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Created May 30, 2019 08:25
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Final version of the @value decorator transform, which converts the decorator to static code.
// Dependencies:
import { tsquery } from '@phenomnomnominal/tsquery';
import { tstemplate } from '@phenomnomnominal/tstemplate';
import { createIdentifier, createLiteral, createToken, SyntaxKind, visitEachChild, visitNode } from 'typescript';
import { Node, PropertyDeclaration, SourceFile, TransformationContext, Transformer, TransformerFactory } from 'typescript';
// Constants:
const CAST_PROPERTIES_QUERY = `PropertyDeclaration:has(Decorator:has(Identifier[name="Value"]))`;
const RESULT_QUERY = 'PropertyDeclaration, GetAccessor, SetAccessor';
const OTHER_DECORATORS_QUERY = `Decorator:has(Decorator > CallExpression[!="Value"])`;
const CASTERS_QUERY = 'CallExpression[!="Value"], CallExpression["Value"] > Identifier[name!="Value"], CallExpression["Value"] > ArrayLiteralExpression > Identifier[name!="Value"]';
const CAST_RESULT_EXPRESSION_QUERY = 'ExpressionStatement';
const GETTER_CAST_QUERY = 'Identifier[name="isNotNull"]';
const GETTER_SETTER_TEMPLATE = tstemplate.compile(`
class Template {
private <%= privateName %>: <%= type %>;
public get <%= name %> (): <%= type %> {
let val = this.<%= privateName %>
return val;
public set <%= name %> (value: <%= type %>) {
let val = value;
this.<%= privateName %> = val;
const CAST_CALL_TEMPLATE = tstemplate.compile(`
val = <%= name %>(val, <%= propertyName %>);
export function transformer (source: SourceFile): TransformerFactory<Node> {
const castProperties = tsquery(source, CAST_PROPERTIES_QUERY);
return valueDecoratorToGetterAndSetterFactory(castProperties);
export function valueDecoratorToGetterAndSetterFactory (nodes: Array<Node>): TransformerFactory<Node> {
return function (context: TransformationContext): Transformer<Node> {
return function (node: Node): Node {
return visitNode(node, visit);
function visit (node: Node): Node | Array<Node> {
node = visitEachChild(node, visit, context);
if (nodes.includes(node)) {
// Create the base structure of the new getter/setter:
const property = node as PropertyDeclaration;
const propertyName =;
const [internal, getter, setter] = tsquery(GETTER_SETTER_TEMPLATE({
privateName: createIdentifier(`_${propertyName}`),
type: property.type! || createToken(SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword)
// Re-attach any other decorators:
getter.decorators = tsquery(node, OTHER_DECORATORS_QUERY);
// Find caster function names:
const casterNodes = tsquery(node, CASTERS_QUERY);
// Create the CallExpressions for each cast call:
const castCalls = => {
const [call] = tsquery(CAST_CALL_TEMPLATE({
name: casterNode,
propertyName: createLiteral(propertyName),
return call;
const getters = castCalls.filter(call => tsquery(call, GETTER_CAST_QUERY).length);
const setters = castCalls.filter(call => !getters.includes(call));
// Insert the cast calls into the getter and setter bodies:
getter.body.statements.splice(1, 0, ...getters);
setter.body.statements.splice(1, 0, ...setters);
// Return the new AST nodes to replace the old one:
return [internal, getter, setter];
return node;
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