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Created November 9, 2022 16:37
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### sailfish
Sailfish is a ruby script that is meant to turn a git commit message into a
JIRA ticket and then update that commit message to reference the newly created
JIRA ticket.
To use it you will need Ruby installed and a few gems (see top of script file
itself for details).
You will also need to create `~/.sailfish` with contents similar to the following:
password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
project_key: ABC
board_name: App Dev Team
sprint_prefix: Dev Sprint
You can also set defaults for issue type, points, priority, and epic. See the
script file for details.
Once configured, to use it write a normal git commit message to a file and then run:
% path/to/devfu/sailfish path/to/commit/msg
Ideally you'd configure your git tooling to do this for you. If you use the Git
CLI and VIM, checkout [vim-sailfish](
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# NOTE: You will almost certainly have to tweak some of the parameters sent to JIRA
# depending on how your JIRA has been setup and what fields are required, etc. Pay close
# attention to any "custom_field_12345" sections of the code.
require "rubygems"
require "yaml"
require "pry"
require "http"
config = {
host: "",
issue_type: "Story", # Story, Bug, Task
points: 2,
priority: 3,
epic: nil, # ex: RKT-602
[ ENV["HOME"], Dir.pwd ].each do |dir|
config_file = File.join(dir, ".sailfish")
next unless File.exist?(config_file)
config.merge!(YAML.load(, symbolize_names: true))
raise "You must set 'username' in the configuration" unless config[:username]
raise "You must set 'password' in the configuration" unless config[:password]
raise "You must set 'project_key' in the configuration" unless config[:project_key]
raise "You must set 'board_name' in the configuration" unless config[:board_name]
raise "You must set 'sprint_prefix' in the configuration" unless config[:sprint_prefix]
project_key = config[:project_key]
board_name = config[:board_name]
origin = config[:origin]
issue_type = config[:issue_type]
points = config[:points]
priority = config[:priority]
epic = config[:epic]
commit_file = ARGV[0]
raise "Commit file '#{commit_file}' does not exist" unless File.exist?(commit_file)
commit_msg = File.readlines(commit_file)
summary = commit_msg.first.strip
description = commit_msg.drop(1).reject { |l| l.start_with?("#") }.join.strip
raise "Commit file does not have a summary" if summary.to_s.empty?
raise "Commit file does not have a description" if description.to_s.empty?
raise "Commit file already references a ticket" if description.match?(/^(fixes|refs|closes) #{project_key}-\d/)
http = HTTP.basic_auth(user: config[:username], pass: config[:password])
res = http.get("https://#{config[:host]}/rest/agile/1.0/board")
board = JSON.parse(res.body.to_s)["values"].detect { |e| e["location"]["projectKey"] == project_key && e["name"] == board_name}
board_id = board["id"]
project_id = board["location"]["projectId"]
raise("Unable to find board id for project key '#{project_key}'") if board_id.nil?
res = http.get("https://#{config[:host]}/rest/api/3/issuetype/project?projectId=#{project_id}")
issue_type_id = JSON.parse(res.body.to_s).detect { |e| e["name"] == issue_type }["id"]
raise("Unable to find issue type id") if issue_type_id.nil?
res = http.get("https://#{config[:host]}/rest/api/3/myself")
assignee = JSON.parse(res.body.to_s)["accountId"]
raise("Unable to find assignee") if assignee.nil?
res = http.get("https://#{config[:host]}/rest/agile/1.0/board/#{board_id}/sprint?state=active")
sprint_id = JSON.parse(res.body.to_s)["values"].select { |e| e["name"].match?(/^#{config[:sprint_prefix]}/i) }.sort_by { |e| e["endDate"] }.last["id"]
raise("Unable to find active sprint") if sprint_id.nil?
res = http.get("https://#{config[:host]}/rest/api/3/field")
fields = JSON.parse(res.body.to_s)
story_points_field = fields.detect { |e| e["name"] == "Story Points" }["key"].to_sym
sprint_field = fields.detect { |e| e["name"] == "Sprint" }["key"].to_sym
epic_field = fields.detect { |e| e["name"] == "Epic Link" }["key"].to_sym
devteam_field = fields.detect { |e| e["name"] == "YourDev Team" && e["scope"].nil? }["key"].to_sym
res ="https://#{config[:host]}/rest/api/2/issue", json: {
fields: {
summary: summary,
description: description,
project: { id: project_id.to_s },
issuetype: { id: issue_type_id },
priority: { id: priority.to_s },
assignee: { id: assignee },
sprint_field => sprint_id.to_i,
epic_field => epic,
devteam_field => [{ id: "10116"}] # "Your App Dev Team"
if res.code == 201
ticket = JSON.parse(res.body.to_s)
File.write(commit_file, commit_msg.insert(1, "\n", "fixes [#{ticket["key"]}]", "\n").join)
res = http.get("https://#{config[:host]}/rest/api/2/issue/#{ticket["key"]}/transitions")
transition_id = JSON.parse(res.body.to_s)["transitions"].detect { |e| e["name"] == "In Progress" }["id"]"https://#{config[:host]}/rest/api/2/issue/#{ticket["key"]}/transitions", json: {
transition: { id: transition_id.to_i }
# fields: { story_points_field => points.to_i }
puts "!!! ERROR !!!"
puts JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(res.body.to_s))
puts res.body.to_s
rescue StandardError => e
puts "!!! ERROR !!!"
puts e.to_s
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