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Last active June 26, 2018 21:32
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Tries to stack a series of meshes from different files with minimal clearance.
import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
import os
def test():
max = 16 #max iterations
MainFolder = rs.WorkingFolder()
if sc.sticky.has_key("MAIN_FOLDER"):
MainFolder = sc.sticky["MAIN_FOLDER"]
MainFolder = rs.BrowseForFolder(MainFolder)
if not MainFolder:return
sc.sticky["MAIN_FOLDER"] = MainFolder
i = 0
# Sort the files from higher to lower arch
Files = [file for file in os.listdir(MainFolder) if file.endswith('.stl')]
Files = sorted(Files,reverse=True)
vecTemp = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(0,0,.05) #small extra vertical move after the final position has been arrived at.
Move each mesh as it comes in to the top of the previous one
then back downward half or some fraction their BB depth, then half of that until intersections are found
then move it back by half again and test, etc.
for file in Files:
rs.AddLayer(str(file))#add the layer with the name of the stl
rs.CurrentLayer(str(file))#set the layer active
cmd= "_-Import " + chr(34) + str(MainFolder) + "\\" + str(file) + chr(34) + " _EnterEnd "#import the next file
print "cmd = " + cmd
if rs.LastCommandResult()!= 0: continue
id = rs.LastCreatedObjects()[0]
if not id: continue
if i == 0:
#if this is the first time through
#just get a copy of the mesh, set it as the base mesh,
#set a flag (i) and then open the next file
baseMesh = rs.coercemesh(id).Duplicate()
i = 1
# get a copy of the incoming mesh into memory
mesh = rs.coercemesh(id).Duplicate()
#Get the BB of the previous mesh
baseBB = baseMesh.GetBoundingBox(False)
baseCorners = baseBB.GetCorners()
#Get the BB of the current mesh
bb = mesh.GetBoundingBox(False)
corners = bb.GetCorners()
#Get a vector from the bottom of the current mesh BB to the top
# of the previous mesh BB as a starting point for jiggling.
tempDir = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(0,0,baseCorners[4].Z-corners[0].Z)
# move the mesh on top of the last mesh
# get a vector representing the depth of the current mesh in z
vecDir = corners[0]-corners[4]
#make the vector smaller.
vecDir = vecDir*.25
last = False
count = 0
while True:
count += 1
# find the intersection of the two meshes
x = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshMeshFast(mesh, baseMesh)
if count > max: # hit the max iterations
if x.Count == 0 and last == False:
#print "None_False"
elif x.Count == 0 and last == True:
#print "None_True"
last = False
#shrink the vector and reverse it
vecDir = vecDir*.5
elif x.Count != 0 and last == True:
#print "Some_True"
elif x.Count != 0 and last == False:
#print "Some_False"
last = True
vecDir = vecDir*.5
#make the last prcessed mesh the one to test against
baseMesh = mesh
#add the last processed mesh to the doc
sc.doc.Objects.Replace(id, baseMesh)
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