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Created August 14, 2020 14:09
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Download a Salesforce report via Analytics API
Sub DownloadReports
Dim Username As String, Password As String, SecurityToken As String
Username = "username"
Password = "password"
SecurityToken = "secret"
Dim SessionId As String
SessionId = SalesforceLogin(Username, Password, SecurityToken)
If IsEmpty(SessionId) Then
MsgBox "Authentication Error"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ReportId As String: ReportId = "REPORT_ID"
Dim WorksheetName As String: WorksheetName = "MY_REPORT"
Call DownloadEntireReport(ReportId, WorksheetName, SessionId, _
IdentifierColumn:="Número do caso", _
BooleanFilter:="1 AND 2 AND (3 OR 4)", _
startDate:="01/07/2020", _
End Sub
Function SalesforceLogin(Username As String, _
Password As String, _
SecurityToken As String) As String
Dim Request As Object
Set Request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
Dim XMLBody As Object
Dim XMLResponse As Object
Set XMLBody = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
Set XMLResponse = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
Dim Url As String
Dim Body As String
Dim Response As String
Url = ""
Body = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?>" & vbNewLine & _
"<env:Envelope xmlns:xsd=""""" & vbNewLine & _
" xmlns:xsi=""""" & vbNewLine & _
" xmlns:env="""">" & vbNewLine & _
" <env:Body>" & vbNewLine & _
" <n1:login xmlns:n1="""">" & vbNewLine & _
" <n1:username>" & Username & "</n1:username>" & vbNewLine & _
" <n1:password>" & Password & SecurityToken & "</n1:password>" & vbNewLine & _
" </n1:login>" & vbNewLine & _
" </env:Body>" & vbNewLine & _
XMLBody.LoadXML Body
Request.Open "POST", Url, False
Request.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
Request.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", "login"
Request.send XMLBody.XML
Response = Request.responseText
XMLResponse.LoadXML Response
XMLResponse.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:soapenv="""" xmlns:urn="""""
Dim SessionId As String
SessionId = XMLResponse.SelectSingleNode("//urn:result/urn:sessionId").Text
SalesforceLogin = SessionId
Set Request = Nothing
End Function
Function GetMetadata(ReportId As String, SessionId As String) As String
Dim Request As Object
Set Request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
Dim Response As String
Dim Url As String
' NOTE: You will need your organization URL here
Url = YOUR_INSTANCE_URL & "/services/data/v47.0/analytics/reports/" & ReportId & "/describe"
Request.Open "GET", Url, False
Request.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & SessionId
GetMetadata = Request.responseText
End Function
Function GetReport(ReportId As String, _
SessionId As String, _
Optional Metadata As String = "") As String
Dim Request As Object
Set Request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
Dim Response As String
Dim Url As String
"services/data/v47.0/analytics/reports/" & ReportId
Request.Open "POST", Url, False
Request.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & SessionId
Request.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
If Metadata <> "" Then
Request.send (Metadata)
End If
Response = Request.responseText
GetReport = Response
End Function
Function WriteIntoWorksheet(Report As Dictionary, _
WorksheetName As String, _
ColumnLabels As Variant) As Variant
Dim Rows As Object
Dim Columns As Object
Dim ColumnInfo
Set Columns = Report("reportMetadata")("detailColumns")
Set ColumnInfo = Report("reportExtendedMetadata")("detailColumnInfo")
Set Rows = Report("factMap")("T!T")("rows")
Dim Total_Rows As Long: Total_Rows = Rows.Count
Dim Total_Columns As Long: Total_Columns = Columns.Count
If Total_Rows = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
Dim Table() As Variant
ReDim Table(Total_Rows - 1, Total_Columns - 1)
Dim row As Variant
Dim cell As Variant
Dim i As Long: i = 0
Dim j As Long
Dim dataType As String
For Each row In Rows
j = 0
For Each cell In row("dataCells")
dataType = ColumnInfo(Columns(j + 1))("dataType")
' If column is a date, get value property;
' Excel understands it better
If dataType = "date" Then
Table(i, j) = cell("value")
Table(i, j) = cell("label")
End If
j = j + 1
Next cell
i = i + 1
Next row
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WorksheetName)
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = .Range("A:A").Find("*", _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
.Range(.Cells(LastRow + 1, "A"), _
.Cells(Total_Rows + LastRow, Total_Columns)) = Table
End With
WriteIntoWorksheet = Table
End Function
Sub DownloadEntireReport(ReportId As String, _
WorksheetName As String, _
SessionId As String, _
Optional IdentifierColumn As String = "", _
Optional BooleanFilter As String = "", _
Optional startDate As String = "", _
Optional endDate As String = "")
Dim Report As Object
Dim ReportMetadata As Object
Set ReportMetadata = JsonConverter.ParseJson(GetMetadata(ReportId, SessionId))
Dim IdentifierColumnApiName As String
Dim IdentifierColumnPosition As Long
Dim Col As Variant
Dim i As Long: i = 0
Dim ColumnDetails As Object
Set ColumnDetails = ReportMetadata("reportExtendedMetadata")("detailColumnInfo")
' This is an array to store the column headers
Dim ColumnLabels() As Variant
ReDim ColumnLabels(0, ColumnDetails.Count - 1)
' Collection the column headers
For Each Col In ColumnDetails.Keys()
ColumnLabels(0, i) = ColumnDetails(Col)("label")
' Remember which column matches the identifier column label
If ColumnDetails(Col)("label") = IdentifierColumn Then
IdentifierColumnApiName = Col
IdentifierColumnPosition = i
End If
i = i + 1
Next Col
' Write column headers starting from A1
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WorksheetName)
.Range(.Cells(1, "A"), .Cells(1, ColumnDetails.Count)) = ColumnLabels
End With
Dim ReportMetadataJson As String: ReportMetadataJson = ""
' Setting date filters, if any
If startDate <> "" And endDate <> "" Then
ReportMetadata("reportMetadata")("standardDateFilter")("durationValue") = "CUSTOM"
ReportMetadata("reportMetadata")("standardDateFilter")("startDate") = Format(startDate, "yyyy-mm-dd")
ReportMetadata("reportMetadata")("standardDateFilter")("endDate") = Format(endDate, "yyyy-mm-dd")
ReportMetadataJson = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(ReportMetadata)
End If
' Get first 2000 rows
Set Report = JsonConverter.ParseJson(GetReport(ReportId, SessionId, ReportMetadataJson))
Dim ReportTable As Variant
ReportTable = WriteIntoWorksheet(Report, WorksheetName, ColumnLabels)
' Getting Remaining Values By Filtering Out Old Values
If BooleanFilter <> "" Then
ReportMetadata("reportMetadata")("reportBooleanFilter") = BooleanFilter
End If
Dim IdentifierColumnValues
Dim IdentifierColumnFilter As String: IdentifierColumnFilter = ""
Dim Filters As Scripting.Dictionary
Set Filters = New Dictionary
Dim ReportFilters As Object
Do Until Report("allData")
IdentifierColumnValues = GetValuesAtColumn(ReportTable, IdentifierColumnPosition)
IdentifierColumnFilter = IdentifierColumnFilter & _
Join(Application.Transpose(IdentifierColumnValues), ",")
Filters.Add "filterType", "fieldValue"
Filters.Add "isRunPageEditable", True
Filters.Add "column", IdentifierColumnApiName
Filters.Add "operator", "notEqual"
Filters.Add "value", IdentifierColumnFilter
Set ReportFilters = ReportMetadata("reportMetadata")("reportFilters")
' If IdentifierColumn was already added, just change the filter value
If ReportFilters(ReportFilters.Count)("column") = IdentifierColumn Then
ReportFilters(ReportFilters.Count)("value") = IdentifierColumnFilter
ReportFilters.Add Filters
End If
ReportMetadataJson = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(ReportMetadata)
Set Report = JsonConverter.ParseJson(GetReport(ReportId, SessionId, ReportMetadataJson))
ReportTable = WriteIntoWorksheet(Report, WorksheetName, "")
End Sub
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