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Created February 10, 2020 14:23
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resulting dist/bundle.js
(function () {
'use strict';
let BLANKS = [undefined, null, false];
function simpleLog(type, msg) {
console.log(`[${type}] ${msg}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} // returns a function that invokes `callback` only after having itself been
// invoked `total` times
function awaitAll(total, callback) {
let i = 0;
return _ => {
if (i === total) {
} // flattens array while discarding blank values
function flatCompact(items) {
return items.reduce((memo, item) => {
return BLANKS.indexOf(item) !== -1 ? memo : // eslint-disable-next-line indent
memo.concat(item.pop ? flatCompact(item) : item);
}, []);
function blank(value) {
return BLANKS.indexOf(value) !== -1;
function repr(value, jsonify = true) {
return `\`${jsonify ? JSON.stringify(value) : value}\``;
function noop() {}
let Fragment = {}; // poor man's symbol; used for virtual wrapper elements
// cf.
let VOID_ELEMENTS = {}; // poor man's `Set`
["area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"].forEach(tag => {
VOID_ELEMENTS[tag] = true;
}); // generates an "element generator" function which serves as a placeholder and,
// when invoked, writes the respective HTML to an output stream
// such an element generator expects three arguments:
// * a writable stream (an object with methods `#write`, `#writeln` and `#flush`)
// * an options object:
// * `nonBlocking`, if truthy, permits non-blocking I/O
// * `log` is a logging function with the signature `(level, message)`; note
// that violations of HTML semantics are logged as "error", though user
// agents might still successfully render the respective document
// * a callback function which is invoked upon conclusion, without any arguments
// the indirection via element generators serves two purposes: since this
// function implements the signature expected by JSX (which is essentially a DSL
// for function invocations), we need to inject additional arguments by other
// means - plus we need to defer element creation in order to ensure proper
// order and nesting:
// <body id="top">
// <h1>hello world</h1>
// </body>
// turns into
// createElement("body", { id: "top" },
// createElement("h1", null, "hello world"));
// without a thunk-style indirection, `<h1>` would be created before `<body>`
function generateHTML(tag, params, ...children) {
return (stream, options, callback) => {
let {
log = simpleLog,
_idRegistry = {}
} = options || {};
if (tag !== Fragment) {
let attribs = generateAttributes(params, {
} // NB:
// * discarding blank values (`undefined`, `null`, `false`) to allow for
// conditionals with boolean operators (`condition && value`)
// * `children` might contain nested arrays due to the use of
// collections within JSX (`{ => <span>{item}</span>)}`)
children = flatCompact(children);
let isVoid = VOID_ELEMENTS[tag];
let closingTag = isVoid || tag === Fragment ? null : tag;
let total = children.length;
if (total === 0) {
closeElement(stream, closingTag, callback);
} else {
if (isVoid) {
log("error", `void elements must not have children: \`<${tag}>\``);
let close = awaitAll(total, _ => {
closeElement(stream, closingTag, callback);
processChildren(stream, children, 0, {
}, close);
function HTMLString(str) {
if (blank(str) || !str.substr) {
throw new Error(`invalid ${repr(, false)}: ${repr(str)}`);
this.value = str;
} // adapted from TiddlyWiki <> and Python 3's `html` module
function htmlEncode(str, attribute) {
let res = str.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
if (attribute) {
res = res.replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#x27;");
return res;
function processChildren(stream, children, startIndex, options, callback) {
for (let i = startIndex; i < children.length; i++) {
let child = children[i];
if (! {
// leaf node(s)
let content = child instanceof HTMLString ? // eslint-disable-next-line indent
child.value : htmlEncode(child.toString());
let {
} = options;
let generatorOptions = {
if (child.length !== 1) {
// element generator -- XXX: brittle heuristic (arity)
child(stream, generatorOptions, callback);
} // deferred child element
let fn = element => {
element(stream, generatorOptions, callback);
let next = i + 1;
if (next < children.length) {
processChildren(stream, children, next, options, callback);
if (!nonBlocking) {
// ensure deferred child element is synchronous
let invoked = false;
let _fn = fn;
fn = function () {
invoked = true;
return _fn.apply(null, arguments);
let _child = child;
child = function () {
let res = _child.apply(null, arguments);
if (!invoked) {
let msg = "invalid non-blocking operation detected";
throw new Error(`${msg}: \`${options.tag}\``);
return res;
break; // remainder processing continues recursively above
function closeElement(stream, tag, callback) {
if (tag !== null) {
// void elements must not have closing tags
function generateAttributes(params, {
}) {
if (!params) {
return "";
if (_idRegistry && !== undefined) {
let {
} = params;
if (_idRegistry[id]) {
log("error", `duplicate HTML element ID: ${repr(}`);
_idRegistry[id] = true;
let attribs = Object.keys(params).reduce((memo, name) => {
let value = params[name];
switch (value) {
// blank attributes
case null:
case undefined:
// boolean attributes (e.g. `<input … autofocus>`)
case true:
case false:
// regular attributes
// cf.
if (/ |"|'|>|'|\/|=/.test(name)) {
reportAttribError(`invalid HTML attribute name: ${repr(name)}`, tag, log);
if (typeof value === "number") {
value = value.toString();
} else if (!value.substr) {
reportAttribError(`invalid value for HTML attribute \`${name}\`: ` + `${repr(value)} (expected string)`, tag, log);
memo.push(`${name}="${htmlEncode(value, true)}"`);
return memo;
}, []);
return attribs.length === 0 ? "" : ` ${attribs.join(" ")}`;
function reportAttribError(msg, tag, log) {
log("error", `${msg} - did you perhaps intend to use \`${tag}\` as a macro?`);
function createElement(element, params, ...children) {
if (element === undefined) {
// TODO; provide context by stringifying `params` + `children` via `generateHTML`
throw new Error("invalid macro: `undefined`");
/* eslint-disable indent */
return ? element(params === null ? {} : params, ...flatCompact(children)) : generateHTML(element, params, ...children);
/* eslint-enable indent */
} // a renderer typically provides the interface to the host environment
// it maps views' string identifiers to the corresponding macros and supports
// both HTML documents and fragments
// `log` is an optional logging function with the signature `(level, message)`
// (cf. `generateHTML`)
class Renderer {
doctype = "<!DOCTYPE html>",
} = {}) {
this.doctype = doctype;
this.log = log;
this._macroRegistry = {}; // bind methods for convenience
["registerView", "renderView"].forEach(meth => {
this[meth] = this[meth].bind(this);
registerView(macro, name =, replace) {
if (!name) {
throw new Error(`missing name for macro: \`${macro}\``);
let macros = this._macroRegistry;
if (macros[name] && !replace) {
throw new Error(`invalid macro name: \`${name}\` already registered`);
macros[name] = macro;
return name; // primarily for debugging
} // `view` is either a macro function or a string identifying a registered macro
// `params` is a mutable key-value object which is passed to the respective macro
// `stream` is a writable stream (cf. `generateHTML`)
// `fragment` is a boolean determining whether to omit doctype and layout
// `callback` is an optional function invoked upon conclusion - if provided,
// this activates non-blocking rendering
renderView(view, params, stream, {
} = {}, callback) {
if (!fragment) {
if (fragment) {
if (!params) {
params = {};
params._layout = false; // XXX: hacky? (e.g. might break due to immutability)
} // resolve string identifier to corresponding macro
let viewName = view && view.substr && view;
let macro = viewName ? this._macroRegistry[viewName] : view;
if (!macro) {
throw new Error(`unknown view macro: \`${view}\` is not registered`);
} // augment logging with view context
let log = this.log && ((level, message) => this.log(level, `<${viewName ||}> ${message}`));
let element = createElement(macro, params);
if (blank(element)) {
element = createElement(Fragment);
if (callback) {
// non-blocking mode
element(stream, {
nonBlocking: true,
}, callback);
} else {
// blocking mode
element(stream, {
nonBlocking: false,
}, noop);
let {
} = new Renderer();
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