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Created November 20, 2016 18:33
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
The package for generic programming, @generics-sop@, feels like a sledgehammer.
Sometimes you are so lazy, so you don't even write types do derive `Generic`
instance for, but directly work with generic representation, sums of products
`NS (NP I) xss`, or parts of it.
Nowadays the GHC support is reasonably good. You have to hold horses, but a lot
of stuff is possible!
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Type.Equality
import Generics.SOP
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
data Tag a where
TagBool :: Tag Bool
TagInt :: Tag Int
If we try add `deriving (Eq, Show)` clause we get:
Gen.hs:22:13: error:
• Can't make a derived instance of ‘Eq (Tag a)’:
Constructor ‘TagBool’ has existentials or constraints in its type
Constructor ‘TagInt’ has existentials or constraints in its type
Possible fix: use a standalone deriving declaration instead
• In the data declaration for ‘Tag’
That is easy to fix:
deriving instance Eq (Tag a)
deriving instance Show (Tag a)
deriving instance GHC.Generic (Tag a)
Gen.hs:43:1: error:
• Can't make a derived instance of ‘GHC.Generic (Tag a)’:
TagBool must be a vanilla data constructor, and
TagInt must be a vanilla data constructor
However, say we want to write `aeson` instances for `Tag`. For simplicity
we'd like to encode `TagBool` as zero: `0`; and `TagInt` as one: `1`.
After all, `Tag` is just an enumeration.
Without too much explaining, let's just see the code!
nsToInt :: NS f xs -> Int
nsToInt (Z _) = 0
nsToInt (S n) = 1 + nsToInt n
intToNS :: forall f xs. SListI xs => (forall a. f a) -> Int -> Maybe (NS f xs)
intToNS x 0 = case sList :: SList xs of
SNil -> Nothing
SCons -> Just (Z x)
intToNS x n = case sList :: SList xs of
SNil -> Nothing
SCons -> S <$> intToNS x (n - 1)
λ *Main > nsToInt (S (S (Z Proxy)) :: NS Proxy '[Int, Bool, Char])
λ *Main > nsToInt (S (S (Z Proxy)) :: NS Proxy '[Int, Bool, Char, String, Maybe Integer])
λ *Main > intToNS Proxy 2 :: NS Proxy '[]
<interactive>:16:1: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘NS Proxy '[]’
with actual type ‘Maybe (NS Proxy xs0)’
• In the expression: intToNS Proxy 2 :: NS Proxy '[]
In an equation for ‘it’: it = intToNS Proxy 2 :: NS Proxy '[]
λ *Main > intToNS Proxy 2 :: Just (NS Proxy '[])
<interactive>:17:20: error:
• Expected a type, but ‘'Just (NS Proxy '[])’ has kind ‘Maybe *’
• In an expression type signature: Just (NS Proxy '[])
In the expression: intToNS Proxy 2 :: Just (NS Proxy '[])
In an equation for ‘it’:
it = intToNS Proxy 2 :: Just (NS Proxy '[])
λ *Main > intToNS Proxy 2 :: Maybe (NS Proxy '[])
λ *Main > intToNS Proxy 2 :: Maybe (NS Proxy '[Int])
λ *Main > intToNS Proxy 2 :: Maybe (NS Proxy '[Int, Bool])
λ *Main > intToNS Proxy 2 :: Maybe (NS Proxy '[Int, Bool, Char])
Just (S (S (Z Proxy)))
λ *Main > intToNS Proxy 2 :: Maybe (NS Proxy '[Int, Bool, Char, String, Maybe Integer])
Just (S (S (Z Proxy)))
type Is = (:~:)
λ *Main > nsToInt (S (S (Z Refl)) :: NS (Is Char) '[Int, Bool, Char, String, Maybe Integer])
data SomeRep xs where
MkSomeRep :: NS (Is a) xs -> SomeRep xs
succSomeRep :: SomeRep xs -> SomeRep (x ': xs)
succSomeRep (MkSomeRep ns) = MkSomeRep (S ns)
intToSomeRep :: forall xs. SListI xs => Int -> Maybe (SomeRep xs)
intToSomeRep n = case sList :: SList xs of
SNil -> Nothing
SCons -> case n of
0 -> Just (MkSomeRep (Z Refl))
_ -> succSomeRep <$> intToSomeRep (n - 1)
type TagCode = '[Bool, Int]
type TagRep a = NS (Is a) TagCode
fromTag :: Tag a -> TagRep a
fromTag TagBool = Z Refl
fromTag TagInt = S (Z Refl)
toTag :: TagRep a -> Tag a
toTag (Z Refl) = TagBool
toTag (S (Z Refl)) = TagInt
toTag (S (S x)) = case x of {} -- error "ghc, try harder!"
toSomeTag :: SomeRep TagCode -> SomeTag
toSomeTag (MkSomeRep r) = MkSomeTag (toTag r)
λ *Main > toTag . fromTag $ TagBool
λ *Main > toTag . fromTag $ TagInt
instance ToJSON (SomeRep xs) where
toJSON (MkSomeRep ns) = toJSON (nsToInt ns)
instance SListI xs => FromJSON (SomeRep xs) where
parseJSON v = do
i <- parseJSON v
maybe (fail "index out-of-bounds") pure (intToSomeRep i)
data SomeTag where
MkSomeTag :: Tag a -> SomeTag
deriving instance Show SomeTag
instance ToJSON (Tag a) where
toJSON = toJSON . MkSomeRep . fromTag
instance ToJSON SomeTag where
toJSON (MkSomeTag t) = toJSON t
instance FromJSON SomeTag where
parseJSON = fmap toSomeTag . parseJSON
λ *Main > decode $ encode TagBool :: Maybe SomeTag
Just (MkSomeTag TagBool)
-- Existentials
-- | phantom type request
newtype Req a = Req String
deriving (Eq, Show, GHC.Generic)
instance ToJSON (Req a)
instance FromJSON (Req a)
data SomeReq where
MkSomeReq :: Tag a -> Req a -> SomeReq
deriving instance Show SomeReq
instance ToJSON SomeReq where
toJSON (MkSomeReq t r) = object
[ "tag" .= t
, "req" .= r
instance FromJSON SomeReq where
parseJSON = withObject "SomeReq" $ \obj -> do
MkSomeTag t <- obj .: "tag"
r <- obj .: "req"
pure (MkSomeReq t r)
λ > decode $ encode $ MkSomeReq TagBool $ Req "example" :: Maybe SomeReq
Just (MkSomeReq TagBool (Req "example"))
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