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Forked from svrooij/
Created February 1, 2016 16:29
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Ninjablock to local MQTT server
# This describes how you can connect your ninjablock to your own mqtt server
# It is not the best manual, so please provide feedback
# First of you have to start with the "beta" image found at:
# Or direct link if you must:
# Then put that on an sdcard (like you normally would)
# Put it in the ninjablock
# Let it boot!!
# power off (upon first boot it creates a ssh key (needed for enabling ssh))
# power on
# ssh to it ssh ninja@ (replace ip) pw: temppwd
# Now you are connected you can execute these commands in the same order.
# --------------------- Start of local ninjablock commands ---------------------
# Change the password to something only you know
# Disable upgrades
sudo chmod 000 /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80ninja-upgrades
# Disable bugsnag
sudo sed -i 's/env BUGSNAG_KEY/#env BUGSNAG_KEY/' /etc/init/ninjablock.conf
#change mqtt host to your own (has to be tls!!) replace with your own (the '/' should be left there on the end)
sudo sed -i 's/env' /etc/init/ninjablock.conf
# Change the api host to (the regular server)
sudo sed -i 's/env' /etc/init/ninjablock.conf
# Remove unwanted drivers (because they crash my block)
# These drivers use the cloud rest api (that will be gone in the future!)
# And I will try to remove the dependancy of this api in the future
mkdir ~/removed-ninja-drivers
cd /opt/ninjablocks/client/drivers/
mv ninja-hue/ ~/removed-ninja-drivers/ninja-hue/
mv ninja-lifx/ ~/removed-ninja-drivers/ninja-lifx/
mv ninja-limitlessled/ ~/removed-ninja-drivers/ninja-limitlessled/
mv ninja-notify/ ~/removed-ninja-drivers/ninja-notify/
mv ninja-support/ ~/removed-ninja-drivers/ninja-support/
mv ninja-xbmc/ ~/removed-ninja-drivers/ninja-xbmc/
mv ninja-zwave/ ~/removed-ninja-drivers/ninja-zwave/
# There should only be
# network (don't know what this does)
# ninja-arduino (to talk to the build in arduino!!)
# rest (for the local rest api)
# restart ninjablocks
sudo service ninjablock restart
# Check the logs (for the serial you want to activate)
tail /var/log/ninjablock.log
# Activate block on the website (
# Use the normal site for this.
## In the future we want to skip activating by creating our own token file.
## Create Token file (with the username for your mqtt server) (this is normally done by activating....)
# Fetch the token from /etc/opt/ninja/token.conf (This will be the mqtt username, so create that now, no password (yet!!!))
cat /etc/opt/ninja/token.conf
# restart ninjablock
sudo service ninjablock restart
# Check the logs
tail /var/log/ninjablock.log
# Color the ninja eyes with mqtt
# publish command to $block/xxxx/commands (replace xxxx with your block serial)
# payload {"DEVICE":[{"GUID":"XXXX_0_0_1007","G":"0","D":1000,"DA":"FFFF00"}]} (replace XXXX with your block serial) replace FFFF00 with other color.
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