138La:fill:uniform
/generator/pos/set 0 0 0
/generator/rate/set 1
# Alternatively to add screening corrections (nuclear model screening) use this line instead of the first above
/generator/add decaychain 138La:fill:exponential::screen
/// My preferred method to load a root file in root.
/// Must load in root as .L
/// 11/10/2012 : New File
#include <RAT/DS/Root.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/EV.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/Run.hh>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
LoadRootFile( const char* lpFile,
TTree **tree,
RAT::DS::Root **rDS,
RAT::DS::Run **rRun );
DoSomething( const char* inFile )
// Load the root file first
RAT::DS::Root* rDS;
RAT::DS::Run* rRun;
TTree *tree;
LoadRootFile( inFile, &tree, &rDS, &rRun );
time_t codeStart = time( NULL );
for( int iEvent = 0; iEvent < tree->GetEntries(); iEvent++ )
if( iEvent % 100 == 0 )
cout << iEvent << " finished at " << time( NULL ) - codeStart << endl;
tree->GetEntry( iEvent );
// Do something here
LoadRootFile( const char* lpFile,
TTree **tree,
RAT::DS::Root **rDS,
RAT::DS::Run **rRun )
TFile *file = new TFile( lpFile );
(*tree) = (TTree*)file->Get( "T" );
TTree *runTree = (TTree*)file->Get( "runT" );
*rDS = new RAT::DS::Root();
(*tree)->SetBranchAddress( "ds", &(*rDS) );
*rRun = new RAT::DS::Run();
runTree->SetBranchAddress( "run", &(*rRun) );
# Turn off muon and hadronic physics add these before /run/initialize
/glg4debug/glg4param omit_muon_processes 1.0
/glg4debug/glg4param omit_hadronic_processes 1.0
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ROOT
import rat
import sys
nhit_plot = ROOT.TH1D("nhit", "nhit", 3000, 0, 3000)
for ds in rat.dsreader(sys.argv[1]):
for iEV in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()):
raw_input("RET to exit")
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ROOT
import rat
import sys
# PMT Cal is always between 0 and 500 ns
hit_times = ROOT.TH1D("hitTimes", "hitTimes", 500, 0.0, 500.0);
for ds in rat.dsreader(sys.argv[1]):
for iev in range(ds.GetEVCount()):
ev = ds.GetEV(iev)
for ipmt in range(ev.GetPMTCalCount()):
raw_input("RET to EXIT")
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ROOT
import rat
import sys
plot = ROOT.TGraph2D()
plot_point = 0
# run is the run tree entry and ds is the TTree entry
run = rat.runreader(file_name)
pmt_prop = run.GetPMTProp()
# Loop over the pmts
for ipmt in range(pmt_prop.GetPMTCount()):
plot.SetPoint(plot_point, pmt_prop.GetPos(ipmt).x(), pmt_prop.GetPos(ipmt).y(), pmt_prop.GetPos(ipmt).z())
plot_point += 1
raw_input("RET to EXIT");
#include <RAT/DS/Root.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/EV.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/Run.hh>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
LoadRootFile( const char* lpFile,
TTree **tree,
RAT::DS::Root **rDS,
RAT::DS::Run **rRun );
PlotNhit( const char* inFile )
// Load the root file first
RAT::DS::Root* rDS;
RAT::DS::Run* rRun;
TTree *tree;
LoadRootFile( inFile, &tree, &rDS, &rRun );
time_t codeStart = time( NULL );
TH1D* nhitPlot = new TH1D( "nhit", "nhit", 3000, 0, 3000 );
for( int iEvent = 0; iEvent < tree->GetEntries(); iEvent++ )
if( iEvent % 100 == 0 )
cout << iEvent << " finished at " << time( NULL ) - codeStart << endl;
tree->GetEntry( iEvent );
for( int iEV = 0; iEV < rDS->GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
nhitPlot->Fill( rDS->GetEV( iEV )->GetNhits() );
LoadRootFile( const char* lpFile,
TTree **tree,
RAT::DS::Root **rDS,
RAT::DS::Run **rRun )
TFile *file = new TFile( lpFile );
(*tree) = (TTree*)file->Get( "T" );
TTree *runTree = (TTree*)file->Get( "runT" );
*rDS = new RAT::DS::Root();
(*tree)->SetBranchAddress( "ds", &(*rDS) );
*rRun = new RAT::DS::Run();
runTree->SetBranchAddress( "run", &(*rRun) );
#include <RAT/DS/Root.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/EV.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/Run.hh>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
LoadRootFile( const char* lpFile,
TTree **tree,
RAT::DS::Root **rDS,
RAT::DS::Run **rRun );
PlotPMTHitTimes( const char* inFile )
// Load the root file first
RAT::DS::Root* rDS;
RAT::DS::Run* rRun;
TTree *tree;
LoadRootFile( inFile, &tree, &rDS, &rRun );
time_t codeStart = time( NULL );
// PMT Cal is always between 0 and 500 ns
TH1D* hitTimes = new TH1D( "hitTimes", "hitTimes", 500, 0.0, 500.0 );
for( int iEvent = 0; iEvent < tree->GetEntries(); iEvent++ )
if( iEvent % 100 == 0 )
cout << iEvent << " finished at " << time( NULL ) - codeStart << endl;
tree->GetEntry( iEvent );
// Loop over the triggered events
for( int iEV = 0; iEV < rDS->GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
RAT::DS::EV* rEV = rDS->GetEV( iEV );
// Loop over the PMTCals
for( int ipmt = 0; ipmt < rEV->GetPMTCalCount(); ipmt++ )
RAT::DS::PMTCal* rPMTCal = rEV->GetPMTCal( ipmt );
hitTimes->Fill( rPMTCal->GetTime() );
LoadRootFile( const char* lpFile,
TTree **tree,
RAT::DS::Root **rDS,
RAT::DS::Run **rRun )
TFile *file = new TFile( lpFile );
(*tree) = (TTree*)file->Get( "T" );
TTree *runTree = (TTree*)file->Get( "runT" );
*rDS = new RAT::DS::Root();
(*tree)->SetBranchAddress( "ds", &(*rDS) );
*rRun = new RAT::DS::Run();
runTree->SetBranchAddress( "run", &(*rRun) );
#include <RAT/DS/Root.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/EV.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/Run.hh>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
LoadRootFile( const char* lpFile,
TTree **tree,
RAT::DS::Root **rDS,
RAT::DS::Run **rRun );
PlotPMTPos( const char* inFile )
// Load the root file first
RAT::DS::Root* rDS;
RAT::DS::Run* rRun;
TTree *tree;
LoadRootFile( inFile, &tree, &rDS, &rRun );
time_t codeStart = time( NULL );
TGraph2D* pmtPositions = new TGraph2d();
int graphPoint = 0;
// Get the PMTProperties class instance
RAT::DS::PMTProperties* pmtProp = rRun->GetPMTProp();
// Loop over the PMTs
for( int ipmt = 0; ipmt < pmtProp->GetPMTCount(); ipmt++ )
pmtPositions->SetPoint( graphPoint++, pmtProp->GetPos( ipmt ).x(), pmtProp->GetPos( ipmt ).y(), pmtProp->GetPos( ipmt ).z() );
// Draw
LoadRootFile( const char* lpFile,
TTree **tree,
RAT::DS::Root **rDS,
RAT::DS::Run **rRun )
TFile *file = new TFile( lpFile );
(*tree) = (TTree*)file->Get( "T" );
TTree *runTree = (TTree*)file->Get( "runT" );
*rDS = new RAT::DS::Root();
(*tree)->SetBranchAddress( "ds", &(*rDS) );
*rRun = new RAT::DS::Run();
runTree->SetBranchAddress( "run", &(*rRun) );
# To generate events at a set point use the point PosGenerator
/generator/add combo gun:point
/generator/pos/set 0.0 0.0 0.0
# To generate events uniformly within a volume use the fill PosGenerator
/generator/add combo gun:fill
/generator/pos/set 0.0 0.0 0.0 # Fills the volume which contains this point
/generator/pos/set scint # Fills the volume called scint
# To generate events uniformly on the surface of a volume use the paint PosGenerator
/generator/add combo gun:paint
/generator/pos/set 0.0 0.0 0.0 # Paints the inner and outer surfaces of the volume which contains this point
/generator/pos/set scint # Paints the inner and outer surfaces of the volume called scint
/generator/pos/set scint 0- # Paints the inner surface with a thickness of 0 mm (on surface) of the volume called scint
/generator/pos/set scint 1+ # Paints the outer surface with a thickness of 1 mm of the volume called scint
# Last svn revision: $Id$
#* Example Macro for simulating electrons in SNO+
#* run_electrons_snoplus.mac
#* Date: 01/12/2008
#* contact: J. Wilson, Oxford
# Don't care about hadrons or muons so quicker not to initialise these processes
/glg4debug/glg4param omit_muon_processes 1.0
/glg4debug/glg4param omit_hadronic_processes 1.0
# Select the snoplus geometry file (should be default)
/rat/db/set DETECTOR geo_file "geo/snoplus.geo"
/rat/proc frontend
/rat/proc trigger
/rat/proc eventbuilder
/rat/proc count
/rat/procset update 10
/rat/proc calibratePMT
/rat/proclast outroot
/rat/procset file "snoplus_electrons_labppo.root"
# Use the simple gun vertex generator, combined with the fill position generator and poisson timing
/generator/add combo gun:fill:poisson
# Select particle type and momentum direction (0,0,0 = isotropic) and energy in MeV
/generator/vtx/set e- 0 0 0 1.0
# Define a position in the centre of the scintillator region to select this one to be filled.
/generator/pos/set 0.0 0.0 0.0
# Rate of 1 per second
/generator/rate/set 1
# The above simulates electrons in the scintillator, if we want them in the AV and H2O too add more generators
# (one for each defined geometry region) to list
/generator/add combo gun:fill:poisson
/generator/vtx/set e- 0 0 0 5.0
# Define a position in the AV to select this one to be filled.
/generator/pos/set 5999.0 0.0 0.0
# Rate of 0.028 per second (scale by relative volume to scintillator region = (6000^3-5945^3)/(5945^3))
# Not quite exact since we didn't consider the neck though
/generator/rate/set 0.028
#/generator/rate/set 0.
/generator/add combo gun:fill:poisson
/generator/vtx/set e- 0 0 0 1.0
# Define a position in the H2Osub region to select this one to be filled.
/generator/pos/set 6050.0 0.0 0.0
# Rate of 1.693 per second (scale by relative volume to scintillator region = (8300^3-6000^3)/(5945^3))
# Not quite exact since we didn't consider the neck though
/generator/rate/set 1.693
#/generator/rate/set 0.0
/generator/add combo gun:fill:poisson
/generator/vtx/set e- 0 0 0 1.0
# Define a position in the H2O region (the bit that contains the PMTs) to select this one to be filled.
/generator/pos/set 6050.0 0.0 0.0
# Rate of 0.306 per second (scale by relative volume to scintillator region = (8600^3-8300^3)/(5945^3))
# Not quite exact since we didn't consider the neck though
/generator/rate/set 0.306
#/generator/rate/set 0.0
# generate 10 events
/run/beamOn 10
# To the scintFitter over events just add this line to the processor loop
/rat/proc scintFitter
# To simulate events more quickly add these lines before the /run/initialize
# Turn off muon and hadronic physics (simulating electrons so this is ok)
/glg4debug/glg4param omit_muon_processes 1.0
/glg4debug/glg4param omit_hadronic_processes 1.0
# Change to the simple detector geometry (no complex ropes, belly plates etc...)
/rat/db/set DETECTOR geo_file "geo/snoplus_Simple.geo"
# Thin the number of photons by a factor of 3.5
/rat/db/set MC thin_factor 3.5
# Change to the disc optical model
/rat/db/set GEO[innerPMT] grey_disc [1]
/rat/db/set GEO[outerPMT] grey_disc [1]
# Standard DAQ processor loop follows
/rat/proc frontend
/rat/proc trigger
/rat/proc eventbuilder
/rat/proc calibratePMT
# Prune some less interesting information i.e. the mc side
/rat/proc prune
/rat/procset prune "mc.particle,mc.hit,mc.pmt.photon"
# Save the output
/rat/proc outroot
/rat/procset file "Speedy.root"
# Generate events
/generator/add combo gun:fill
/generator/vtx/set e- 0 0 0 1.0
/generator/pos/set 0.0 0.0 0.0
/generator/rate/set 1
/run/beamOn 10
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ROOT
import rat
import sys
for ds in rat.dsreader(sys.argv[1]):
mc = ds.GetMC()
track_count = mc.GetMCTrackCount()
for track_num in range(0,track_count):
mc_track = mc.GetMCTrack(track_num)
print mc_track.GetTrackID()
for track_step in range(0,mc_track.GetMCTrackStepCount()):
mc_track_step = mc_track.GetMCTrackStep(track_step)
print "\t", mc_track_step.GetProcess()
#include <RAT/DS/Root.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/MC.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/MCTrack.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/MCTrackStep.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/Run.hh>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
LoadRootFile( const char* lpFile,
TTree **tree,
RAT::DS::Root **rDS,
RAT::DS::Run **rRun );
WriteTrackHistory( const char* inFile )
// Load the root file first
RAT::DS::Root* rDS;
RAT::DS::Run* rRun;
TTree *tree;
LoadRootFile( inFile, &tree, &rDS, &rRun );
time_t codeStart = time( NULL );
for( int iEvent = 0; iEvent < tree->GetEntries(); iEvent++ )
if( iEvent % 100 == 0 )
cout << iEvent << " finished at " << time( NULL ) - codeStart << endl;
tree->GetEntry( iEvent );
RAT::DS::MC* rMC = rDS->GetMC();
for( int iMCTrack = 0; iMCTrack < rMC->GetMCTrackCount(); iMCTrack++ )
RAT::DS::MCTrack* rMCTrack = rMC->GetMCTrack( iMCTrack );
cout << rMCTrack->GetTrackID() << endl;
for( int iMCTrackStep = 0; iMCTrackStep < rMCTrack->GetMCTrackStepCount(); iMCTrackStep++ )
cout << "\t" << rMCTrack->GetMCTrackStep( iMCTrackStep )->GetProcess() << endl;
LoadRootFile( const char* lpFile,
TTree **tree,
RAT::DS::Root **rDS,
RAT::DS::Run **rRun )
TFile *file = new TFile( lpFile );
(*tree) = (TTree*)file->Get( "T" );
TTree *runTree = (TTree*)file->Get( "runT" );
*rDS = new RAT::DS::Root();
(*tree)->SetBranchAddress( "ds", &(*rDS) );
*rRun = new RAT::DS::Run();
runTree->SetBranchAddress( "run", &(*rRun) );
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