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Created September 28, 2012 08:37
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Viikkotehtävän neliöhuijauksen todistus!
Theorem plus_comm : forall (n m : nat),
n + m = m + n.
intros n. induction n as [| n'].
(* case n = 0 *)
intros m. rewrite <- plus_n_O. rewrite -> plus_O_n. trivial.
(* case n = S n' *)
intros m. rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. rewrite -> plus_Sn_m.
apply eq_S. apply IHn'. Qed.
Fixpoint ble_nat (n m : nat) : bool :=
match n with
| O => true
| S n' =>
match m with
| O => false
| S m' => ble_nat n' m'
Theorem ble_nat_refl : forall (n : nat),
true = ble_nat n n.
induction n.
simpl. apply IHn. Qed.
Theorem ble_nat_Sn_0 : forall n,
false = ble_nat (S n) 0.
destruct n. trivial. trivial. Qed.
Theorem ble_nat_Sn_le : forall n m,
true = ble_nat (S n) m -> true = ble_nat n m.
intros n m.
generalize dependent n.
induction m as [| m'].
(* case m = 0, absurd *)
intros n H. rewrite <- ble_nat_Sn_0 in H. inversion H.
(* case m = S m' *)
simpl. intros n H. destruct n as [| n'].
(* subcase n = 0 *)
simpl. trivial.
(* subcase n = S n' *)
simpl. apply IHm'. apply H. Qed.
Theorem ble_nat_S_refl : forall n m,
true = ble_nat n m -> false = ble_nat (S m) n.
intros n.
induction n as [| n'].
(* case n = 0 *)
intros m H. apply ble_nat_Sn_0.
(* case n = S n' *)
intros m H. simpl. destruct m as [| m'].
(* case m = 0 *)
rewrite <- ble_nat_Sn_0 in H. inversion H.
(* case m = S m' *)
apply IHn'. apply H. Qed.
Definition square (n : nat) : nat := n * n.
Theorem square_Sn : forall (n : nat),
square (S n) = S (square n + n + n).
intros n.
unfold square. simpl. apply eq_S.
rewrite <- mult_n_Sm. rewrite <- plus_comm. trivial. Qed.
(* 0-indekssoitu viikkotehtava, n -> (sarake, rivi) *)
Fixpoint viikko1 (n : nat) : (nat * nat) :=
match n with
| O => (O, O)
| S n' => match viikko1 n' with
| (O, y) => (S y, O)
| (x, y) => if ble_nat x y then (pred x, y) else (x, S y)
Example viikko1_example1 : viikko1 0 = (0, 0). reflexivity. Qed.
Example viikko1_example2 : viikko1 1 = (1, 0). reflexivity. Qed.
Example viikko1_example3 : viikko1 9 = (3, 0). reflexivity. Qed.
Example viikko1_example4 : viikko1 12 = (3, 3). reflexivity. Qed.
Example viikko1_example5 : viikko1 15 = (0, 3). reflexivity. Qed.
Example viikko1_example6 : viikko1 16 = (4, 0). reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma viikko1_lemma1' : forall (m n x y: nat),
true = ble_nat (y + m) x -> viikko1 n = (x, y) -> viikko1 (n + m) = (x, y + m).
intros m.
induction m as [| m'].
(* Case m = 0 *)
intros n x y t H.
rewrite <- plus_n_O. rewrite <- plus_n_O.
apply H.
(* Case m = S m' *)
intros n x y t H.
(* Helpers *)
assert (nH: n + S m' = S (n + m')). rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. trivial.
assert (YH: y + S m' = S (y + m')). rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. trivial.
(* continue ... *)
rewrite -> YH. rewrite -> nH.
replace (viikko1 (n + m')) with (x, y + m').
destruct x as [| x'].
(* x = 0 *)
rewrite -> YH in t. inversion t.
(* x = S x' *)
replace ( ble_nat (S x') (y + m')) with (false).
(* Proof of replace *)
apply ble_nat_S_refl. rewrite -> YH in t. inversion t. trivial.
(* End of proof *)
symmetry. apply IHm'. rewrite -> YH in t. apply ble_nat_Sn_le. apply t.
apply H. Qed.
Lemma viikko1_lemma1 : forall (n x : nat),
viikko1 n = (x, 0) -> viikko1 (n + x) = (x, x).
intros n x H.
replace ((x, x)) with ((x, 0 + x)).
apply viikko1_lemma1'.
(* Proof of prereq *)
simpl. apply ble_nat_refl.
apply H.
(* Proof of replace *)
simpl. trivial. Qed.
Lemma viikko1_lemma3 : forall (n x : nat),
viikko1 n = (0, x) -> viikko1 (S n) = (S x, 0).
intros n x.
destruct n as [| n'].
simpl. intros H. inversion H. trivial.
simpl. intros H. rewrite -> H. trivial. Qed.
Lemma viikko1_lemma2' : forall (m n y: nat),
true = ble_nat m y -> viikko1 n = (m, y) -> viikko1 (n + m) = (0, y).
intros m.
induction m as [| m'].
(* case m = 0 *)
intros n y t H.
rewrite <- plus_n_O. apply H.
(* case m = S m' *)
intros n y t H.
assert (nH: n + S m' = S (n + m')). rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. trivial.
rewrite -> nH.
destruct y as [| y'].
(* case y = 0 *)
inversion t.
(* case y = S y' *)
rewrite <- plus_Sn_m.
apply IHm'.
inversion t.
apply ble_nat_Sn_le. apply t.
simpl. rewrite -> H. rewrite <- t. trivial. Qed.
Lemma viikko1_lemma2 : forall (n x : nat),
viikko1 n = (x, x) -> viikko1 (n + x) = (0, x).
intros n x H.
apply viikko1_lemma2'.
simpl. apply ble_nat_refl.
simpl. apply H. Qed.
(* This is the thing !!!
Jos viikkotehtavassa olisi 0-indeksointi
0 1 4 9
3 2 5
8 7 6
ja laskettaisiin 0 -> (0, 0) niin:
Theorem viikko1_square_huijaus : forall n : nat,
viikko1 (square n) = (n, 0).
intros n.
induction n as [| n'].
rewrite -> square_Sn.
apply viikko1_lemma3.
apply viikko1_lemma2.
apply viikko1_lemma1.
apply IHn'. Qed.
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