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Created June 12, 2016 17:52
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newtype Two f a = Two (f (f a))
data Sq f a = M a (f a) | E (Sq (Two f) a)
class NFData a where
rnf :: a -> ()
instance NFData () where
rnf () = ()
instance (NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (a, b) where
rnf (a, b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
-- transformers-0.5
class NFData1 f where
rnfWith :: (a -> ()) -> f a -> ()
instance NFData1 f => NFData1 (Two f) where
rnfWith r (Two t) = rnfWith (rnfWith r) t
instance NFData1 f => NFData1 (Sq f) where
rnfWith r (M a f) = rnf (r a, rnfWith r f)
rnfWith r (E sq) = rnfWith r sq
-- transformers-0.4
class NFData1' f where
rnf1 :: NFData a => f a -> ()
instance NFData1' f => NFData1' (Two f) where
rnf1 (Two t) = rnf1 t
-- Could not deduce (NFData (f a)) arising from a use of ‘rnf1’
-- from the context (NFData1' f)
data X f a = X { getX :: f a }
instance Functor f => Functor (X f) where
fmap f (X x) = X (fmap f x)
instance NFData1' f => NFData1' (X f) where
rnf1 (X x) = rnf1 x
instance (NFData1' f, NFData a) => NFData (X f a) where
rnf = rnf1
instance (NFData1' f, Functor f) => NFData1' (Two f) where
rnf1 (Two t) = rnf1 (fmap X t)
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