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Last active February 22, 2018 14:48
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Knight Tour with trampoline (in response to other gist that uses mutual recursion)
package code
import eu.timepit.refined._
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object KnightTourSolver extends App {
implicit final class AnyOps[A](self: A) {
def ===(other: A): Boolean = self == other
def =!=(other: A): Boolean = !(===(other))
type ChessInterval = Interval.Closed[W.`1`.T, W.`8`.T]
type Column = Int Refined ChessInterval
type Row = Column
val maxRow: Row = 8
val maxCol: Column = maxRow
val minCol: Column = 1
val dimension: Int = maxRow.value
val piecesToPlay: Int = (dimension) * (dimension)
final case class Position(r: Row, c: Column) {
override def toString: String =
object Position {
def A1: Position = Position(1, 1)
type Positions = Vector[Position]
sealed trait Explore
final case class Done(solution: Option[Positions]) extends Explore
final case class Forward(positions: Positions, newEntry: Position)
extends Explore
final case class Backward(positions: Positions, failed: Position)
extends Explore
final case class Board(layout: Positions) { // its concern is to render itself as a String for 2 dimensional display (toString)
// because formatting is tedious and full of gotchas,
val emptyCell = "|__"
val horizontalLine = " " + "_" * (3 * dimension)
val bottomLine = "|\n" + horizontalLine + "\n" + ('A' until ('A' + maxCol.value).toChar).mkString(" ", " ", "")
override def toString: String = {
val matrix = Array.ofDim[String](dimension, dimension)
for {
i <- 0 until dimension
j <- 0 until dimension
} {
matrix(i)(j) = emptyCell from 1).foreach { case(p, value) =>
matrix(p.r.value -1)(p.c.value -1) = s"|${(if (value < 10) " " else "") + value.toString }"
// chess convention has white at bottom and lower row (1 not 0) at bottom and higher row (8 not 8) at top
matrix.reverse.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(horizontalLine) { case(acc, (row, idx)) =>
acc + "\n" + (idx+1).toString + row.mkString("") + (if (idx === dimension -1) "" else "|")
} + bottomLine
def run(explore: Explore): Option[Positions] = explore match {
case Done(positions) => positions
case Forward(positions, newEntry) =>
if (positions.length + 1 === piecesToPlay)
run(Done(Some(positions :+ newEntry)))
else // more search required
selectNextForwardMove(positions, newEntry) match {
case None => run(Backward(positions, newEntry))
case Some(pos) => run(Forward(positions :+ newEntry, pos))
case Backward(positions, failed) =>
positions match {
case IndexedSeq() => run(Done(None)) // search ends in failure
case prevPositions :+ last =>
val next = selectEligibleOnBacktrack(positions, failed)
.find(pos => !positions.contains(pos))
// backtrack more if we still fail, otherwise generate new solution optimistically.
next match {
case Some(pos) => run(Forward(positions, pos))
case None => run(Backward(prevPositions, last))
def getAllLegalMoves(from: Position): Seq[Position] = from match {
case Position(row, col) =>
val (r, c) = (row.value, col.value)
Seq((r + 2, c - 1),
(r + 1, c - 2),
(r - 1, c - 2),
(r - 2, c - 1),
(r - 2, c + 1),
(r - 1, c + 2),
(r + 1, c + 2),
(r + 2, c + 1))
.filter { case (x, y) => (refineV(x): Either[String, Row]).isRight && (refineV(y): Either[String, Column]).isRight }
.map {
case (x, y) => Position(castToRowOrColumn(x), castToRowOrColumn(y))
def selectNextForwardMove(positions: Positions,
success: Position): Option[Position] =
getAllLegalMoves(success).find(pos => !positions.contains(pos))
def selectEligibleOnBacktrack(positions: Positions,
failed: Position): Seq[Position] =
positions match {
case IndexedSeq() => Nil // search ends in failure
case _ :+ previous =>
.dropWhile(p => p =!= failed) // removes those that would/should have been tried before
.drop(1) // removes failed one as well right now
def castToRowOrColumn(x: Int): Refined[Int, ChessInterval] =
Refined.unsafeApply[Int, ChessInterval](x)
val solution: Option[Positions] = run(Forward(Vector.empty[Position], Position.A1))
solution match {
case None =>
println(s"no solution found for dimension $dimension")
case Some(solution) =>
println(s"Solution found for dimension $dimension")
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Trying to find a non-imperative solution (meaning recursive) to Knight Tours. It takes about 2-3 minutes to run, so much slower than an imperative solution, but the trampoline allows to bypass the StackOverFlow error that comes up for dimension 8 (other gist).

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