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Created May 30, 2020 07:36
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type 'a Tree =
| Node of int * 'a Tree * 'a * 'a (* height, left child, value, right child *) Tree
| Nil
h = height
x = value
l = left child
r = right child
lh = left child's height
lx = left child's value
ll = left child's left child
lr = left child's right child
rh = right child's height
rx = right child's value
rl = right child's left child
rr = right child's right child
let height =
| Node (h, _, _, _) -> h
| Nil -> 0
let make l x r =
let h = 1 + max (height l) (height r)
Node(h, l, x, r)
let rotRight =
| Node (_, Node (_, ll, lx, lr), x, r) ->
let r' = make lr x r
make ll lx r'
| node -> node
let rotLeft =
| Node (_, l, x, Node (_, rl, rx, rr)) ->
let l' = make l x rl
make l' rx rr
| node -> node
let doubleRotLeft =
| Node (h, l, x, r) ->
let r' = rotRight r
let node' = make l x r'
rotLeft node'
| node -> node
let doubleRotRight =
| Node (h, l, x, r) ->
let l' = rotLeft l
let node' = make l' x r
rotRight node'
| node -> node
let balanceFactor =
| Nil -> 0
| Node (_, l, _, r) -> (height l) - (height r)
let balance =
(* left unbalanced *)
| Node (h, l, x, r) as node when balanceFactor node >= 2 ->
if balanceFactor l >= 1
then rotRight node (* left left case *)
else doubleRotRight node (* left right case *)
(* right unbalanced *)
| Node (h, l, x, r) as node when balanceFactor node <= -2 ->
if balanceFactor r <= -1
then rotLeft node (* right right case *)
else doubleRotLeft node (* right left case *)
| node -> node
let rec insert v =
| Nil -> Node(1, Nil, v, Nil)
| Node (_, l, x, r) as node ->
if v = x then
let l', r' =
if v < x then insert v l, r else l, insert v r
let node' = make l' x r'
balance <| node'
let rec contains v =
| Nil -> false
| Node (_, l, x, r) ->
if v = x then true
else if v < x then contains v l
else contains v r
type AvlTree<'a when 'a: comparison>(tree: 'a Tree) =
member this.Height = height tree
member this.Left =
match tree with
| Node (_, l, _, _) -> new AvlTree<'a>(l)
| Nil -> failwith "Empty tree"
member this.Right =
match tree with
| Node (_, _, _, r) -> new AvlTree<'a>(r)
| Nil -> failwith "Empty tree"
member this.Value =
match tree with
| Node (_, _, x, _) -> x
| Nil -> failwith "Empty tree"
member this.Insert(x) = new AvlTree<'a>(insert x tree)
member this.Contains(v) = contains v tree
module AvlTree =
let empty<'a> : AvlTree<'a> = new AvlTree<'a>(Nil)
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phasetr commented May 30, 2020 のコードをコピペしたうえで少し修正したが、が取り切れない事案。
修正したのは type AvlTree<'a when 'a: comparison>(tree: 'a Tree) =error FS0001: 型パラメーターに制約 'when 'a : comparison' がありません というエラー表示に従って when 'a : comparison をつけた。
最後の module AvlTree でも同じ型制約に関するエラーが出たのでいろいろ制約をつけてみたがわからない。
例えば次のようにすると error FS0010: 予期しない キーワード 'when' です 型引数内。',' または他のトークンを指定してください。 と言われる。

module AvlTree =
let empty<'a> : AvlTree<'a when 'a : comparison> = new AvlTree<'a>(Nil)

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phasetr commented May 30, 2020


制約は AvlTree<'a when 'a : comparison>ではなく let empty<'a> = .. の方の 'a につけないといけません。ここで型変数 'a が宣言(束縛)されているからです。(comparison という制約は AvlTree にではなく、型変数そのものについている)


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