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Last active December 21, 2023 06:17
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  • Save phanatagama/92617908cb957694e8c95e2e9559602c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save phanatagama/92617908cb957694e8c95e2e9559602c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Completed Quiziz Test Bot
1. Join a Quiz in quiziz
2. When quiz start open your console
3. Copy and Paste script then enter
4. Enjoy Hack!
if ("") == -1 &&"gameType=") == -1) {
if ("") != -1) {
alert("You cannot execute this while paused. If you are not paused please DM phanatagama_ on instagram")
throw new Error("You cannot execute this while paused. If you think this is an error please DM phanatagama_ on instagram!");
} else if ("") != -1) {
alert("You need to start the game before running this script. If you think this is an error please DM phanatagama_ on instagram")
throw new Error("You need to start the game before running this script. If you think this is an error please DM phanatagama_ on instagram");
} else {
alert("You aren't on a quizizz quiz. If you think this is an error please DM phanatagama_ on instagram")
throw new Error("You aren't on a quizizz quiz. If you think this is an error please DM phanatagama_ on instagram");
if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = '';
script.type = 'text/javascript';
let WaitTime = prompt("Please enter the number of seconds to wait before each answer.")
if (Number(WaitTime) === NaN) {
alert("You did not enter a valid number. Reload and try again")
throw new Error("Invalid number");
} else {
WaitTime = Number(WaitTime) * 1000
document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<style type="text/css">
correct-answer-x3Ca8B {
color: lime !important;
class Encoding {
static encodeRaw(t, e, o = "") {
let s = 0;
s = e ? o.charCodeAt(0) : o.charCodeAt(0) + o.charCodeAt(o.length - 1);
let r = [];
for (let o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
let n = t[o].charCodeAt(0)
, c = e ? this.safeAdd(n, s) : this.addOffset(n, s, o, 2);
return r.join("")
static decode(t, e = !1) {
if (e) {
let e = this.extractHeader(t);
return this.decodeRaw(e, !0)
let e = this.decode(this.extractHeader(t), !0)
, o = this.extractData(t);
return this.decodeRaw(o, !1, e)
static decodeRaw(t, e, o = "") {
let s = this.extractVersion(t);
let r = 0;
r = e ? o.charCodeAt(0) : o.charCodeAt(0) + o.charCodeAt(o.length - 1),
r = -r;
let n = [];
for (let o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
let c = t[o].charCodeAt(0)
, a = e ? this.safeAdd(c, r) : this.addOffset(c, r, o, s);
return n.join("")
static addOffset(t, e, o, s) {
return 2 === s ? this.verifyCharCode(t) ? this.safeAdd(t, o % 2 == 0 ? e : -e) : t : this.safeAdd(t, o % 2 == 0 ? e : -e)
static extractData(t) {
let e = t.charCodeAt(t.length - 2) - 33;
return t.slice(e, -2)
static extractHeader(t) {
let e = t.charCodeAt(t.length - 2) - 33;
return t.slice(0, e)
static extractVersion(t) {
if ("string" == typeof t && t[t.length - 1]) {
let e = parseInt(t[t.length - 1], 10);
if (!isNaN(e))
return e
return null
static safeAdd(t, e) {
let o = t + e;
return o > 65535 ? o - 65535 + 0 - 1 : o < 0 ? 65535 - (0 - o) + 1 : o
static verifyCharCode(t) {
if ("number" == typeof t)
return !(t >= 55296 && t <= 56319 || t >= 56320 && t <= 57343)
function GetSetData() {
let URL = window.location.href
, GameType = URL.slice("gameType=") + 9, URL.length)
, prevConx = localStorage.getItem("previousContext")
, parsedConx = JSON.parse(prevConx)
, encodedRoomHash =
, roomHash = Encoding.decode(encodedRoomHash.split("-")[1])
, data = {
roomHash: roomHash,
type: GameType
let xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest"POST", "", false)
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
return JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText)
function GetAnswer(Question) {
switch (Question.structure.kind) {
case "BLANK":
// Text Response, we have no need for image detection in answers
let ToRespond = []
for (let i = 0; i < Question.structure.options.length; i++) {
return ToRespond;
case "MSQ":
// Multiple Choice
let Answers = Encoding.decode(Question.structure.answer)
Answers = JSON.parse(Answers)
let TextArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < Answers.length; i++) {
if (Answers[i].text == "") {
} else {
return TextArray;
case "MCQ":
// Single Choice
let AnswerNum = Encoding.decode(Question.structure.answer)
let Answer = Question.structure.options[AnswerNum].text
if (Answer == "") {
Answer = Question.structure.options[AnswerNum].media[0].url
return Answer;
function GetQuestion(Set) {
for (let v of Object.keys(Set.questions)) {
v = Set.questions[v]
switch (GetQuestionType()) {
case "Both":
let BothSRC = document.getElementsByClassName("question-media")[0].children[0].src
BothSRC = BothSRC.slice(0,"/?w=") - 1)
if ([0]) {
if ([0].url == BothSRC) {
let BothQuestion = document.getElementsByClassName("question-text")[0].children[0].children[0].innerHTML
if (Fix(BothQuestion) == Fix(v.structure.query.text)) {
return (v)
case "Media":
let CurrentSRC = document.getElementsByClassName("question-media")[0].children[0].src
CurrentSRC = CurrentSRC.slice(0,"/?w=") - 1)
if ([0]) {
if ([0].url == CurrentSRC) {
return (v)
case "Text":
let ToSearchA = document.getElementsByClassName("question-text")[0].children[0].children[0].innerHTML
let ToSearchB = v.structure.query.text
ToSearchB = ToSearchB
ToSearchA = ToSearchA
if (Fix(ToSearchA) == Fix(ToSearchB)) {
return (v)
return "Error: No question found"
function GetQuestionType() {
if (document.getElementsByClassName("question-media")[0]) {
// Media was detected, check if text is too
if (document.getElementsByClassName("question-text")[0]) {
// Detected text aswell, send it to the onchanged
return ("Both")
} else {
// Failed to detect text aswell, Media is all that we need to send
return ("Media")
} else {
// Media wasn't detected, no need to check if text was because it has to be
return ("Text")
let CurrentQuestionNum = ""
let LastRedemption
function Fix(s) {
sEnd = s.lastIndexOf("&nbsp;")
if (sEnd == s.length - 6) {
s = s.substring(0, sEnd)
s = s.replace(/&nbsp;/g, " ")
s = s.replace(/&#8203;/g, "‍")
s = jQuery('<div>').html(String(s))[0].innerHTML
s = s.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
return s
function QuestionChangedLoop() {
setTimeout(function () {
let NewNum = document.getElementsByClassName("current-question")[0]
let RedemptionQues = document.getElementsByClassName("redemption-marker")[0]
if (NewNum) {
if (NewNum.innerHTML != CurrentQuestionNum) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (document.getElementsByClassName("typed-option-input")[0]) {
let Question = GetQuestion(GetSetData())
if (Question == "Error: No question found") {
alert("Failed to find question!")
} else {
let Answer = GetAnswer(Question)
if (Array.isArray(Answer)) {
// We are on a question with multiple answers
let ToShow = ""
for (let x = 0; x < Answer.length; x++) {
if (ToShow == "") {
ToShow = Answer[x]
} else {
ToShow = ToShow + " | " + Answer[x]
let ToShowNew = "Press Ctrl+C to copy (Answers are seperated by ' | ')"
prompt(ToShowNew, ToShow)
} else {
let NewAnswer = "Press Ctrl+C to copy."
prompt(NewAnswer, Answer);
} else {
let Choices = document.getElementsByClassName("options-container")[0].children[0].children
let Question = GetQuestion(GetSetData())
if (Question === "Error: No question found") {
setTimeout(function() {
Question = GetQuestion(GetSetData())
}, 500)
if (Question === "Error: No question found") {
alert("Failed to find question!")
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < Choices.length; i++) {
if (!Choices[i].classList.contains("emoji")) {
let Choice = Choices[i].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0]
let Answer = GetAnswer(Question)
if (Array.isArray(Answer)) {
// We are on a question with multiple answers
for (let x = 0; x < Answer.length; x++) {
if (Fix(Choice.innerHTML) == Answer[x]) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, WaitTime)
} else {
if (Fix(Choice.innerHTML) == Answer) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, WaitTime)
} else if (, - 2).slice(0,, - 2).search("/?w=") - 1) == GetAnswer(GetQuestion(GetSetData()))) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, WaitTime)
}, 1000)
CurrentQuestionNum = NewNum.innerHTML
} else if (RedemptionQues) {
if (LastRedemption != GetQuestion(GetSetData())) {
let Choices = document.getElementsByClassName("options-container")[0].children[0].children
for (let i = 0; i < Choices.length; i++) {
if (!Choices[i].classList.contains("emoji")) {
let Choice = Choices[i].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0]
if (Fix(Choice.innerHTML) == GetAnswer(GetQuestion(GetSetData()))) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, WaitTime)
LastRedemption = GetQuestion(GetSetData())
}, 100)
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
async function wait() {
await sleep(1000);
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Dude, you stole this from EastArctica. Go look at his GitHub page. Idot-

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AimZ24 commented Mar 8, 2023

no work bruh

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Roboi10 commented Oct 20, 2023


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