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Last active December 30, 2019 00:17
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import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino
import scriptcontext as sc
import math
import System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable as IEnumerable
import System.Double as sd
def FilletSrfCorner():
tol = sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
pi = math.pi
def RebuildArc(arc):
deg = arc.AngleDegrees
if deg <=45:
rebuild = [3,4]
elif 70 >= deg > 45:
rebuild = [4,5]
elif 90 >= deg > 70:
rebuild = [5,6]
rebuild = [5, int(deg/15)]
return arc.Rebuild(rebuild[1], rebuild[0], True)
planes = [None, rs.ViewCPlane(), Rhino.Geometry.Plane.WorldXY]
def GetInputs(count):
planeList = ['Auto','CPlane','WorldXY']
while True:
rad = 1
if sc.sticky.has_key('NP_RAD'):
rad = sc.sticky['NP_RAD']
planeIdx = 0
if sc.sticky.has_key('FT_PLANE_IDX'):
planeIdx = sc.sticky['FT_PLANE_IDX']
sc.sticky['FT_PLANE_IDX'] = planeIdx
go = Rhino.Input.Custom.GetObject()
promptString = "Select an edge near the corner to fillet"
opRad = Rhino.Input.Custom.OptionDouble(rad)
go.AddOptionDouble("Radius", opRad)
go.AddOptionList("Plane", planeList, planeIdx)
if count > 0:
go.AcceptNumber(True, False)
go.GeometryFilter = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.EdgeFilter
go.EnablePreSelect(False, True)
rc = go.Get()
if go.CommandResult()!=Rhino.Commands.Result.Success:
return go.CommandResult()
if rc==Rhino.Input.GetResult.Object:
return objRef, rad
elif rc==Rhino.Input.GetResult.Number:
rad = go.Number()
sc.sticky['NP_RAD']= rad
elif rc==Rhino.Input.GetResult.Option:
idx = go.OptionIndex()
if idx == 1:
rad = opRad.CurrentValue
sc.sticky['NP_RAD']= rad
elif idx == 2:
planeIdx = go.Option().CurrentListOptionIndex
sc.sticky['FT_PLANE_IDX'] = planeIdx
count = 0
count = 0
while True:
#brep = rs.coercebrep(srfId)
inputs = GetInputs(count)
if inputs == Rhino.Commands.Result.Cancel: return
count += 1
objRef, rad = inputs
srfId = objRef.ObjectId
brep = objRef.Brep()
verts = brep.Vertices
vLocs = [vert.Location for vert in verts]
par1 = objRef.CurveParameter()[1]
selPt = objRef.SelectionPoint()
idx = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(vLocs,selPt)
vert = verts[idx]
pt = vert.Location
crvs = [brep.Edges[vert.EdgeIndices()[n]].EdgeCurve for n in range(vert.EdgeIndices().Count)]
#sub1, sub2, pts = SortCurveEnds(edges)
crv1 =crvs[0]
crv2 = crvs[1]
o = vert.Location
par1 = crv1.ClosestPoint(o)[1]
par2 = crv2.ClosestPoint(o)[1]
crvTan1 = crv1.TangentAt(par1)
crvTan2 = crv2.TangentAt(par2)
planeIdx = sc.sticky['FT_PLANE_IDX']
if planeIdx ==0:
myPlane = Rhino.Geometry.Plane(o, crvTan1, crvTan2)
myPlane = planes[planeIdx]
pull1 = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.ProjectToPlane(crv1,myPlane)
pull2 = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.ProjectToPlane(crv2,myPlane)
ft = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.CreateFillet(pull1, pull2, rad, par1, par2)
if not ft: return
if brep.Faces[0].IsPlanar():
crv = Rhino.Geometry.ArcCurve(ft)
crv = RebuildArc(Rhino.Geometry.ArcCurve(ft))
cPts = crv.Points
# get plane normal lines from the ends of the fillets and
# intersect with the input curves to find where to place the
# rebuilt fillet ends and tangent directions
bb = crv1.GetBoundingBox(False)
norm = Rhino.Geometry.Line(crv.PointAtStart,crv.PointAtStart + myPlane.ZAxis)
if norm.Length == 0:
tanPt1 = crv.PointAtStart
norm = Rhino.Geometry.LineCurve(norm)
intPt = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.CurveCurve(crv1, norm, tol, tol)
tanPt1 = intPt[0].PointA
tanPar1 = crv1.ClosestPoint(tanPt1)[1]
tan1 = crv1.TangentAt(tanPar1)
norm = Rhino.Geometry.Line(crv.PointAtEnd,crv.PointAtEnd + myPlane.ZAxis)
if norm.Length == 0:
tanPt2 = crv.PointAtEnd
norm = Rhino.Geometry.LineCurve(norm)
intPt = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.CurveCurve(crv2, norm, tol, tol)
tanPt2 = intPt[0].PointA
tanPar2 = crv2.ClosestPoint(tanPt2)[1]
tan2 = crv2.TangentAt(tanPar2)
# decide which way the tangents should go.
tanStart = cPts[1].Location-cPts[0].Location
tanEnd = cPts[cPts.Count-2].Location - cPts[cPts.Count-1].Location
if Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d.VectorAngle(tanStart,tan1) > pi/2:
if Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d.VectorAngle(tanEnd,tan2) > pi/2:
rc, cp1 = crv1.ClosestPoint(crv.PointAtStart)
rc, cp2 = crv2.ClosestPoint(crv.PointAtEnd)
d1 = cPts[0].Location.DistanceTo(cPts[1].Location)
d2 = cPts[cPts.Count-1].Location.DistanceTo(cPts[cPts.Count-2].Location)
tan1 = tan1*d1
tan2 = tan2*d2
cPts.SetPoint(0, crv1.PointAt(cp1))
cPts.SetPoint(1, crv1.PointAt(cp1) + tan1)
cPts.SetPoint(cPts.Count-1, crv2.PointAt(cp2))
cPts.SetPoint(cPts.Count-2, crv2.PointAt(cp2)+ tan2)
if cPts.Count > 4:
#move the plane to the second cp location:
myPlane.Origin = cPts[cPts.Count-2].Location
#find the direction vector and unitize it
vecDir = myPlane.ClosestPoint(cPts[1].Location) - cPts[1].Location
#get curve point locations in plane coorinates
xform = Rhino.Geometry.Transform.PlaneToPlane( myPlane,Rhino.Geometry.Plane.WorldXY )
locs = [xform*cPt.Location for cPt in cPts]
#get the locations as projected to the plane
planePts = [myPlane.ClosestPoint(cPt.Location) for cPt in cPts]
#get the fillet curve params for the tangent points
crvDom = crv.Domain
ftPar1 = crv.ClosestPoint(cPts[1].Location)[1]
ftPar2 = crv.ClosestPoint(cPts[cPts.Count-2].Location)[1]
#make a domain between the tangent points
domPts = Rhino.Geometry.Interval(ftPar1, ftPar2)
for i in range(2,cPts.Count-2):
ptPar = crv.ClosestPoint(cPts[i].Location)[1]
# ptPar = ptPar - crvDom.Min #<<< par in domPts
# get the normalized param of the point in
# the sub-domain
nPar = domPts.NormalizedParameterAt(ptPar)
z = (math.cos(nPar * pi)+1)/2
targ = planePts[i]+vecDir*z
cPts.SetPoint(i, targ)
splitter = crv.PullToBrepFace(brep.Faces[0], tol)[0]
breps = brep.Split.Overloads[IEnumerable[Rhino.Geometry.Curve], sd]( [splitter], tol)
if breps:
for item in breps:
test = item.Faces[0].PullPointsToFace([pt], tol)
if len(test) == 0:
if __name__== '__main__': FilletSrfCorner()
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