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Last active November 21, 2022 22:31
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Примеры исходного кода к статье
use Bitrix\Main\Engine\Contract\Controllerable;
class ajaxTest extends \CBitrixComponent implements Controllerable {
function executeComponent(){
$this->arResult = [
'COMPONENT_ID' => $this->componentId()
function configureActions(){
return [
'exampleRequest' => [
'prefilters' => []
,'postfilters' => []
function exampleRequestAction($componentId, $scriptCast){
if(($scriptPath = base64_decode($scriptCast))
&& ($arComponentData = self::componentData(
/* полученный $arParams */
return [
/* ответ на аякс-запрос */
protected function componentId(){
$entryId = 'sometext';
$m = null;
/* вычленим только уникальную цифровую часть идентификатора */
'/^bx_(.*)_' . $entryId . '$/',
return $m[1];
protected static function pageComponents($scriptPath){
if(is_file($absPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $scriptPath)){
$arCounter = [];
$fileContent = file_get_contents($absPath);
$arComponents = \PHPParser::ParseScript($fileContent);
foreach ($arComponents as &$r){
/* делаем ID как в методе getEditAreaId */
$r['ID'] = abs(crc32($r['DATA']['COMPONENT_NAME']
. '_' . $arCounter[$r['DATA']['COMPONENT_NAME']]));
return $arComponents;
throw new \Exception('File [' . $scriptPath . '] not found');
protected static function componentData($componentId,$scriptPath){
&& ($arComponents = self::pageComponents($scriptPath))
foreach($arComponents as $arData)
if($componentId == $arData['ID'])
return $arData;
<?if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die();
if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true) die;
mode: 'class'
,data: {
componentId: <?=$arResult['COMPONENT_ID']?>
,scriptCast: '<?=base64_encode($arResult['SCRIPT_PATH'])?>'
if(response.status === 'success'){
/* запрос выполнен успешно */
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