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Created April 24, 2020 18:54
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Function Set-SchannelProtocol
Disables schannel protocols by default. Enable a protocol by using the -EnableProtocol switch.
Microsoft IIS uses schannel for implementing HTTPS. This function will enable/disable protocols for both the client and server.
WARNING! These settings are system wide meaning they impact all process/services running on the system.
BOTH Client and Server are configured. Client refers to outgoing connections such as browsers
whereas Server refers to hosted process/services such as IIS.
This function must be launched from an elevated admin prompt.
Set-SchannelProtocol -Protocol 'SSL 2.0'
$DisableProtocols = 'SSL 2.0','SSL 3.0','TLS 1.0','TLS 1.1','DTLS 1.0','DTLS 1.2'
$DisableProtocols | %{ Set-SchannelProtocol -Protocol $) }
Set-SchannelProtocol -Protocol 'TLS 1.2' -EnableProtocol
Tested on Windows Server 2019 and PowerShell 5.1
[ValidateSet('SSL 2.0','SSL 3.0','TLS 1.0','TLS 1.1','TLS 1.2','DTLS 1.0','DTLS 1.2')]
# Protocol
# Enable Protocol
$i = 0
$RegBase = 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols'
$RegEnabledValue = 0
if($EnableProtocol){ $RegEnabledValue = 1 }
$RegDisabledByDefaultValue = 1
if($EnableProtocol){ $RegDisabledByDefaultValue = 0 }
do {
1 { # Create folders
$ProtocolBase = Join-Path $RegBase -ChildPath $Protocol
if($(Test-Path $ProtocolBase) -eq $false)
New-Item -Path $RegBase -Name $Protocol | Out-Null
$ProtocolBaseServer = Join-Path $ProtocolBase -ChildPath 'Server'
if($(Test-Path $ProtocolBaseServer) -eq $false)
New-Item -Path $ProtocolBase -Name 'Server' | Out-Null
$ProtocolBaseClient = Join-Path $ProtocolBase -ChildPath 'Client'
if($(Test-Path $ProtocolBaseClient) -eq $false)
New-Item -Path $ProtocolBase -Name 'Client' | Out-Null
2 { # Configure Client
$ProtocolPath = Join-Path $RegBase -ChildPath $Protocol
$ProtocolBaseClient = Join-Path $ProtocolBase -ChildPath 'Client'
Set-ItemProperty -Path $ProtocolBaseClient -Type DWord -Name 'Enabled' -Value $RegEnabledValue | Out-Null
Write-Output $('{0} : Enabled={1}' -f $ProtocolBaseClient,$RegEnabledValue)
Set-ItemProperty -Path $ProtocolBaseClient -Type DWord -Name 'DisabledByDefault' -Value $RegDisabledByDefaultValue | Out-Null
Write-Output $('{0} : DisabledByDefault={1}' -f $ProtocolBaseClient,$RegDisabledByDefaultValue)
3 { # Configure Server
$ProtocolPath = Join-Path $RegBase -ChildPath $Protocol
$ProtocolBaseServer = Join-Path $ProtocolBase -ChildPath 'Server'
Set-ItemProperty -Path $ProtocolBaseServer -Type DWord -Name 'Enabled' -Value $RegEnabledValue | Out-Null
Write-Host $('{0} : Enabled={1}' -f $ProtocolBaseServer,$RegEnabledValue)
Set-ItemProperty -Path $ProtocolBaseServer -Type DWord -Name 'DisabledByDefault' -Value $RegDisabledByDefaultValue | Out-Null
Write-Host $('{0} : DisabledByDefault={1}' -f $ProtocolBaseServer,$RegDisabledByDefaultValue)
default {
Write-Host 'Reboot to make changes active.'
$i = 0
} while ($i -ne 0)
} # End function Set-SchannelProtocol
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