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Forked from mikkokaar/DragDrop.js
Last active February 1, 2022 18:18
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react-beautiful-dnd wrapper to add payloads and callback support on draggables and droppables, see
* About:
* react-beautiful-dnd wrapper to add payloads and callback support on draggables and droppables
* Source:
* This file extends components from
* Addresses the issues from
* Usage:
* Import react-beautiful-dnd components from this file instead of from react-beautiful-dnd library
import * as React from "react";
import {
DragDropContext as DragDropContext_,
Droppable as Droppable_,
Draggable as Draggable_,
} from "react-beautiful-dnd";
// Maps
const draggableMap = {};
const droppableMap = {};
// Draggable
export class Draggable extends React.Component<DraggableProps> {
componentDidMount() {
draggableMap[this.props.draggableId] = this;
componentWillUnmount() {
delete draggableMap[this.props.draggableId];
callHandler = (handler, result) => {
this.props[handler] && this.props[handler](result);
getPayload = () => this.props.payload;
render() {
return <Draggable_ {...this.props} />;
// Droppable
export class Droppable extends React.Component<DroppableProps> {
componentDidMount() {
droppableMap[this.props.droppableId] = this;
componentWillUnmount() {
delete droppableMap[this.props.droppableId];
callHandler = (handler, result) => {
this.props[handler] && this.props[handler](result);
getPayload = () => this.props.payload;
render() {
return <Droppable_ {...this.props} />;
// DragDropContext
export class DragDropContext extends React.Component<DragDropContextProps> {
callHandler = (droppableId, handler, result) => {
droppableMap[droppableId] &&
droppableMap[droppableId].callHandler(handler, result);
callHandlerOnDraggable = (draggableId, handler, result) => {
draggableMap[draggableId] &&
draggableMap[draggableId].callHandler(handler, result);
getPayload = (droppableId) => {
return droppableMap[droppableId] && droppableMap[droppableId].getPayload();
getDraggablePayload = (draggableId) => {
return draggableMap[draggableId] && draggableMap[draggableId].getPayload();
handleEvent = (handler) => (result) => {
let { source, destination, draggableId } = result;
if (source) {
source.payload = this.getPayload(source.droppableId);
if (destination) {
destination.payload = this.getPayload(destination.droppableId);
result.payload = this.getDraggablePayload(draggableId);
this.callHandlerOnDraggable(draggableId, handler, result);
if (destination) {
this.callHandler(destination.droppableId, handler, result);
if (!destination || destination.droppableId !== source.droppableId) {
this.callHandler(source.droppableId, handler, result);
this.props[handler] && this.props[handler](result);
render() {
let newProps = {
onBeforeDragStart: this.handleEvent("onBeforeDragStart"),
onDragStart: this.handleEvent("onDragStart"),
onDragUpdate: this.handleEvent("onDragUpdate"),
onDragEnd: this.handleEvent("onDragEnd"),
return <DragDropContext_ {...newProps} />;
// Type definitions for react-beautiful-dnd 13.1
// Project:
// Definitions by: varHarrie <>
// Bradley Ayers <>
// Austin Turner <>
// Mark Nelissen <>
// Enrico Boccadifuoco <>
// Taeheon Kim <>
// Kanitkorn Sujautra <>
// Arun George <>
// Nick Garlis <>
// Brian Powers <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.8
// Refer to
export type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
export interface Position {
x: number;
y: number;
export interface BoxModel {
// content + padding + border + margin
marginBox: Rect;
// content + padding + border
borderBox: Rect;
// content + padding
paddingBox: Rect;
// content
contentBox: Rect;
// for your own consumption
border: Spacing;
padding: Spacing;
margin: Spacing;
// This is an extension of DOMRect and ClientRect
export interface Rect {
// ClientRect
top: number;
right: number;
bottom: number;
left: number;
width: number;
height: number;
// DOMRect
x: number;
y: number;
// Rect
center: Position;
export interface Spacing {
top: number;
right: number;
bottom: number;
left: number;
* IDs
export type Id = string;
export type DraggableId = Id;
export type DroppableId = Id;
export type TypeId = Id;
export type ContextId = Id;
export type ElementId = Id;
export type DroppableMode = "standard" | "virtual";
export interface DroppableDescriptor {
id: DroppableId;
type: TypeId;
mode: DroppableMode;
export interface DraggableDescriptor {
id: DraggableId;
index: number;
// Inherited from Droppable
droppableId: DroppableId;
// This is technically redundant but it avoids
// needing to look up a parent droppable just to get its type
type: TypeId;
export interface DraggableOptions {
canDragInteractiveElements: boolean;
shouldRespectForcePress: boolean;
isEnabled: boolean;
export type Direction = "horizontal" | "vertical";
export interface VerticalAxis {
direction: "vertical";
line: "y";
start: "top";
end: "bottom";
size: "height";
crossAxisLine: "x";
crossAxisStart: "left";
crossAxisEnd: "right";
crossAxisSize: "width";
export interface HorizontalAxis {
direction: "horizontal";
line: "x";
start: "left";
end: "right";
size: "width";
crossAxisLine: "y";
crossAxisStart: "top";
crossAxisEnd: "bottom";
crossAxisSize: "height";
export type Axis = VerticalAxis | HorizontalAxis;
export interface ScrollSize {
scrollHeight: number;
scrollWidth: number;
export interface ScrollDifference {
value: Position;
// The actual displacement as a result of a scroll is in the opposite
// direction to the scroll itself. When scrolling down items are displaced
// upwards. This value is the negated version of the 'value'
displacement: Position;
export interface ScrollDetails {
initial: Position;
current: Position;
// the maximum allowable scroll for the frame
max: Position;
diff: ScrollDifference;
export interface Placeholder {
client: BoxModel;
tagName: string;
display: string;
export interface DraggableDimension {
descriptor: DraggableDescriptor;
// the placeholder for the draggable
placeholder: Placeholder;
// relative to the viewport when the drag started
client: BoxModel;
// relative to the whole page
page: BoxModel;
// how much displacement the draggable causes
// this is the size of the marginBox
displaceBy: Position;
export interface Scrollable {
// This is the window through which the droppable is observed
// It does not change during a drag
pageMarginBox: Rect;
// Used for comparision with dynamic recollecting
frameClient: BoxModel;
scrollSize: ScrollSize;
// Whether or not we should clip the subject by the frame
// Is controlled by the ignoreContainerClipping prop
shouldClipSubject: boolean;
scroll: ScrollDetails;
export interface PlaceholderInSubject {
// might not actually be increased by
// placeholder if there is no required space
increasedBy?: Position | undefined;
placeholderSize: Position;
// max scroll before placeholder added
// will be null if there was no frame
oldFrameMaxScroll?: Position | undefined;
export interface DroppableSubject {
// raw, unchanging
page: BoxModel;
withPlaceholder?: PlaceholderInSubject | undefined;
// The hitbox for a droppable
// - page margin box
// - with scroll changes
// - with any additional droppable placeholder
// - clipped by frame
// The subject will be null if the hit area is completely empty
active?: Rect | undefined;
export interface DroppableDimension {
descriptor: DroppableDescriptor;
axis: Axis;
isEnabled: boolean;
isCombineEnabled: boolean;
// relative to the current viewport
client: BoxModel;
// relative to the whole page
isFixedOnPage: boolean;
// relative to the page
page: BoxModel;
// The container of the droppable
frame?: Scrollable | undefined;
// what is visible through the frame
subject: DroppableSubject;
export interface DraggableLocation {
droppableId: DroppableId;
index: number;
export interface DraggableIdMap {
[id: string]: true;
export interface DroppableIdMap {
[id: string]: true;
export interface DraggableDimensionMap {
[key: string]: DraggableDimension;
export interface DroppableDimensionMap {
[key: string]: DroppableDimension;
export interface Displacement {
draggableId: DraggableId;
shouldAnimate: boolean;
export interface DisplacementMap {
[key: string]: Displacement;
export interface DisplacedBy {
value: number;
point: Position;
// details of the item that is being combined with
export interface Combine {
draggableId: DraggableId;
droppableId: DroppableId;
export interface DisplacementGroups {
all: DraggableId[];
visible: DisplacementMap;
invisible: DraggableIdMap;
export interface ReorderImpact {
type: "REORDER";
destination: DraggableLocation;
export interface CombineImpact {
type: "COMBINE";
combine: Combine;
export type ImpactLocation = ReorderImpact | CombineImpact;
export interface Displaced {
forwards: DisplacementGroups;
backwards: DisplacementGroups;
export interface DragImpact {
displaced: DisplacementGroups;
displacedBy: DisplacedBy;
at?: ImpactLocation | undefined;
export interface ClientPositions {
// where the user initially selected
// This point is not used to calculate the impact of a dragging item
// It is used to calculate the offset from the initial selection point
selection: Position;
// the current center of the item
borderBoxCenter: Position;
// how far the item has moved from its original position
offset: Position;
export interface PagePositions {
selection: Position;
borderBoxCenter: Position;
// how much the page position has changed from the initial
offset: Position;
// There are two seperate modes that a drag can be in
// FLUID: everything is done in response to highly granular input (eg mouse)
// SNAP: items move in response to commands (eg keyboard);
export type MovementMode = "FLUID" | "SNAP";
export interface DragPositions {
client: ClientPositions;
page: PagePositions;
export interface DraggableRubric {
draggableId: DraggableId;
mode: MovementMode;
source: DraggableLocation;
export interface DragStart extends BeforeCapture {
type: TypeId;
source: DraggableLocation;
// Published in onBeforeCapture
// We cannot give more information as things might change in the
// onBeforeCapture responder!
export interface BeforeCapture {
draggableId: DraggableId;
mode: MovementMode;
// published when a drag starts
export interface DragStart extends DraggableRubric {
mode: MovementMode;
export interface DragUpdate extends DragStart {
// may not have any destination (drag to nowhere)
destination?: DraggableLocation | undefined;
// populated when a draggable is dragging over another in combine mode
combine?: Combine | undefined;
export type DropReason = "DROP" | "CANCEL";
export interface DropResult extends DragUpdate {
reason: DropReason;
export interface ScrollOptions {
shouldPublishImmediately: boolean;
// using the draggable id rather than the descriptor as the descriptor
// may change as a result of the initial flush. This means that the lift
// descriptor may not be the same as the actual descriptor. To avoid
// confusion the request is just an id which is looked up
// in the dimension-marshal post-flush
// Not including droppableId as it might change in a drop flush
export interface LiftRequest {
draggableId: DraggableId;
scrollOptions: ScrollOptions;
export interface Critical {
draggable: DraggableDescriptor;
droppable: DroppableDescriptor;
export interface Viewport {
// live updates with the latest values
frame: Rect;
scroll: ScrollDetails;
export interface LiftEffect {
inVirtualList: boolean;
effected: DraggableIdMap;
displacedBy: DisplacedBy;
export interface DimensionMap {
draggables: DraggableDimensionMap;
droppables: DroppableDimensionMap;
export interface DroppablePublish {
droppableId: DroppableId;
scroll: Position;
export interface Published {
additions: DraggableDimension[];
removals: DraggableId[];
modified: DroppablePublish[];
export interface CompletedDrag {
critical: Critical;
result: DropResult;
impact: DragImpact;
afterCritical: LiftEffect;
export interface IdleState {
phase: "IDLE";
completed?: CompletedDrag | undefined;
shouldFlush: boolean;
export interface DraggingState {
phase: "DRAGGING";
isDragging: true;
critical: Critical;
movementMode: MovementMode;
dimensions: DimensionMap;
initial: DragPositions;
current: DragPositions;
impact: DragImpact;
viewport: Viewport;
afterCritical: LiftEffect;
onLiftImpact: DragImpact;
// when there is a fixed list we want to opt out of this behaviour
isWindowScrollAllowed: boolean;
// if we need to jump the scroll (keyboard dragging)
scrollJumpRequest?: Position | undefined;
// whether or not draggable movements should be animated
forceShouldAnimate?: boolean | undefined;
// While dragging we can enter into a bulk collection phase
// During this phase no drag updates are permitted.
// If a drop occurs during this phase, it must wait until it is
// completed before continuing with the drop
// TODO: rename to BulkCollectingState
export interface CollectingState extends Omit<DraggingState, "phase"> {
phase: "COLLECTING";
// If a drop action occurs during a bulk collection we need to
// wait for the collection to finish before performing the drop.
// This is to ensure that everything has the correct index after
// a drop
export interface DropPendingState extends Omit<DraggingState, "phase"> {
phase: "DROP_PENDING";
isWaiting: boolean;
reason: DropReason;
// An optional phase for animating the drop / cancel if it is needed
export interface DropAnimatingState {
completed: CompletedDrag;
newHomeClientOffset: Position;
dropDuration: number;
// We still need to render placeholders and fix the dimensions of the dragging item
dimensions: DimensionMap;
export type State =
| IdleState
| DraggingState
| CollectingState
| DropPendingState
| DropAnimatingState;
export type StateWhenUpdatesAllowed = DraggingState | CollectingState;
export type Announce = (message: string) => void;
export type InOutAnimationMode = "none" | "open" | "close";
export interface ResponderProvided {
announce: Announce;
export type OnBeforeCaptureResponder = (before: BeforeCapture) => void;
export type OnBeforeDragStartResponder = (start: DragStart) => void;
export type OnDragStartResponder = (
start: DragStart,
provided: ResponderProvided
) => void;
export type OnDragUpdateResponder = (
update: DragUpdate,
provided: ResponderProvided
) => void;
export type OnDragEndResponder = (
result: DropResult,
provided: ResponderProvided
) => void;
export interface Responders {
onBeforeCapture?: OnBeforeCaptureResponder | undefined;
onBeforeDragStart?: OnBeforeDragStartResponder | undefined;
onDragStart?: OnDragStartResponder | undefined;
onDragUpdate?: OnDragUpdateResponder | undefined;
// always required
onDragEnd: OnDragEndResponder;
export interface StopDragOptions {
shouldBlockNextClick: boolean;
export interface DragActions {
drop: (args?: StopDragOptions) => void;
cancel: (args?: StopDragOptions) => void;
isActive: () => boolean;
shouldRespectForcePress: () => boolean;
export interface FluidDragActions extends DragActions {
move: (clientSelection: Position) => void;
export interface SnapDragActions extends DragActions {
moveUp: () => void;
moveDown: () => void;
moveRight: () => void;
moveLeft: () => void;
export interface PreDragActions {
// discover if the lock is still active
isActive: () => boolean;
// whether it has been indicated if force press should be respected
shouldRespectForcePress: () => boolean;
// lift the current item
fluidLift: (clientSelection: Position) => FluidDragActions;
snapLift: () => SnapDragActions;
// cancel the pre drag without starting a drag. Releases the lock
abort: () => void;
export interface TryGetLockOptions {
sourceEvent?: Event | undefined;
export type TryGetLock = (
draggableId: DraggableId,
forceStop?: () => void,
options?: TryGetLockOptions
) => PreDragActions | null;
export interface SensorAPI {
tryGetLock: TryGetLock;
canGetLock: (id: DraggableId) => boolean;
isLockClaimed: () => boolean;
tryReleaseLock: () => void;
findClosestDraggableId: (event: Event) => DraggableId | null;
findOptionsForDraggable: (id: DraggableId) => DraggableOptions | null;
export type Sensor = (api: SensorAPI) => void;
* DragDropContext
export interface DragDropContextProps {
onBeforeCapture?(before: BeforeCapture): void;
onBeforeDragStart?(initial: DragStart): void;
onDragStart?(initial: DragStart, provided: ResponderProvided): void;
onDragUpdate?(initial: DragUpdate, provided: ResponderProvided): void;
onDragEnd(result: DropResult, provided: ResponderProvided): void;
children: React.ReactNode | null;
dragHandleUsageInstructions?: string | undefined;
nonce?: string | undefined;
enableDefaultSensors?: boolean | undefined;
sensors?: Sensor[] | undefined;
* Droppable
export interface DroppableProvidedProps {
// used for shared global styles
"data-rbd-droppable-context-id": string;
// Used to lookup. Currently not used for drag and drop lifecycle
"data-rbd-droppable-id": DroppableId;
export interface DroppableProvided {
innerRef: (element: HTMLElement | null) => any;
placeholder?: React.ReactElement<HTMLElement> | null | undefined;
droppableProps: DroppableProvidedProps;
export interface DroppableStateSnapshot {
isDraggingOver: boolean;
draggingOverWith?: DraggableId | undefined;
draggingFromThisWith?: DraggableId | undefined;
isUsingPlaceholder: boolean;
export interface DroppableProps {
droppableId: DroppableId;
type?: TypeId | undefined;
mode?: DroppableMode | undefined;
isDropDisabled?: boolean | undefined;
isCombineEnabled?: boolean | undefined;
direction?: Direction | undefined;
ignoreContainerClipping?: boolean | undefined;
renderClone?: DraggableChildrenFn | undefined;
getContainerForClone?: (() => React.ReactElement<HTMLElement>) | undefined;
provided: DroppableProvided,
snapshot: DroppableStateSnapshot
): React.ReactElement<HTMLElement>;
payload?: any;
onBeforeDragStart?(initial: DragStart): void;
onDragStart?(initial: DragStart, provided: ResponderProvided): void;
onDragUpdate?(initial: DragUpdate, provided: ResponderProvided): void;
onDragEnd?(result: DropResult, provided: ResponderProvided): void;
* Draggable
export interface DropAnimation {
duration: number;
curve: string;
moveTo: Position;
opacity?: number | undefined;
scale?: number | undefined;
export interface NotDraggingStyle {
transform?: string | undefined;
transition?: "none" | undefined;
export interface DraggingStyle {
position: "fixed";
top: number;
left: number;
boxSizing: "border-box";
width: number;
height: number;
transition: "none";
transform?: string | undefined;
zIndex: number;
opacity?: number | undefined;
pointerEvents: "none";
export interface DraggableProvidedDraggableProps {
// inline style
style?: DraggingStyle | NotDraggingStyle | undefined;
// used for shared global styles
"data-rbd-draggable-context-id": string;
"data-rbd-draggable-id": string;
onTransitionEnd?: React.TransitionEventHandler<any> | undefined;
export interface DraggableProvidedDragHandleProps {
"data-rbd-drag-handle-draggable-id": DraggableId;
"data-rbd-drag-handle-context-id": ContextId;
"aria-describedby": ElementId;
role: string;
tabIndex: number;
draggable: boolean;
onDragStart: React.DragEventHandler<any>;
export interface DraggableProvided {
// will be removed after move to react 16
innerRef: (element?: HTMLElement | null) => any;
draggableProps: DraggableProvidedDraggableProps;
dragHandleProps?: DraggableProvidedDragHandleProps | undefined;
export interface DraggableStateSnapshot {
isDragging: boolean;
isDropAnimating: boolean;
dropAnimation?: DropAnimation | undefined;
draggingOver?: DroppableId | undefined;
// the id of a draggable that you are combining with
combineWith?: DraggableId | undefined;
// a combine target is being dragged over by
combineTargetFor?: DraggableId | undefined;
// What type of movement is being done: 'FLUID' or 'SNAP'
mode?: MovementMode | undefined;
export type DraggableChildrenFn = (
provided: DraggableProvided,
snapshot: DraggableStateSnapshot,
rubric: DraggableRubric
) => React.ReactElement<HTMLElement>;
export interface DraggableProps {
draggableId: DraggableId;
index: number;
children: DraggableChildrenFn;
isDragDisabled?: boolean | undefined;
disableInteractiveElementBlocking?: boolean | undefined;
shouldRespectForcePress?: boolean | undefined;
payload?: any;
onBeforeDragStart?(initial: DragStart): void;
onDragStart?(initial: DragStart, provided: ResponderProvided): void;
onDragUpdate?(initial: DragUpdate, provided: ResponderProvided): void;
onDragEnd?(result: DropResult, provided: ResponderProvided): void;
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pheidler commented Feb 1, 2022

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