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Last active October 12, 2023 14:22
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Parts where
import Data.Kind
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Data.Function
-- in blogs
data FunList a b t = Done t
| More a (FunList a b (b -> t))
deriving Functor
empty :: t -> FunList a b t
empty = Done
append :: (t -> s -> r) -> FunList a b t -> FunList a b s -> FunList a b r
append h (Done t) ys = fmap (\s -> h t s) ys
append h (More x xs) ys = More x $ append (\bt s b -> h (bt b) s) xs ys
singleton :: a -> FunList a b b
singleton x = More x (Done id)
instance Applicative (FunList a b) where
pure = empty
liftA2 = append
funList' :: (forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t) -> s -> FunList a b t
funList' trav s = trav singleton s
-- this doesn't use append. Should be more efficient, as function thunks are cheap.
funList :: (forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t) -> s -> FunList a b t
funList trav s = lower (trav raise s)
-- Curried Yoneda is a free applicative,
-- to raise/lift we need a cons-like operation.
-- to lower we need a start value, usually something empty.
-- Recall how DList converts (reassociates) the expensive appends into cheap cons.
lower :: Curried (Yoneda (FunList a b)) t -> FunList a b t
lower (Curried f) = runYoneda
(f (Yoneda (\g -> empty (g id))))
raise :: a -> Curried (Yoneda (FunList a b)) b
raise x = Curried
(\(Yoneda g) -> Yoneda (\f -> More x (g (\br b -> f (br b)))))
unfunList :: forall f s t a b. Applicative f => (s -> FunList a b t) -> (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
unfunList f afb s = go (f s) where
go :: FunList a b r -> f r
go (Done t) = pure t
go (More x xs) = liftA2 (&) (afb x) (go xs)
-- Curried
newtype Curried f a = Curried { runCurried :: forall r. f (a -> r) -> f r }
instance Functor f => Functor (Curried f) where
fmap f (Curried g) = Curried (g . fmap (.f))
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
instance Functor f => Applicative (Curried f) where
pure a = Curried (fmap ($ a))
{-# INLINE pure #-}
Curried mf <*> Curried ma = Curried (ma . mf . fmap (.))
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
liftCurried :: Applicative f => f a -> Curried f a
liftCurried fa = Curried (<*> fa)
lowerCurried :: Applicative f => Curried f a -> f a
lowerCurried (Curried f) = f (pure id)
-- Yoneda
newtype Yoneda f a = Yoneda { runYoneda :: forall b. (a -> b) -> f b }
liftYoneda :: Functor f => f a -> Yoneda f a
liftYoneda a = Yoneda (\f -> fmap f a)
lowerYoneda :: Yoneda f a -> f a
lowerYoneda (Yoneda f) = f id
instance Functor (Yoneda f) where
fmap f m = Yoneda (\k -> runYoneda m (k . f))
instance Applicative f => Applicative (Yoneda f) where
pure a = Yoneda (\f -> pure (f a))
Yoneda m <*> Yoneda n = Yoneda (\f -> m (f .) <*> n id)
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