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Forked from anonymous/vex_elevator.c
Created January 17, 2017 15:02
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#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl1, f1c, sensorTouch)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl2, f2c, sensorTouch)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl3, f3c, sensorTouch)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl4, s, sensorSONAR_cm)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl7, f1i, sensorLEDtoVCC)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl8, f2i, sensorLEDtoVCC)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl9, f3i, sensorLEDtoVCC)
#pragma config(Motor, port2, d1, tmotorVex393_HBridge, openLoop)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
// <configuration>
float K_P = 5.6; // Proportional coefficient
float K_I = 0.001; // Integral coefficient
float K_D = 0.3; // Derivative coefficient
int K_DT = 250; // Time difference between PID iterations
float ERROR_THRESH = 1.1; // Target threshold
int FLOOR_HEIGHT = 9; // Height of a floor, in CM
int FLOOR_1_OFFSET = 3; // Distance of the first floor from the ultrasonic sensor
int IDLE_TIME = 10000; // Idle time threshold
// </configuration>
int integral = 0; // PID integral value
int lastError = 0; // Error value in the previous iteration
* Clamps a value inclusively between two bounds.
int clamp(int n, int lower, int upper);
* Sets the motor output.
void out(int power);
* Executes one iteration of the PID algorithm.
void pid(float error);
* Calculates an error value for a setpoint and measured value.
float error(int expected, int actual);
* Updates floor indicator LEDs.
void ledUpdate(int floorNum);
* Instructs the elevator to travel to a level and blocks until the operation is finished.
void goToFloor(int floorNum);
task main() {
int idleSince = nSysTime; // Store current system time as time of last action
while (true) {
if (SensorValue[f1c] == 1) { // Check if floor buttons are pressed
goToFloor(0); // And go to the respective floor
idleSince = nSysTime; // Then reset the idle time
} else if (SensorValue[f2c] == 1) { // Ditto
idleSince = nSysTime;
} if (SensorValue[f3c] == 1) { // Ditto
idleSince = nSysTime;
} else { // If no floor button is pressed
if (nSysTime - idleSince > IDLE_TIME) // Check if idle time exceeds threshold
goToFloor(0); // Then go back to the ground floor
int clamp(int n, int lower, int upper) {
return n < lower ? lower : n > upper ? upper : n;
void out(int power) {
if (power < 0) // Threshold the power level so the motor still drives at lower power levels
power = clamp(power, -96, -18);
else if (power > 0)
power = clamp(power, 18, 96);
motor[d1] = power; // Set motor d1's output to power
void pid(float error) {
integral += error * K_DT; // Add the current error value to the integral cumulator
float pTerm = K_P * error; // Calculate proportional term
float iTerm = K_I * integral; // Calculate integral term
float dTerm = K_D * (error - lastError) / K_DT; // Calculate derivative term
out(pTerm + iTerm + dTerm); // Set output to clamped value of u(t)
lastError = error; // Store error value to lastError for calculating derivative later
float error(int expected, int actual) {
return actual - expected; // Difference between setpoint and measured value
void ledUpdate(int floorNum) {
SensorValue[f1i] = SensorValue[f2i] = SensorValue[f3i] = 0; // Turn off all LEDs
switch (floorNum) { // Switch on the new floor number
case 0: // If the floor is appropriate
SensorValue[f1i] = 1; // Turn on the corresponding LED
case 1: // Ditto
SensorValue[f2i] = 1;
case 2: // Ditto
SensorValue[f3i] = 1;
void goToFloor(int floorNum) {
integral = 0; // Reset integral and last error value variables
lastError = 0;
int setPoint = floorNum * FLOOR_HEIGHT + FLOOR_1_OFFSET; // Determine PID setpoint
int errorValue; // Declare error value variable
while (true) {
errorValue = error(setPoint, SensorValue[s]); // Calculate error value
if (abs(errorValue) <= ERROR_THRESH) // If within the error threshold...
break; // ...break the PID loop
pid(errorValue); // Execute PID iteration
waitInMilliseconds(K_DT); // Wait for next PID iteration
out(0); // Stop the motors
ledUpdate(floorNum); // Update the LEDs
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