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Last active July 11, 2018 15:21
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/// <reference path="../leaflet/leaflet.d.ts" />
declare module L {
export interface MapOptions {
drawControl?: boolean;
export interface ControlStatic {
Draw: Control.DrawStatic;
module Control {
export interface DrawStatic {
new(options?: IDrawConstructorOptions): Draw;
export interface IDrawConstructorOptions {
* The initial position of the control (one of the map corners).
* Default value: 'topleft'
position?: string;
* The options used to configure the draw toolbar.
draw?: DrawOptions;
* The options used to configure the edit toolbar
edit: EditOptions;
export interface DrawOptions {
* Polyline draw handler options. Set to false to disable handler.
polyline?: DrawOptions.PolylineOptions;
* Polygon draw handler options. Set to false to disable handler.
polygon?: DrawOptions.PolygonOptions;
* Rectangle draw handler options. Set to false to disable handler.
rectangle?: DrawOptions.RectangleOptions;
* Circle draw handler options. Set to false to disable handler.
circle?: DrawOptions.CircleOptions;
* Marker draw handler options. Set to false to disable handler.
marker?: DrawOptions.MarkerOptions;
export interface EditOptions {
* This is the FeatureGroup that stores all editable shapes.
* Deafult value: 'null'
featureGroup: FeatureGroup<ILayer>;
* Edit handler options. Set to false to disable handler.
edit?: DrawOptions.EditHandlerOptions;
* Delete handler options. Set to false to disable handler.
remove?: DrawOptions.DeleteHandlerOptions;
export interface Draw extends IControl {
module DrawOptions {
export interface PolylineOptions {
* Determines if line segments can cross.
* Default value: 'true'
allowIntersection?: boolean;
* Configuration options for the error that displays if an intersection is detected.
drawError?: any;
* Distance in pixels between each guide dash.
* Default value: '20'
guidelineDistance?: number;
* The options used when drawing the polyline/polygon on the map.
shapeOptions?: L.PolylineOptions;
* Determines which measurement system (metric or imperial) is used.
* Default value: 'true' - metric
metric?: boolean;
* This should be a high number to ensure that you can draw over all other layers on the map.
* Default value: '2000'
zIndexOffset?: number;
* Determines if the draw tool remains enabled after drawing a shape.
* Default value: 'false'
repeatMode?: boolean;
export interface PolygonOptions extends PolylineOptions {
* Show the area of the drawn polygon in m², ha or km².
* The area is only approximate and become less accurate the larger the polygon is.
* Default value: 'false'
showArea?: boolean;
export interface RectangleOptions {
* The options used when drawing the rectangle on the map.
shapeOptions?: L.PathOptions;
* Determines if the draw tool remains enabled after drawing a shape.
* Default value: 'false'
repeatMode?: boolean;
export interface CircleOptions {
* The options used when drawing the circle on the map.
shapeOptions?: L.PathOptions;
* The options used when drawing the circle on the map.
* Default value: 'false'
repeatMode?: boolean;
export interface MarkerOptions {
* The icon displayed when drawing a marker.
* Default value: 'L.Icon.Default()'
icon?: L.Icon;
* This should be a high number to ensure that you can draw over all other layers on the map.
* Default value: '2000'
zIndexOffset?: number;
* Determines if the draw tool remains enabled after drawing a shape.
* Default value: 'false'
repeatMode?: boolean;
export interface EditHandlerOptions {
* The path options for how the layers will look while in edit mode.
* If this is set to null the editable path options will not be set.
selectedPathOptions?: L.PathOptions;
export interface DeleteHandlerOptions {
module DrawEvents {
export interface Created {
* Layer that was just created.
layer: ILayer;
* The type of layer this is. One of: polyline, polygon, rectangle, circle, marker
layerType: string;
export interface Edited {
* List of all layers just edited on the map.
layers: LayerGroup<ILayer>;
export interface Deleted {
* List of all layers just removed from the map.
layers: LayerGroup<ILayer>;
export interface DrawStart {
* The type of layer this is. One of: polyline, polygon, rectangle, circle, marker
layerType: string;
export interface DrawStop {
* The type of layer this is. One of: polyline, polygon, rectangle, circle, marker
layerType: string;
export interface EditStart {
* The type of edit this is. One of: edit
handler: string;
export interface EditStop {
* The type of edit this is. One of: edit
handler: string;
export interface DeleteStart {
* The type of edit this is. One of: remove
handler: string;
export interface DeleteStop {
* The type of edit this is. One of: remove
handler: string;
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