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Last active July 9, 2018 15:48
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import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
import System.Guid
import math
def GetMarkerOptions(crvLength):
while True:
num = 0
if sc.sticky.has_key("SEW_START_NUMBER"):
num = sc.sticky["SEW_START_NUMBER"]
prefix = None
if sc.sticky.has_key("SEW_NUMBER_PREFIX"):
prefix = sc.sticky["SEW_NUMBER_PREFIX"]
addNum = True
if sc.sticky.has_key("ADD_SEW_NUMBERS"):
addNum = sc.sticky["ADD_SEW_NUMBERS"]
dblSize = 1
if sc.sticky.has_key("SEAM_MARKER_SIZE"):
dblSize = sc.sticky["SEAM_MARKER_SIZE"]
divLen = 1
if sc.sticky.has_key("SEW_DIV_LENGTH"):
divLen = sc.sticky["SEW_DIV_LENGTH"]
divNum = 5
if sc.sticky.has_key("SEW_DIV_NUM"):
divNum = sc.sticky["SEW_DIV_NUM"]
mode = False
if sc.sticky.has_key("SEW_DIV_MODE"):
mode = sc.sticky["SEW_DIV_MODE"]
go = Rhino.Input.Custom.GetOption()
strGo = "Edge length is " + str(crvLength) + " Press Enter to accept the current settings."
go.AcceptNumber(True, True)
opSize = Rhino.Input.Custom.OptionDouble(dblSize)
opNum = Rhino.Input.Custom.OptionInteger(num)
opDivLen = Rhino.Input.Custom.OptionDouble(divLen)
opDivNum = Rhino.Input.Custom.OptionInteger(divNum)
opMode = Rhino.Input.Custom.OptionToggle(mode, "Number", "Length")
opAddNum = Rhino.Input.Custom.OptionToggle(addNum, "No", "Yes")
go.AddOptionInteger("CurrentNumber", opNum)
go.AddOptionDouble("MarkerSize", opSize)
#Decide what division option to add
if mode:
go.AddOptionDouble("DivisionLength", opDivLen)
go.AddOptionInteger("DivisionNumber", opDivNum)
go.AddOptionToggle("Numbers", opAddNum)
result = go.Get()
if( go.CommandResult() != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success ):
return False, mode,dblSize,num,divLen,divNum, addNum
if result == Rhino.Input.GetResult.Number:
divNum = int(go.Number())
sc.sticky["SEW_DIV_NUM"] = divNum
if result == Rhino.Input.GetResult.Nothing:
sc.sticky["SEW_START_NUMBER"]= num
return True, mode,dblSize,num,divLen,divNum, addNum
if result == Rhino.Input.GetResult.Option:
mode = opMode.CurrentValue
dblSize = opSize.CurrentValue
num = opNum.CurrentValue
divLen = opDivLen.CurrentValue
divNum = opDivNum.CurrentValue
addNum = opAddNum.CurrentValue
sc.sticky["ADD_SEW_NUMBERS"] = addNum
sc.sticky["SEW_NUMBER"] = num
sc.sticky["SEW_START_NUMBER"]= num
sc.sticky["SEAM_MARKER_SIZE"] = dblSize
sc.sticky["SEW_DIV_LENGTH"] = divLen
sc.sticky["SEW_DIV_NUM"] = divNum
sc.sticky["SEW_DIV_MODE"] = mode
def EdgeDivider():
pi = math.pi
count = 0
startNum = 0
if sc.sticky.has_key("SEW_START_NUMBER"):
startNum = sc.sticky["SEW_START_NUMBER"]
def PlanarSrfFilter(rhObject, geometry, componentIndex):
return geometry.Brep.Surfaces[0].IsPlanar()
while count < 2:
count +=1
grp = rs.AddGroup()
edgeStr = "Select an edge to mark near starting end."
if count > 1:
edgeStr = "Select the second edge near the starting end."
#Get the edge to divide
ge = Rhino.Input.Custom.GetObject()
ge.GeometryFilter = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.EdgeFilter
rc = ge.Get()
if( ge.CommandResult() != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success ):
if rc == Rhino.Input.GetResult.Object:
objref = ge.Object(0)
pPt = objref.SelectionPoint()
e = objref.Geometry()
brep = e.Brep
face = brep.Faces[0]
brepPlane = brep.Surfaces[0].TryGetPlane()[1]
eCrv = e.ToNurbsCurve()
if count == 1: crvLength = round(eCrv.GetLength(), 3)
#Get the options for dividing and marking the edges
if count == 1:
RC, mode,dblSize,num,divLen,divNum,addNum = GetMarkerOptions(crvLength)
if not RC: return
if count > 1:
if sc.sticky.has_key("SEW_START_NUMBER"):
num = sc.sticky["SEW_START_NUMBER"]
if not eCrv: return
#start counting from the picked end of the curve
eDom = eCrv.Domain
x = eCrv.ClosestPoint(pPt)
if eCrv.ClosestPoint(pPt)[1]>eDom.Mid:
#print "Reversed"
#Set the right kind of curve division
if mode:#Use length of division
pars = eCrv.DivideByLength(divLen, True)
else: #Use number of divisions
pars = eCrv.DivideByCount(divNum, True)
#Intersect a circle with the brep plane to get two points marking the ends of the hash mark
for i in range(len(pars)):
pt = eCrv.PointAt(pars[i])
rc, plane = eCrv.PerpendicularFrameAt(pars[i])
circle = Rhino.Geometry.Circle(plane, dblSize)
ppp = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.CurvePlane(circle.ToNurbsCurve(), brepPlane, .001)
p1 = ppp[0].PointA
p2 = ppp[1].PointA
hashMark = Rhino.Geometry.LineCurve(p1,p2)
#if numbering is asked for by the user, get the correct plane etc, and add number-shaped curves.
if addNum: #Numbering enabled
srf = face.DuplicateSurface()
if p2.DistanceTo( brep.ClosestPoint(p2)) < .001:
vecY = hashMark.TangentAtEnd
tPt = p2
vecY = hashMark.TangentAtStart
tPt = p1
srfRc,parU, parV = srf.ClosestPoint(tPt)
planeRc, tPlane = srf.FrameAt(parU, parV)
planeAxis = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(tPlane.ZAxis)
vecX= Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(vecY)
vecX.Rotate( pi/2,planeAxis)
tPlane = Rhino.Geometry.Plane(tPlane.Origin,vecX,vecY)
tPlane.Origin = pt
if Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d.VectorAngle(eCrv.TangentAtStart, tPlane.XAxis) < pi/2:
text = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.CreateTextOutlines(str(num),"Arial", .9*dblSize,0,True,tPlane,.8*dblSize, tolerance=.001)
#TEXT = Rhino.Geometry.TextEntity()
#TEXT.Plane = tPlane
#TEXT.Text = str(num)
#TEXT.Justification= Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.BottomLeft
#TEXT.FontIndex = sc.doc.Fonts.FindOrCreate("Arial",False, False)
if text:
textBB = Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox()
for txtCrv in text:
corners = textBB.GetCorners()
pToP = Rhino.Geometry.Transform.PlaneToPlane(Rhino.Geometry.Plane.WorldXY,tPlane)
for u in range(8):
corners[u] = pToP*corners[u]
tempPt = corners[1]
if directionsMatch:
if count > 1:
if i > 0:
xXform = (pt-corners[1])*1.1
#TEXT.Justification= Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.BottomRight
xXform = None
#TEXT.Justification= Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.BottomLeft
if i > 0:
xXform = (pt-corners[1])*1.1
#TEXT.Justification= Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.BottomRight
xXform = None
#TEXT.Justification= Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.BottomLeft
if count > 1:
if i < len(pars)-1:
xXform = (pt-corners[1])*1.1
#TEXT.Justification= Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.BottomRight
xXform = None
#TEXT.Justification= Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.BottomLeft
if 0< i < len(pars)-1:
xXform = None
#TEXT.Justification= Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.BottomLeft
elif i == len(pars)-1 :
xXform = None
#TEXT.Justification= Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.BottomLeft
elif i == 0:
xXform = (pt-corners[1]).Length*eCrv.TangentAtStart*1.1
#TEXT.Justification= Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.BottomRight
yXform = tPlane.YAxis*.1*dblSize
tempIds = []
#tPlane.Rotate( pi, tPlane.ZAxis)
#TEXT.Plane = tPlane
#TEXT.Justification= Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.TopRight
for txtCrv in text:
if xXform is not None: txtCrv.Translate(xXform)
rs.AddObjectsToGroup(tempIds, rs.AddGroup())
rs.AddObjectsToGroup(tempIds, grp)
addId = System.Guid.NewGuid()
crvId = sc.doc.Objects.AddCurve(hashMark)
rs.AddObjectToGroup(crvId, grp)
rs.SetUserText(crvId, "SeamMarkerId", str(addId))
addId = None
if addNum: num += 1
sc.sticky["SEW_NUMBER"] = num
sc.sticky["SEW_START_NUMBER"] = num
if __name__ == "__main__": EdgeDivider()
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pgolay commented Jul 5, 2018

Changed to selecting only edges, and added filter for edges of planar breps

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pgolay commented Jul 6, 2018

Fixed text placement bugs, added grouping.

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pgolay commented Jul 9, 2018

Commented out one last reference to 'TEXT' to match the others.

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