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Last active May 4, 2024 09:13
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Oracle APEX Navigation Menu Query
-- regexp_replace to remove badges with count (Customers [19])
with list_entries as (select regexp_replace(entry_text, ' \[&[A-Z]+\.\]') as title
, connect_by_root entry_image as icon
, regexp_substr( entry_target, '&APP_ID\.:([0-9]+):&', 1, 1, null, 1 ) as page_id
-- build path like Admin > Code Tables > Status
, substr( sys_connect_by_path( regexp_replace(entry_text, ' \[&[A-Z]+\.\]'), ' > ' ), 4 ) as path
from apex_application_list_entries
where application_id = :APP_ID
and list_name = 'Application Navigation'
and entry_target is not null
and (condition_type_code is null or condition_type_code = 'USER_IS_NOT_PUBLIC_USER')
-- remove if you are using older apex releases
and working_copy_name is null
-- might only work in 23c because the = true
and ( authorization_scheme is null or apex_authorization.is_authorized(authorization_scheme) = true )
start with list_entry_parent_id is null
connect by prior list_entry_id = list_entry_parent_id)
select title
, icon
, path
, apex_page.get_url( p_page => page_id ) as target
from list_entries
where page_id is not null
function is_authorized_yn(p_authorization_name in varchar2)
return varchar2
l_res boolean;
l_res := apex_authorization.is_authorized(p_authorization_name);
if l_res then
return 'Y';
end if;
return 'N';
select title
, icon
, path
, apex_page.get_url( p_page => page_id ) as target
from (
-- regexp_replace to remove badges with count (Customers [19])
select regexp_replace(entry_text, ' \[&[A-Z]+\.\]') as title
, connect_by_root entry_image as icon
, regexp_substr( entry_target, '&APP_ID\.:([0-9]+):&', 1, 1, null, 1 ) as page_id
-- build path like Admin > Code Tables > Status
, substr( sys_connect_by_path( regexp_replace(entry_text, ' \[&[A-Z]+\.\]'), ' > ' ), 4 ) as path
from apex_application_list_entries
where application_id = :APP_ID
and list_name = 'Application Navigation'
and entry_target is not null
and (condition_type_code is null or condition_type_code = 'USER_IS_NOT_PUBLIC_USER')
-- remove if you are using older apex releases
and working_copy_name is null
-- might only work in 23c because the = true
and ( authorization_scheme is null or is_authorized_yn(authorization_scheme) = 'Y' )
start with list_entry_parent_id is null
connect by prior list_entry_id = list_entry_parent_id
where page_id is not null
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