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Last active December 18, 2021 11:11
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Upgrade Kernel on Centos7 via ELRepo
Install the ELRepo and GPG key
rpm --import
yum install -y
Enable kernel updates from elrepo
yum-config-manager --enable elrepo-kernel
Remove old kernel stuff
yum remove -y kernel-{devel,tools,tools-libs}
Install the ELRepo built kernel and grub2-tools
yum install -y kernel-ml kernel-ml-{devel,tools,tools-libs} grub2-tools
We ensure these exist on the off chance they were removed during the kernel stuff above
yum install -y dkms gcc redhat-lsb-languages
Build a new grub config with the ELRepo kernel entry
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
grep vmlinuz /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
Ensure we boot the latest kernel
grub2-set-default 0
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I think you should remove the -y from yum remove -y kernel-{devel,tools,tools-libs} so that the user can see what all will be removed before they commit to running it.

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Hi @thpryrchn,

That's a good idea, but this was initially what I used on servers before I built ansible automation to do it for me. When starting up the server and having a script perform the task, you don't exactly need to worry what packages are removed as long as the server comes online post-reboot with the new el-repo kernel.

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thpryrchn commented Jul 25, 2019

Aww.. BTW, the repo install has changed... It is now yum -y install

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Thanks! I haven't used any of this particular code in years and it is woefully out of date.

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