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Last active June 18, 2023 11:12
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module Staged where
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open ≡-Reasoning
-- indices, we could open import Data.Fin renaming too.
-- probably should (so we get all the lemmas).
-- but for now it's defined inline.
data Idx : ℕ → Set where
iz : ∀ {n} → Idx (suc n)
is : ∀ {n} → Idx n → Idx (suc n)
-- Syntax
-- simple types
data Ty : Set where
fun : Ty → Ty → Ty
code : Ty → Ty
int : Ty
pattern _⇒_ α β = fun α β
infixr 5 _⇒_
data Term (n : ℕ) : Set where
var : Idx n → Term n -- x
app : Term n → Term n → Term n -- f t
lam : Ty → Term (suc n) → Term n -- λ (x : α) → t
zero : Term n -- Z
succ : Term n → Term n -- S n
elim : Term n → Ty → Term n → Term (suc n) → Term n -- elim α z (λ m → s) n
quot : Term n → Term n -- ⟦ t ⟧
splice : Term n → Term n -- $t
pattern var₀ = var iz
-- Environments, essentially Data.Vec,
-- but we want own syntax and snoc behavior (do we?)
-- well that will make it look more like in the literature.
data Env (A : Set) : ℕ → Set where
∙ : Env A zero
_,_ : ∀ {n} → Env A n → A → Env A (suc n)
infixl 5 _,_
mapEnv : ∀ {A B} → (A → B) → ∀ {n} → Env A n → Env B n
mapEnv f ∙ = ∙
mapEnv f (Γ , x) = mapEnv f Γ , f x
mapEnv-comp : ∀ {A B C} → (f : B → C) (g : A → B) → ∀ {n} → (Γ : Env A n)
→ mapEnv f (mapEnv g Γ) ≡ mapEnv (λ x → f (g x)) Γ
mapEnv-comp f g ∙ = refl
mapEnv-comp f g (Γ , x) = cong (_, f (g x)) (mapEnv-comp f g Γ)
-- this is a bit tricky to avoid needing funExt
mapEnv-id : ∀ {A} → (f : A → A) → (∀ x → f x ≡ x) → ∀ {n} → (Γ : Env A n)
→ mapEnv f Γ ≡ Γ
mapEnv-id f f-id ∙ = refl
mapEnv-id f f-id (Γ , x) = cong₂ _,_ (mapEnv-id f f-id Γ) (f-id x)
-- Typing relation
infix 0 _∋_⦂_ _⊢_⦂_
-- variable with a type in context.
-- we /could/ (define and) use lookup,
-- but IIRC it's handier to have inductive type
-- as we can always match on it.
-- alternatively varₜ would need to be defined like
-- varₜ : ∀ {x α} → lookup Γ x ≡ α → Γ ⊢ var x ⦂ α
-- either one works.
data _∋_⦂_ : ∀ {n} → Env Ty n → Idx n → Ty → Set where
izₜ : ∀ {α n} {Γ : Env Ty n} → Γ , α ∋ iz ⦂ α
isₜ : ∀ {α n β x} {Γ : Env Ty n} → Γ ∋ x ⦂ α → Γ , β ∋ is x ⦂ α
-- Typing relation.
-- The best (ab)use of Agda mixfix support.
data _⊢_⦂_ {n} (Γ : Env Ty n) : Term n → Ty → Set where
varₜ : ∀ {x α}
→ Γ ∋ x ⦂ α
→ Γ ⊢ var x ⦂ α
appₜ : ∀ {f t α β}
→ Γ ⊢ f ⦂ fun α β
→ Γ ⊢ t ⦂ α
→ Γ ⊢ app f t ⦂ β
lamₜ : ∀ {t α β}
→ Γ , α ⊢ t ⦂ β
→ Γ ⊢ lam α t ⦂ fun α β
quotₜ : ∀ {t α}
→ Γ ⊢ t ⦂ α
→ Γ ⊢ quot t ⦂ code α
spliceₜ : ∀ {t α}
→ Γ ⊢ t ⦂ code α
→ Γ ⊢ splice t ⦂ α
-- TODO: add rules for zero, succ and elim
-- Examples
-- ⟦ λ x → x ⟧
timely : Term zero
timely = quot (lam int var₀)
-- λ y → $y
hasty : Term zero
hasty = lam (code int) (splice var₀)
-- λ z → ⟦ z ⟧
tardy : Term zero
tardy = lam int (quot var₀)
-- These are all /well-typed/.
-- And in fact, C-a solves these, as the typing-relation
-- is syntax directed.
timelyₜ : ∙ ⊢ timely ⦂ code (fun int int)
timelyₜ = quotₜ (lamₜ (varₜ izₜ))
hastyₜ : ∙ ⊢ hasty ⦂ fun (code int) int
hastyₜ = lamₜ (spliceₜ (varₜ izₜ))
tardyₜ : ∙ ⊢ tardy ⦂ fun int (code int)
tardyₜ = lamₜ (quotₜ (varₜ izₜ))
-- but only timely is well-staged!
-- what means to be well-staged?
-- we have to define that.
-- Staging relation
-- staged levels are integers.
import Data.Integer as ℤ
import Data.Integer.Properties as ℤP
open ℤ using (ℤ; 0ℤ)
-- We could use some fancy syntax here like
-- Γ ⊢ x staged, i.e. _⊢_staged.
-- but maybe better not to for now.
-- ₓ subscript is for "variables" (x)
data well-stagedₓ : ∀ {n} → Env ℤ n → Idx n → Set where
izₛ : ∀ {n} {Γ : Env ℤ n} → well-stagedₓ (Γ , 0ℤ) iz
isₛ : ∀ {n x l} {Γ : Env ℤ n} → well-stagedₓ Γ x → well-stagedₓ (Γ , l) (is x)
data well-staged {n} (Γ : Env ℤ n) : Term n → Set where
varₛ : ∀ {x} → well-stagedₓ Γ x → well-staged Γ (var x)
appₛ : ∀ {f t}
→ well-staged Γ f
→ well-staged Γ t
→ well-staged Γ (app f t)
lamₛ : ∀ {t α}
→ well-staged (Γ , 0ℤ) t
→ well-staged Γ (lam α t)
quotₛ : ∀ {t}
→ well-staged (mapEnv ℤ.suc Γ) t
→ well-staged Γ (quot t)
spliceₜ : ∀ {t}
→ well-staged (mapEnv ℤ.pred Γ) t
→ well-staged Γ (splice t)
-- Usually the staging relation is defined as "at staged n".
-- We define here "at level 0" and instead adjust the context
-- with mapEnv in quotₛ and spliceₜ
-- I think it's cleaner, and I have a reasoning for that
-- to be explained later.
-- In this development typing and staging relation are separate.
-- In practice it's probably better to combine them,
-- after all they are both syntactically directed,
-- so are similar
-- And it's hard to think why you would want be able
-- to consider say just well typed terms, which are possibly
-- ill-staged. Except for example purposes as in here.
-- Staging examples
-- only timely is well-staged!
timelyₛ : well-staged ∙ timely
timelyₛ = quotₛ (lamₛ (varₛ izₛ))
-- (her we see the benefit of defining well-stagedₓ inductively).
¬hastyₛ : well-staged ∙ hasty → ⊥
¬hastyₛ (lamₛ (spliceₜ (varₛ ())))
¬tardyₛ : well-staged ∙ tardy → ⊥
¬tardyₛ (lamₛ (quotₛ (varₛ ())))
-- There are also examples which is well staged but not well typed
-- λ (x : α) → x x
ohnoes : Ty → Term zero
ohnoes α = lam α (app var₀ var₀)
-- ohnoes is well staged
ohnoesₛ : (α : Ty) → well-staged ∙ (ohnoes α)
ohnoesₛ _ = lamₛ (appₛ (varₛ izₛ) (varₛ izₛ))
-- ... but not well-typed
-- though we'd need to proof uniqueness of typing to show that in general.
-- but for specific instantiation it's simple.
¬ohnoesₜ-int : ∙ ⊢ ohnoes int ⦂ int ⇒ int → ⊥
¬ohnoesₜ-int (lamₜ (appₜ (varₜ ()) _))
-- Computation
-- If we define small-step relation for this calculus
-- the quot and splice have simple rules
-- quot (splice t) ↝ t i.e. ⟦ $t ⟧ ↝ t
-- splice (quot t) ↝ t i.e. $⟦ t ⟧ ↝ t
-- these preserve both typing and staging, e.g. the first one
preservation-qsₜ : ∀ {n Γ α} {t : Term n}
→ Γ ⊢ quot (splice t) ⦂ code α
→ Γ ⊢ t ⦂ code α
preservation-qsₜ (quotₜ (spliceₜ tₜ)) = tₜ
preservation-qsₛ : ∀ {n Γ} {t : Term n}
→ well-staged Γ (quot (splice t))
→ well-staged Γ t
preservation-qsₛ (quotₛ (spliceₜ tₛ)) = subst (λ Γ → well-staged Γ _) (lemma _) tₛ
lemma : ∀ {n} (Γ : Env ℤ n) → mapEnv ℤ.pred (mapEnv ℤ.suc Γ) ≡ Γ
lemma Γ =
mapEnv ℤ.pred (mapEnv ℤ.suc Γ) ≡⟨ mapEnv-comp _ _ Γ ⟩
mapEnv (λ x → ℤ.pred (ℤ.suc x)) Γ ≡⟨ mapEnv-id _ ℤP.pred-suc Γ ⟩
Γ ∎
-- Most of small-step relation are boring congruence rules like
-- t ↝ t′
-- ------------------
-- lam α t ↝ lam α t′
-- And in fact, for quot and splice these can look like that too!
-- However, to actually do staging (and not just add extra syntax)
-- the rules need to be changed.
-- We'd need to index the small-step relation by level,
-- make quot and splice congruence rules increase/decrease it
-- and allow-reduction only at appropriate levels.
-- That is possible, but not very fun.
-- Instead we could keep the small-step relation unindexed
-- and change /the syntax/.
-- That's idea of splice environments in matthew's thesis
-- and staging with class paper
-- Instead of quot and splice, we'd have splice environments
-- spliceEnv : Splices n m → Term (n + m) → Term n
-- where Splices n m = Env (Term n) m
-- then the "boring" small-step congruence rule
-- env ↝ env′
-- ----------------------------------
-- spliceEnv env t ↝ spliceEnv env′ t
-- will be enough.
-- We can reduce the splices, but the code part (t) will stay as is.
-- It would be fun to formalise such staging setup in Agda in this style,
-- but it will take longer than an afternoon.
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