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Created November 16, 2020 12:32
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#' get next best pilot stop using nearest neighbor
#' @param tour
#' @param dima
#' @return
#' @export
get_best_pilot_stop <- function(tour, dima) {
stops <- 1:nrow(dima)
potential_stops <- stops[-tour]
if (length(potential_stops) == 0) {
stop("nothing to complete!")
best_cost <- Inf
best_stop <- NA
for (stop in potential_stops) {
temp_tour <- c(tour, stop)
nn_tour <- complete_nn(temp_tour, dima)
cost <- get_tour_cost(nn_tour, dima)
if (cost < best_cost) {
best_cost <- cost
best_stop <- stop
return (best_stop)
#' get tour cost
#' @param tour the tour
#' @param dima the dima
#' @return
#' @export
get_tour_cost <- function(tour, dima) {
cur_pos <- tour[1];
tot_dist <- 0;
for (i in 2:length(tour)) {
tot_dist <- tot_dist + dima[cur_pos, tour[i]]
cur_pos <- tour[i]
#' complete the tour using nearest neighbor
#' @param temp_tour
#' @param dima
#' @return
#' @export
complete_nn <- function(temp_tour, dima) {
while (length(temp_tour) < nrow(dima)) {
next_stop <- get_best_nn_stop(temp_tour, dima)
temp_tour <- c(temp_tour, next_stop)
# return to start
temp_tour <- c(temp_tour, temp_tour[1])
return (temp_tour)
#' get next best greedy stop using nearest neighbor
#' @param temp_tour
#' @param dima
#' @return
#' @export
get_best_nn_stop <- function(temp_tour, dima) {
stops <- 1:nrow(dima)
potential_stops <- stops[-temp_tour]
cur_pos <- tail(temp_tour, 1)
best_id <- which.min(dima[cur_pos, potential_stops])
best_next <- potential_stops[best_id]
#' build best tour using pilot method based on NN-heuristic for tour-completion
#' @param dima
#' @return
#' @export
get_nn_based_pilot_tsp <- function(dima) {
# start at 1
tour <- c(1)
cat("starting at: ", tour, "\n")
while (length(tour) < nrow(dima)) {
next_stop <- get_best_pilot_stop(tour, dima)
cat("next best pilot stop is: ", next_stop, "\n")
tour <- c(tour, next_stop)
# return to start
tour <- c(tour, tour[1])
# generate the best TSP tour using the pilot method and the nearest neighbor
# heuristic to complete the tour
dima <- matrix(c(0,5,3,19,7,13,0,1,18,6,12,4,0,14,6,11,9,8,0,10,23,11,7,21,0),
byrow = T, nrow = 5)
tour <- get_nn_based_pilot_tsp(dima)
cat("tour is: ", tour)
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phabee commented Nov 16, 2020

Generate a TSP solution based on a given distance matrix applying pilot method and using nearest neighbor for greedy tour completion and total cost-estimation method.

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