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Created June 3, 2019 21:28
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-- Thorsten Altenkirch demonstrates a bit of cubical agda preview in
-- his Lambda Days 2019 talk: Why Type Theory matters.
-- The slides don't reveal everything. It took me few attempts,
-- but finally succeeded in filling-the-blanks quest.
-- It was a lot easier since agda/cubical library got more HIT examples.
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}
module ZZ where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.Int
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
data ℤ : Set where
zero : ℤ
succ : ℤ → ℤ
pred : ℤ → ℤ
succpred : ∀ z → succ (pred z) ≡ z
predsucc : ∀ z → pred (succ z) ≡ z
trunc : isSet ℤ
module ZElim {ℓ} {B : ℤ → Type ℓ}
(zero* : B zero)
(succ* : {z : ℤ} → B z → B (succ z))
(pred* : {z : ℤ} → B z → B (pred z))
(succpred* : {z : ℤ} (b : B z) → PathP (λ i → B (succpred z i) ) (succ* (pred* b)) b)
(predsucc* : {z : ℤ} (b : B z) → PathP (λ i → B (predsucc z i) ) (pred* (succ* b)) b)
(trunc* : (z : ℤ) → isSet (B z))
f : (z : ℤ) → B z
f zero = zero*
f (succ z) = succ* (f z)
f (pred z) = pred* (f z)
f (succpred z i) = succpred* (f z) i
f (predsucc z i) = predsucc* (f z) i
f (trunc n m p q i j) = elimSquash₀ trunc* (trunc n m p q) (f n) (f m) (cong f p) (cong f q) i j
module ZElimProp {ℓ} {B : ℤ → Type ℓ} (BProp : {z : ℤ} → isProp (B z))
(zero* : B zero)
(succ* : {z : ℤ} → B z → B (succ z))
(pred* : {z : ℤ} → B z → B (pred z))
f : (z : ℤ) → B z
f = ZElim.f zero* succ* pred*
(λ {z} b → toPathP (BProp (transp (λ i → B (succpred z i)) i0 (succ* (pred* b))) b))
(λ {z} b → toPathP (BProp (transp (λ i → B (predsucc z i)) i0 (pred* (succ* b))) b))
(λ z → isProp→isSet BProp)
module ZRec {ℓ} {B : Type ℓ} (BType : isSet B)
(zero* : B)
(succ* : B → B)
(pred* : B → B)
(succpred* : (b : B) → succ* (pred* b) ≡ b)
(predsucc* : (b : B) → pred* (succ* b) ≡ b)
f : ℤ → B
f = ZElim.f zero* succ* pred* succpred* predsucc* (λ _ → BType)
module Properties where
ℤ-isSet : isSet ℤ
ℤ-isSet = trunc
ℤ→Int : ℤ → Int
ℤ→Int = ZRec.f isSetInt (pos 0) sucInt predInt sucPred predSuc
Int→ℤ : Int → ℤ
Int→ℤ (pos n) = iter n succ zero
Int→ℤ (negsuc n) = iter n pred (pred zero)
lem1 : ∀ n → ℤ→Int (iter n succ zero) ≡ pos n
lem1 zero = refl
lem1 (suc n) = cong sucInt (lem1 n)
lem2 : ∀ n → ℤ→Int (iter n pred (pred zero)) ≡ negsuc n
lem2 zero = refl
lem2 (suc n) = cong predInt (lem2 n)
Int→ℤ→Int : ∀ (z : Int) → ℤ→Int (Int→ℤ z) ≡ z
Int→ℤ→Int (pos n) = lem1 n
Int→ℤ→Int (negsuc n) = lem2 n
lem3 : ∀ z → Int→ℤ (sucInt z) ≡ succ (Int→ℤ z)
lem3 (pos n) = refl
lem3 (negsuc zero) = sym (succpred zero)
lem3 (negsuc (suc n)) = sym (succpred _)
lem4 : ∀ z → Int→ℤ (predInt z) ≡ pred (Int→ℤ z)
lem4 (pos zero) = refl
lem4 (pos (suc n)) = sym (predsucc _)
lem4 (negsuc n) = refl
ℤ→Int→ℤ : ∀ (z : ℤ) → Int→ℤ (ℤ→Int z) ≡ z
ℤ→Int→ℤ = ZElimProp.f {B = λ z → Int→ℤ (ℤ→Int z) ≡ z} (ℤ-isSet _ _)
(λ {z} p → lem3 (ℤ→Int z) ∙ cong succ p)
(λ {z} p → lem4 (ℤ→Int z) ∙ cong pred p)
Int≡ℤ : Int ≡ ℤ
Int≡ℤ = isoToPath (iso Int→ℤ ℤ→Int ℤ→Int→ℤ Int→ℤ→Int)
-- Examples
module Ex where
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.DecidableEq
-- We know that Int is discrete (i.e. has decidable equality)
-- so ℤ is discrete as well!
discreteℤ : Discrete ℤ
discreteℤ = subst Discrete Properties.Int≡ℤ discreteInt
-- let's try to compute!
-- I strip to Bool as otherwise Agda takes ages to compute the evidence
ex₁ : Dec→Bool (discreteℤ (pred (succ zero)) (succ (pred zero))) ≡ true
ex₁ = refl
ex₂ : Dec→Bool (discreteℤ (pred (succ zero)) (succ (pred (pred zero)))) ≡ false
ex₂ = refl
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