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Last active October 17, 2020 04:09
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Generates a Service configuration for DSC based on the local system.
Function Get-ServiceDscConfig
Generates a Service configuration for DSC based on the local system.
Get-ServiceDscConfig -FilePath D:\SomeFolder\
Get-ServiceDscConfig -FilePath D:\SomeFolder\ -Width 100
[ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container})]
# Folder to save new .ps1 file
$Folder = (Get-Location).Path
# Description text width
$Width = 100
$DestFile = Join-Path -Path $Folder -ChildPath "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)-ServiceDscConfig.ps1"
$FileContents1 = @"
Configuration DscServices
# Generated: $(Get-Date) on $($env:COMPUTERNAME)
Import-DscResource -Module PSDscResources -Name Service
Out-File -FilePath $DestFile -InputObject $FileContents1 -Encoding ASCII -Force
$Services = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | Sort-Object DisplayName
foreach($Service in $Services)
$ServiceDscName = $Service.Name
$ServiceDescription = $Service.Description
$ServiceStart = $Service.StartMode
$ServiceState = 'Ignore'
if($ServiceStart.ToLower() -eq 'auto')
$ServiceStart = 'Automatic'
# Ensure ServiceDscName meets ^[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,50}$
if($ServiceDscName -notmatch "^[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,50}$")
$ServiceDscNameArray = $ServiceDscName.ToCharArray()
$MaxLength = 50
$ServiceDscName = ''
if($ServiceDscNameArray.Length -lt $MaxLength)
$MaxLength = $ServiceDscNameArray.Length
for($i = 0; $i -lt $MaxLength; $i++)
if($ServiceDscNameArray[$i] -match "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1}$")
$ServiceDscName += $ServiceDscNameArray[$i]
} else {
# replace character with underscore
$ServiceDscName += '_'
# ServiceState should only be Stopped when StartMode=Disabled
# since not all services continuously run.
if($Service.StartMode -eq 'Disabled')
$ServiceState = 'Stopped'
# Format service description width
if($ServiceDescription.Length -gt $Width)
$Indent = ' '
$ServiceDescription = ''
$WordArray = $Service.Description.Split(' ')
$SpaceLeft = $Width
foreach($word in $WordArray)
if($($word.Length + 1) -gt $SpaceLeft)
$ServiceDescription += "`n$Indent$word "
$SpaceLeft = $Width - $($word.Length + 1)
} else {
$ServiceDescription += "$word "
$SpaceLeft -= $($word.Length + 1)
$Entry = @"
Service $($ServiceDscName)
DisplayName = $($Service.DisplayName)
Description = $($ServiceDescription)
Path = $($Service.PathName)
ServiceType = $($Service.ServiceType)
Account = $($Service.StartName)
Name = '$($Service.Name)'
StartupType = '$($ServiceStart)'
State = '$($ServiceState)'
Out-File -FilePath $DestFile -InputObject $Entry -Encoding ASCII -Append
$FileContents2 = @'
DscServices -Verbose
Out-File -FilePath $DestFile -InputObject $FileContents2 -Encoding ASCII -Append
Write-Output "`nFile written to: $DestFile`n"
} # End Function Get-ServiceDscConfig
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