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Created June 10, 2021 16:43
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Minimal miniKanren implementation in Haskell
module Main where
import MiniKanren
-- r = n + 1
peanoSuccO :: Term -> Term -> Goal
peanoSuccO n r = r === Val (Cons n (Val Nil))
-- r = n - 1
peanoPredO :: Term -> Term -> Goal
peanoPredO = flip peanoSuccO
-- r = m + n
peanoPlusO :: Term -> Term -> Term -> Goal
peanoPlusO m n r = conde' [
[n === Val Nil, r === m],
[fresh (\m' -> [
fresh (\n' -> [
peanoPredO n n',
peanoSuccO m m',
peanoPlusO m' n' r])])]]
-- builds a peano numeral term out of a positive integer
natToPeano :: Int -> Term
natToPeano 0 = Val Nil
natToPeano n = Val (Cons (natToPeano (n - 1)) (Val Nil))
-- find x such that x + 1 = 3
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ run' 1 $ \x -> peanoPlusO x (natToPeano 1) (natToPeano 3)
module MiniKanren where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- # Triangular Substitutions # --
type Variable = Int -- we'll just treat variables as unique id numbers
data Value = Number Int | Boolean Bool | Cons Term Term | Nil | String String
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Term = Var Variable | Val Value
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Subst = Map.Map Variable Term
emptySubst :: Subst
emptySubst = Map.empty
-- extSubst a b s |-> s, extended with a->b
extSubst :: Variable -> Term -> Subst -> Subst
extSubst = Map.insert
-- getSubst a s |-> Just b if a->b in s, otherwise Nothing
getSubst :: Variable -> Subst -> Maybe Term
getSubst = Map.lookup
lenSubst :: Subst -> Int
lenSubst = Map.size
-- # The `walk` Function # --
walk :: Term -> Subst -> Term
-- for a variable, look up the next step in the substitution
walk t@(Var v) s = case getSubst v s of
Nothing -> t -- if we get nothing, then the variable is free
(Just t') -> walk t' s -- otherwise, walk again with the result
-- for a value, just return the value
walk t _ = t
-- # Avoiding Circular Substitutions # --
checkCycle :: Variable -> Term -> Subst -> Bool
checkCycle v t s = case t' of
(Var v') -> v == v' -- walk diverges if t's chain ends at x
(Val a) -> case a of -- reify diverges if a pair/list contains itself
(Cons x y) -> checkCycle v x s || checkCycle v y s
_ -> False
t' = walk t s
extSubstChecked :: Variable -> Term -> Subst -> Maybe Subst
extSubstChecked v t s = if checkCycle v t s
then Nothing -- fail if there's a cycle
else Just (extSubst v t s)
-- # Implementing Unification # --
unify :: Term -> Term -> Subst -> Maybe Subst
unify a b s = unify' (walk a s) (walk b s) s -- find ends of chains
unify' :: Term -> Term -> Subst -> Maybe Subst
unify' a b s
| a == b = Just s -- a already equals b, so nothing to unify
| (Var v) <- a = extSubstChecked v b s -- a is var; add a->b
| (Var v) <- b = extSubstChecked v a s -- b is var; add b->a
| (Val (Cons ha ta)) <- a, -- a and b are pairs/lists; go elementwise
(Val (Cons hb tb)) <- b = case unify ha hb s of
Nothing -> Nothing
(Just s') -> unify ta tb s'
| otherwise = Nothing -- if none of the above, unification failed
-- # Implementing Reification # --
reify :: Term -> Subst -> Term
reify t s = deepWalk t' (reifySubst t' emptySubst)
t' = deepWalk t s
reifySubst :: Term -> Subst -> Subst
reifySubst (Var v) s = extSubst v (Var (lenSubst s)) s -- new free var
reifySubst (Val (Cons x y)) s = reifySubst x (reifySubst y s)
reifySubst _ s = s
-- # The `deepWalk` Function --
deepWalk :: Term -> Subst -> Term
deepWalk t s = case t' of
(Val (Cons x y)) -> Val (Cons (deepWalk x s) (deepWalk y s)) -- recurse
_ -> t' -- walk hit a dead end
t' = walk t s -- walk does most of the work already
-- # Behind the Streams # --
type Cont a = () -> Stream a -- Continuation of a stream
data Stream a = Empty -- Empty stream
| Unit a -- Singleton stream
| Choice a (Cont a) -- A value + the rest of the stream
| Inc (Cont a) -- The rest of some stream
-- # Implementing `==` With Streams # --
-- goal takes a substitution and produces all satisfying extensions thereof
type Goal = Subst -> Stream Subst
-- goal asserting that two things are the same
(===) :: Term -> Term -> Goal
(===) a b = \s -> case unify a b s of
(Just s') -> Unit s' -- unification succeeded
Nothing -> Empty -- unification failed
-- # Behind the Interleaving Streams # --
-- `conde` just folds over a list of goals using (+)
conde :: [Goal] -> Goal
conde [] = \s -> Empty
conde (g : gs) = \s -> mplus (g s) (\_ -> (conde gs) s)
-- The (+) operator, which interleaves two streams
mplus :: Stream a -> Cont a -> Stream a
mplus s f = case s of
Empty -> f ()
(Unit a) -> Choice a f
(Inc f') -> Inc (\_ -> mplus (f ()) f') -- interleaved!
(Choice a f') -> Choice a (\_ -> mplus (f ()) f') -- interleaved!
-- # Sequencing Streams # --
seqGoals :: [Goal] -> Goal -- folds over a list of goals with bind
seqGoals [] = \s -> Unit s
seqGoals (g : gs) = \s -> bind (g s) (seqGoals gs)
bind :: Stream a -> (a -> Stream a) -> Stream a -- the >>= operator
bind s g = case s of
Empty -> Empty
(Unit a) -> g a
(Inc f) -> Inc (\_ -> bind (f ()) g)
(Choice a f) -> mplus (g a) (\_ -> bind (f ()) g)
-- # Taking Values From Streams # --
streamTake :: Int -> Stream a -> [a]
streamTake 0 _ = [] -- take 0, get empty list
streamTake _ Empty = [] -- nothing to take
streamTake _ (Unit a) = [a] -- can't take more than one
streamTake n (Inc f) = streamTake n (f ()) -- immediately continue
streamTake n (Choice a f) = a : streamTake (n - 1) (f ()) -- took one more
streamConsume :: Stream a -> [a]
streamConsume Empty = []
streamConsume (Unit a) = [a]
streamConsume (Inc f) = streamConsume (f ())
streamConsume (Choice a f) = a : streamConsume (f ())
run :: Int -> Term -> Goal -> [Term]
run k t g = (\s -> reify t s) <$> streamTake k (g emptySubst)
runAll :: Term -> Goal -> [Term]
runAll t g = (\s -> reify t s) <$> streamConsume (g emptySubst)
-- # Other Stuff # --
-- conde with conjunction
conde' :: [[Goal]] -> Goal
conde' ggs = conde (seqGoals <$> ggs)
-- hacky way to allocate unique variables:
-- we store the current highest variable id in a special key in the subst
varCountSentinel :: Variable
varCountSentinel = -1
allocVar :: Subst -> (Variable, Subst)
allocVar s = case getSubst varCountSentinel s of
(Just (Val (Number n))) -> (n, extSubst varCountSentinel (Val (Number (n + 1))) s)
Nothing -> (1, extSubst varCountSentinel (Val (Number 2)) s)
_ -> error "Var count is bad!"
fresh :: (Term -> [Goal]) -> Goal
fresh f s = seqGoals (f (Var v)) s'
(v, s') = allocVar s
-- versions of run and run* that give you a term to work with
run' :: Int -> (Term -> Goal) -> [Term]
run' k f = run k t (f t)
t = Var 0
runAll' :: (Term -> Goal) -> [Term]
runAll' f = runAll t (f t)
t = Var 0
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