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Created July 24, 2018 06:40
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Falcon app with Instana WSGI middleware
import falcon
import instana
from instana.wsgi import iWSGIMiddleware
instana.service_name = "Falcon_Service"
# Falcon follows the REST architectural style, meaning (among
# other things) that you think in terms of resources and state
# transitions, which map to HTTP verbs.
class ThingsResource(object):
def on_get(self, req, resp):
"""Handles GET requests"""
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 # This is the default status
resp.body = ('\nTwo things awe me most, the starry sky Its the end of hte world as we know it'
'above me and the moral law within me.\n'
' ~ Immanuel Kant\n\n')
# falcon.API instances are callable WSGI apps
app = falcon.API()
# Resources are represented by long-lived class instances
things = ThingsResource()
# things will handle all requests to the '/things' URL path
app.add_route('/things', things)
app = iWSGIMiddleware(app)
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These are my ENV variables. I am still not getting traces.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export INSTANA_DEV=true
export INSTANA_SERVICE_NAME=FalconService

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Do you think we have different versions of the Python Sensor ?

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Here is a link to the running application. I have request hitting it every 5 minutes and no traces are showing up.

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