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Created February 13, 2017 15:19
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#pragma config(Sensor, in1, l, sensorReflection)
#pragma config(Motor, port1, f, tmotorVexFlashlight, openLoop, reversed)
#pragma config(Motor, port2, g, tmotorServoStandard, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port3, b, tmotorServoStandard, openLoop)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
int kBinSteel = 100; // The servo angle for the steel marble bin
int kBinYellow = -80; // The servo angle for the yellow marble bin
int kGateClosed = -14; // The servo angle for the gate's "closed" position
int kGateOpen = 127; // The servo angle for the gate's "open" position
int kGateDelay = 170; // The number of milliseconds for the gate to remain open
int kSteelLower = 200; // The lower light sensor value for steel marbles
int kSteelUpper = 250; // The upper light sensor value for steel marbles
int kYellowLower = 100; // The lower light sensor value for yellow marbles
int kYellowUpper = 190; // The upper light sensor value for yellow marbles
* An enumeration of all expected marble types.
enum marble {
* Gets the sign of a number.
int signum(int n);
* Checks whether a value is within two bounds, inclusive.
bool withinBounds(int n, int lower, int upper);
* Checks whether the value is within the color threshold for a given marble type.
bool withinThreshold(marble type, int value);
* Gets the type of marble currently detected by the light sensor.
marble senseType();
* Instructs the gate to allow one marble through.
void gate();
* Drives the bin motor to the given position in increments.
void incrementalDrive(int pos);
* Rotates to the given bin.
void bin(marble type);
task main() {
motor[f] = 127; // Turn on the flashlight
motor[g] = kGateClosed; // Move the gate to the "closed" position
wait(0.8); // Sleep 0.8 seconds
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // For 20 times...
marble type = senseType(); // Read the marble type
bin(type); // Rotate to the correct bin
gate(); // Release one marble
wait(4); // Sleep 4 seconds before next iteration
bin(-1); // Finally, rotate to 0 before exiting the program
int signum(int n) {
return n == 0 ? 1 : (n / abs(n)); // Calculates signum by dividing a number by its absolute value
bool withinBounds(int n, int lower, int upper) {
return n < upper && n > lower;
bool withinThreshold(marble type, int value) {
switch (type) { // For the given marble type...
case kSteel: // If it's steel...
return withinBounds(value, kSteelLower, kSteelUpper); // Check whether the value is valid for steel
case kYellow: // If it's yellow...
return withinBounds(value, kYellowLower, kYellowUpper); // Check whether the value is valid for yellow
default: // If it's neither (for some reason)...
return false; // Just return false for the check
marble senseType() {
int value = SensorValue[l]; // Read the light sensor value
int finalOrdinal = (long)kYellow; // Set a variable for the final element in the set of marble types
for (long i = (long)kSteel; i <= finalOrdinal; i++) { // Iterating through each marble type...
if (withinThreshold(i, value)) // Check whether the value matches that type
return (marble)i; // And return that type if it does
return kSteel; // If no matches are found, default to steel
void gate() {
motor[g] = kGateOpen; // Open the gate
waitInMilliseconds(kGateDelay); // Wait for a bit
motor[g] = kGateClosed; // Close the gate
waitInMilliseconds(kGateDelay); // Wait for a bit again to make sure it's closed
void incrementalDrive(int pos) {
while(abs(motor[b] - pos) > 5) { // While the bin servo's position is not within 5 of the target...
motor[b] = motor[b] + signum(pos - motor[b]) * 8; // Rotate 8 units in the direction of the target
waitInMilliseconds(25); // Wait 25 milliseconds before the next iteration
void bin(marble type) {
switch (type) { // For the given marble type...
case kSteel: // If it's steel...
incrementalDrive(kBinSteel); // Rotate to the steel bin
case kYellow: // If it's yellow...
incrementalDrive(kBinYellow); // Rotate to the yellow bin
default: // Otherwise...
incrementalDrive(0); // Rotate to zero
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