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Last active December 8, 2023 15:26
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Sudoku Solver using MILP
from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp
import numpy as np
def solve(sudoku):
Solve the sudoku passed
:param sudoku: a 9x9 sudoku field
:return: the completed 9x9 sudoku field
# Create the model.
solver_name = 'SCIP'
model = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver(solver_name)
# create clues parameter
c = convert_sudoku_to_binary_array(sudoku)
# create index sets
I, J, K, P, Q = list(range(9)), list(range(9)), list(range(9)), list(range(3)), list(range(3))
# create decision vars
X = {}
for i in I:
for j in J:
for k in K:
X[(i, j, k)] = model.BoolVar('task_i%ij%ik%i' % (i, j, k))
# constraint 0: Each cell must contain a digit
for i in I:
for j in J:
model.Add(sum(X[(i, j, k)] for k in K) == 1)
# constraint 1: Each row must contain each digit exactly once
for i in I:
for k in K:
model.Add(sum(X[(i, j, k)] for j in J) == 1)
# constraint 2: Each column must contain each digit exactly once
for j in J:
for k in K:
model.Add(sum(X[(i, j, k)] for i in I) == 1)
# constraint 3: Each subgrid must contain each digit exactly once
for p in P:
# calculate i_subset from p for sum-formula
i_subset = list(range(3 * p, 3 * p + 3))
for q in Q:
# calculate j_subset from q for sum-formula
j_subset = list(range(3 * q, 3 * q + 3))
for k in K:
model.Add(sum(X[(i, j, k)] for i in i_subset for j in j_subset) == 1)
# constraint 4: Comply with the clues provided
for i in I:
for j in J:
for k in K:
model.Add(X[(i, j, k)] >= c[(i, j, k)])
# Zielfunktion
status = model.Solve()
if status == pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL:
model_solved = True
solution = convert_x_to_sudoku(X)
model_solved = False
solution = sudoku
return model_solved, solution
def convert_sudoku_to_binary_array(sudoku):
Takes a 2x2 sudoku np-array and derives a 3-d clue param by adding a dimension
of binary flags for each digit as required by the model
:param sudoku: the sudoku np-array
:return: the clue parameter for the model
binary_sudoku = np.zeros((9, 9, 9), dtype=int)
for i in range(9):
for j in range(9):
if sudoku[i, j] != 0:
binary_sudoku[i, j, sudoku[i, j] - 1] = 1
return binary_sudoku
def convert_x_to_sudoku(X):
Convert the solver solution back to a sudoku 2x2 field
:param X: the solution variable x[i,j,k]
:return: a sudoku 2x2 field
sudoku = np.zeros(shape=(9, 9), dtype=np.int8)
for i in range(0, 9):
for j in range(0, 9):
for k in range(0, 9):
if X[(i, j, k)].solution_value() == 1:
sudoku[i, j] = k + 1
return sudoku
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Define a sudoku; 0 = undefined, 1-9 are clues
sudoku = np.array([[0, 7, 2, 4, 8, 5, 0, 0, 0],
[4, 0, 8, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 4, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 8],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 3, 0, 7],
[0, 0, 0, 7, 3, 8, 2, 1, 0]])
solved, solution = solve(sudoku)
if solved:
print("No solution found. Unfeasible instance provided.")
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