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Beehive Monitor
// beehive monitor
// v1.4 Spark code = include application.h for local compile
// help yourself
// don't blame me
// don't get stung
// other version for chip antenna narwal/112/5211
// this version for black uFL/105/5208
// have added delay to aud measurement to get 500uS per sample
// the first 50 odd frequency measurements seem to be anomalous - power settling or something - so take 50 measurements before saving
// add test for long wait and "toggle "reset" if stuck in loop (enter and leave deep sleep)
// slow sample rate - now see low frequency optical variation so switch off LED during optical read!
// 11/7 further slow optical sample rate from 345 to 500uS = 470 delay + sums
#include "application.h"
#include <math.h>
//pin definitions
const int led = D0;
int therm[6]; //two thermistor for demonstration expandable to 6
const int micPin = A7;
const int optPin = A1;
uint16_t dynamicData[256]; //we are very short of memory so reuse this for optical and audio
int packetSize;
char UDPin[16];
UDP udp;
int i;
int v[6]; //thermistor ADC readings
const float Rinf = 0.072; //thermistor constants for 57k thermistor
const float B = 4190.0;
const float Rup = 47000.0; //pullup resistor value
float t[6]; //temperature measurement
unsigned long startT, t1, t2;
char output[60]; //for spark variable
void setup() {
startT = millis();
therm[0] = A0;
therm[1] = A2;
therm[2] = A3;
therm[3] = A4;
therm[4] = A5;
therm[5] = A6;
Spark.variable("temperature", &output, STRING);
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
if (millis()-startT > 30*60*1000){ //if Spark has been awake for more than 1/2 hr send to sleep for 30 secs to reset
Spark.sleep(SLEEP_MODE_DEEP, 30);
if (udp.parsePacket()>1){
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // Turn ON the LED to show packet received,16);
if(UDPin[0]=='s'){ // If sn received, sleep for n mins
i = UDPin[1] - '0';
if (i>0 && i<10){
i*=600; //add a 00 for longer sleeps when debugged 600 = 10 mins times i
Spark.sleep(SLEEP_MODE_DEEP, i);
if(UDPin[0]=='d'){ // If d received, send monitoring data
udp.beginPacket(udp.remoteIP(), udp.remotePort());
if (UDPin[1]=='t'){
//update temperatures
for (i = 0; i<6;i++){
v[i] = analogRead(therm[i]);
t[i] = B / log(Rup * v[i]/(4096 - v[i])/Rinf) - 273;
sprintf(output,"%d, %d, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f",v[0],WiFi.RSSI(),t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5],t[0]);
//sprintf(output,"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d",v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],v[5]);
udp.write((unsigned char*)&output,sizeof(output));
else if (UDPin[1]=='a'){
//update sound
for (i=-50;i<256;i++){
//if (i == 0) t1 = millis(); //use this line to tune delay to get 500uS per sample
if (i >= 0) dynamicData[i]=analogRead(micPin);
else analogRead(micPin); //dummy read
//use the following two lines to tune delay to get 500uS per sample
//t2 = millis();
//dynamicData[0] = t2-t1+2047;
udp.write((unsigned char*)&dynamicData[0],sizeof(dynamicData));
else if (UDPin[1]=='o'){
for (i= -50;i<256;i++){
if (i >= 0) dynamicData[i]=analogRead(optPin);
else analogRead(optPin); //dummy read
udp.write((unsigned char*)&dynamicData[0],sizeof(dynamicData));
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // Turn OFF the LED
# Beehive monitor v1.4BlackuFL
# host 192.168.105
# socket 5208
#save 16 spectra to average noise
#make time format excel compatible
#save raw and fft data in separate daily files v1.31
#save sample averages
#save backups as csv
#filter out spikes in raw data
#split into separate functions
#print repeat no in raw file to track down extra writes
import socket # Import socket module
import time
import struct
import numpy
import sys
from math import log10
import shutil
host = "" # use name of server uFL (BlackuFL)
port = 5208 # Reserve a port for your service.
datalen = 256
p1 = '/media/IDEdrv/BeeMonitor/'
p2 = '/media/HD-EU2pi/BeeMonitor/'
def copyFile(name):
d = time.strftime("_%d_%m_%y")+ '.txt'
c = time.strftime("_%d_%m_%y")+ '.csv'
shutil.copyfile(p1+name+d, p2+name+c)
return -1
return 0
# try to open a connection to Spark
# if successful return the socket otherwise return 0
def getSocket():
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) #Create a socket object
s.connect((host, port))
return s
except socket.error:
return 0
def getOneMicSet(s):
dataOK = False
while not dataOK:
s.sendall(b'da\0 ') # da = send audio data
r = s.recv(2048)
if r == 0: # if r is 0 then the sender has closed for good
print('socket disconnected')
#read audio data packed in a buffer
micData = numpy.array([x-2048 for x in micData1])
stats = (micData.max() - micData.min())/micData.std()
#check data received OK
if len(micData) != datalen:
print('bad audio data')
dataOK = False
elif stats > 7:
print('spiky data '+ str(stats))
dataOK = False
dataOK = True
print('good data '+ str(stats))
return micData
def getOneOptSet(s):
dataOK = False
while not dataOK:
s.sendall(b'do\0 ') # do = send optical data
r = s.recv(2048)
if r == 0: # if r is 0 then the sender has closed for good
print('socket disconnected')
#read optical data packed in a buffer
optData = numpy.array([x-2047 for x in optData1])
stats = (optData.max() - optData.min())/optData.std()
if len(optData) != datalen:
print('bad optical data')
dataOK = False
elif stats > 7:
print('spiky data '+ str(stats))
dataOK = False
dataOK = True
print('good data '+ str(stats))
return optData
def getAudioData(s, w):
with open("beeDataAudRaw"+time.strftime("_%d_%m_%y")+".txt","a") as raw, \
open("beeDataAudFFT"+time.strftime("_%d_%m_%y")+".txt","a") as frq, \
open("beeDataAudLinFFT"+time.strftime("_%d_%m_%y")+".txt","a") as lin:
micAvg = 0.0
micCount = 0 #move above with open ??
for repeat in range(0,16):
micData = getOneMicSet(s)
for x in micData:
raw.write('%d, ' % x)
raw.write(str(len(micData)) + ','+str(repeat) + '\n')
print(time.ctime()+' saved audio data')
freq = numpy.abs(numpy.fft.rfft(micData*w,256))
for x in freq:
lin.write('%.4f, ' % x)
lin.write(time.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")+' '+str(len(freq))+'\n')
dB = numpy.log10(freq)
for x in dB:
frq.write('%.4f, ' % x)
frq.write(time.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")+' '+str(len(freq))+'\n')
micCount +=1
if micCount == 1:
micAvg = freq
micAvg += freq
micAvg /= micCount
with open('beeDataAudAvg.txt','a') as avg, \
open('beeDataAudLinAvg.txt','a') as lin:
for x in micAvg:
lin.write('%.4f, ' % x)
if x>0:
avg.write('%.4f, ' % log10(x))
avg.write(time.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")+'\n')
lin.write(time.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")+'\n')
print('audio average saved')
#print('error in getAudioData',sys.exc_info()[0])
def getOpticalData(s, w):
optAvg = 0
optCount = 0
with open("beeDataOptRaw"+time.strftime("_%d_%m_%y")+".txt","a") as raw, \
open("beeDataOptFFT"+time.strftime("_%d_%m_%y")+".txt","a") as frq, \
open("beeDataOptLinFFT"+time.strftime("_%d_%m_%y")+".txt","a") as lin:
for repeat in range(0,16):
optData = getOneOptSet(s)
for x in optData:
raw.write('%d, ' % x)
raw.write(str(len(optData)) + ',' + str(repeat) + '\n')
print(time.ctime()+ ' saved optical data')
freq = numpy.abs(numpy.fft.rfft(optData*w,256))
for x in freq:
lin.write('%.4f, ' % x)
lin.write(time.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")+' '+str(len(freq))+'\n')
dB = numpy.log10(freq)
for x in dB:
frq.write('%.4f, ' % x)
frq.write(time.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")+' '+str(len(freq))+'\n')
optCount += 1
if optCount == 3: #ignore first two readings
optAvg = freq
elif optCount > 3:
optAvg += freq
optAvg /= (optCount - 2)
with open('beeDataOptAvg.txt','a') as avg, \
open('beeDataOptLinAvg.txt','a') as linAv:
for x in optAvg:
linAv.write('%.4f, ' % x)
if x>0:
avg.write('%.4f, ' % log10(x))
avg.write(time.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")+'\n')
linAv.write(time.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")+'\n')
print('opt average saved '+str(optCount))
print('error in getOpticalData')
def getTemperatureData(s):
s.sendall(b'dt\0 ') # dt = send thermal data
r='not read anything'
try: #check for data
r = s.recv(2048)
if r == 0: # if r is 0 then the sender has closed for good
print('socket disconnected')
#read string with temperature data
text = r.decode("utf-8",'ignore')
text = "Can't decode"
vals = []
T = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
vals = text.split(',')
RSSI = vals[1]
for i in range(0,6):
T[i] = float(vals[i+2].strip('\0'))
with open("beeDataTherm.txt","a") as myfile:
for Tm in T:
myfile.write('%.1f, ' % Tm)
print(RSSI,T, len(T))
myfile.write(time.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")+'\n')
print('error in getTemperatureData')
def backupFiles():
shutil.copyfile(p1+'beeDataTherm.txt', p2+'beeDataTherm.csv')
shutil.copyfile(p1+'beeDataAudAvg.txt', p2+'beeDataAudAvg.csv')
shutil.copyfile(p1+'beeDataOptAvg.txt', p2+'beeDataOptAvg.csv')
shutil.copyfile(p1+'beeDataAudLinAvg.txt', p2+'beeDataAudLinAvg.csv')
shutil.copyfile(p1+'beeDataOptLinAvg.txt', p2+'beeDataOptLinAvg.csv')
print('cant write to HD-EU2')
w = numpy.hamming(datalen)
while True:
s = getSocket()
if not isinstance(s, socket.socket):
getAudioData(s, w)
getOpticalData(s, w)
s.sendall(b's6\0 ') # s = sleep n is time in 10s of min
except socket.timeout:
print ("Finished...")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Jun 08 16:45:49 2014
@author: Media
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import strpdate2num
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
beeAud = np.loadtxt('/media/HD-EU2pi/BeeMonitor/beeDataAudFFT_28_08_14.csv',delimiter=',',
converters = {129:strpdate2num(' %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')},
usecols = (range(100)))
im = plt.imshow(beeAud[:,:].T, vmin = 1, vmax = 4)
plt.contour(beeAud[:,:].T,(np.arange(0.0,4.0,0.333)), colors='black' )
plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.8)
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phec commented Sep 2, 2014

This software is primitive and probably not fit for any purpose but you are welcome to use it and comment on the forum.

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