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Last active November 20, 2019 18:22
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marking guides from faculty of education

Marking guide for Language and Literacy Education


Work of outstanding quality A+ 90–100
A 85–89
A− 80–84

Exemplary work that demonstrates excellent comprehension of the subject, exceptional thoughtfulness and an inquiring mind. Consistently applies a high level of critical scrutiny to texts and discussions, with a willingness to explore ideas beyond what has been presented, to question and evaluate critically one’s own thinking and learning processes. Shows a high degree of personal engagement with the topic and makes connections that are deep and insightful. Frequently articulates innovative ideas based on a broad background; is creative and thought-provoking. Consistently integrates broad orientations towards language and learning.

Work of good quality with no major weaknesses
B+ 76–79
B 72–75
B− 68–71

Strong work that demonstrates in-depth comprehension of the subject. Frequently articulates original, critical insights. Thoughtful use of existing knowledge in the subject. Reveals a willingness to engage actively in the learning experiences of the course in the work and to make personal and meaningful connections. Evidence of critical reflection, questioning and creativity.

Adequate work
C+ 64–67
C 60–63
C− 55–59

Satisfactory work; no major weaknesses in comprehension of the subject are evident. Shows few original, critical insights. Background knowledge is adequate. Evidence of personal involvement in the learning experiences of the course and the making of connections. Meets all course objectives and requirements. Needs further development in the areas of critical reflection, inquiry and creativity.

Minimally adequate work; barely at a passing level

D 50 – 54
Some flaws or deficits in understanding. Unable to integrate broad orientations towards language and learning.

Failing work
F 0 – 49

Inadequate for successful completion of the course or submitted beyond the final date of acceptance. Reveals an inadequate or lack of engagement with learning experiences in the course and an unwillingness or inability to participate appropriately.

Marking guide for Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy Studies

A level – Good to Excellent Work
A+ (90-100%)
A very high level of quality throughout every aspect of the work. It shows the individual (or group) has gone well beyond what has been provided and has extended the usual ways of thinking and/or performing. Outstanding comprehension of subject matter and use of existing literature and research. Consistently integrates critical and creative perspectives in relation to the subject material. The work shows a very high degree of engagement with the topic.

A (85-89%)
Generally a high quality throughout the work. No problems of any significance, and evidence of attention given to each and every detail. Very good comprehension of subject and use of existing literature and research. For the most part, integrates critical and creative perspectives in relation to the subject material. Shows a high degree of engagement with the topic.

A- (80-84%)
Generally a good quality throughout the work. A few problems of significance. Good comprehension of subject matter and use of existing literature and research. Work demonstrates an ability to integrate critical and creative perspectives on most occasions. The work demonstrates a reasonable degree of engagement with the topic.

B level – Adequate Work
B+ (76-79%)
Some aspects of good quality to the work. Some problems of minor significance. There are examples of integrating critical and creative perspectives in relation to the subject material. A degree of engagement with the topic.

B (72-75%)
Adequate quality. A number of problems of some significance. Difficulty evident in the comprehension of the subject material and use of existing literature and research. Only a few examples of integrating critical and creative perspectives in relation to the subject material. Some engagement with the topic.

B- (68-71%)
Barely adequate work at the graduate level.

C level – Seriously Flawed Work
C (55-67%)
Serious flaws in understanding of the subject material. Minimal integration of critical and creative perspectives in relation to the subject material. Inadequate engagement with the topic. Inadequate work at the graduate level.

D level (50-54%)
F level – Failing Work (0-49%)

Marking Guide For Class Work And Weekly Assignments

Level of thought

A+ —> A: Reflective (considers alternatives, how lessons learned might influence future actions), thoughtful, integrates course readings with personal experience.

Excellent, exemplary work that has pushed you to a new level of understanding

A- —> B+: Analytic (attempts to make sense of incidents described or patterns observed), thoughtful.

B: Descriptive (tells what is going on).

C or less: Confused (omits or illogically connects ideas), little evidence given.


A+ —> A: Clear, focused, complex, well-organized, precise, rich, distinctive or creative, well written/produced

A- -> B+: Clear, focused, logical, and acceptable.

B: Acceptable but vague, disorderly or confusing.

Cor less: Simplistic, disorganized, poorly developed, and/or lacks coherence.


A+ —> A: Well supported with examples and/or connections to previous experiences or readings

A- -> B+:. Mostly well supported

B: Adequately supported

C or less Sketchy or weak support


A+ —> A
Meets deadline
Word processed
Free of mechanical errors.

A- -> B+
Meets deadline
Word processed
Free of mechanical errors.

Some mechanical errors

C or less
Mechanical errors are noticeable relative to complexity and detract from the work.

Marking Guide for Class Attendance, Participation & Leadership

A+ —> A: Comes to class prepared, having read and thought about the material (brings questions or worthwhile additions to the conversation from the reader’s log), having spent considerable time with the written and reflective work

Participates with enthusiasm, listening to others and helping to advance the understanding of the large or small group with interesting comments, examples, and insights

A- —> B+: Comes to class prepared, having read, written and thought about the material

Participates with interest in large and small group activities, listens to others, asks and responds to questions

B —> B-: Comes to class generally prepared, having read and thought about the material

Participates with interest, talks occasionally or dominates the conversation without consideration of others, asks few questions

C or less: Comes to class with some of the assignments prepared or is not prepared

Reticent to participate or does not enter into collaborative, group activities, asks no questions

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