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Created March 9, 2013 10:27
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Save pheraph/5123764 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
03-09 11:23:16:487 "################## ownCloud de_DE (de) 1.2.1"
03-09 11:23:16:607 * Setup folders from "/Users/raphael/Library/Application Support/ownCloud/folders"
03-09 11:23:16:607 ` -> setting up: "ownCloud"
03-09 11:23:16:607 -> file path: "/Users/raphael/Library/Application Support/ownCloud/folders/ownCloud"
03-09 11:23:16:607 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/"
03-09 11:23:16:607 setting remote poll timer interval to 28019 msec for folder "ownCloud"
03-09 11:23:16:608 FolderWatcherPrivate::startWatching() "/Users/raphael/ownCloud"
03-09 11:23:16:608 * Pending events for "/Users/raphael/ownCloud" will be processed after events stop for 1000 milliseconds ( "11:39:56" ). 0 events until now )
03-09 11:23:16:608 ==> returning exclude file path: "/Applications/"
03-09 11:23:16:609 Checked local path ok
03-09 11:23:16:609 ****** ownCloud folder using watcher *******
03-09 11:23:16:609 Adding folder to Folder Map Mirall::ownCloudFolder(0x105572a60)
03-09 11:23:16:609 Check status.php from statusdialog.
03-09 11:23:16:609 Get Request to "status.php"
03-09 11:23:16:609 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:16:609 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:16:609 Setting up host header: "PATHTOOWNCLOUD"
03-09 11:23:16:614 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::ownCloudFolder(0x105572a60) with name "ownCloud"
03-09 11:23:16:615 Sync state changed for folder "ownCloud" : "Not yet Started"
03-09 11:23:16:615 Folder: Mirall::ownCloudFolder(0x105572a60)
03-09 11:23:16:615 ==> load folder icon "owncloud-framed"
03-09 11:23:16:615 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/"
03-09 11:23:16:616 Check status.php from statusdialog.
03-09 11:23:16:616 Get Request to "status.php"
03-09 11:23:16:616 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:16:616 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:16:616 Setting up host header: "PATHTOOWNCLOUD"
03-09 11:23:16:622 Network Location: ""
03-09 11:23:16:750 Get Request to "status.php"
03-09 11:23:16:750 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:16:750 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:16:750 Setting up host header: "PATHTOOWNCLOUD"
03-09 11:23:16:875 SSL-Warnings happened for url "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/status.php"
03-09 11:23:16:877 Certs are already known and trusted, Warnings are not valid.
03-09 11:23:16:882 SSL-Warnings happened for url "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/status.php"
03-09 11:23:16:882 Certs are already known and trusted, Warnings are not valid.
03-09 11:23:16:891 SSL-Warnings happened for url "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/status.php"
03-09 11:23:16:891 Certs are already known and trusted, Warnings are not valid.
03-09 11:23:16:909 status.php returns: "{"installed":"true","version":"4.90.8","versionstring":"4.5.7","edition":""}" 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyImpl(0x1015cc910)
03-09 11:23:16:909 Unknown info from ownCloud status.php: "installed" = "true"
03-09 11:23:16:909 #-------# oC found on "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD"
03-09 11:23:16:909 ** Application: ownCloud found: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD" with version "4.5.7" ( "4.90.8" )
03-09 11:23:16:909 ** Setting ownCloud Server version to "4.90.8"
03-09 11:23:16:919 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:16:955 Credentials successfully fetched: true
03-09 11:23:16:955 status.php returns: "{"installed":"true","version":"4.90.8","versionstring":"4.5.7","edition":""}" 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyImpl(0x10158b3c0)
03-09 11:23:16:956 Unknown info from ownCloud status.php: "installed" = "true"
03-09 11:23:16:957 status.php returns: "{"installed":"true","version":"4.90.8","versionstring":"4.5.7","edition":""}" 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyImpl(0x105476800)
03-09 11:23:16:958 Unknown info from ownCloud status.php: "installed" = "true"
03-09 11:23:16:968 # checking for authentication settings.
03-09 11:23:16:968 Get Request to "/"
03-09 11:23:16:968 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/"
03-09 11:23:16:968 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:16:969 Setting up host header: "PATHTOOWNCLOUD"
03-09 11:23:17:066 ownCloudInfo Network Error: 203
03-09 11:23:17:067 ######## Credentials are ok!
03-09 11:23:17:067 XX slotScheduleFolderSync: folderQueue size: 0
03-09 11:23:17:158 Schedule folder "ownCloud" to sync!
03-09 11:23:17:158 XX slotScheduleFolderSync: folderQueue size: 1
03-09 11:23:17:158 ==> load folder icon "owncloud-framed"
03-09 11:23:17:159 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/"
03-09 11:23:17:159 Check status.php from statusdialog.
03-09 11:23:17:159 Get Request to "status.php"
03-09 11:23:17:159 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:17:159 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:17:159 Setting up host header: "PATHTOOWNCLOUD"
03-09 11:23:17:160 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::ownCloudFolder(0x105572a60) with name "ownCloud"
03-09 11:23:17:161 Sync state changed for folder "ownCloud" : "SyncPrepare"
03-09 11:23:17:161 *** Start syncing url to ownCloud: "ownclouds://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/"
03-09 11:23:17:161 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:17:162 * event notification disabled
03-09 11:23:17:162 >===================================== sync started for "ownCloud"
03-09 11:23:17:162 starting to sync QThread(0x1021012f0) QThread(0x105387a30)
03-09 11:23:17:162 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::ownCloudFolder(0x105572a60) with name "ownCloud"
03-09 11:23:17:162 ==> returning exclude file path: "/Applications/"
03-09 11:23:17:162 ==== added CSync exclude List: "/Applications/"
03-09 11:23:17:166 #### Update start #################################################### >>
03-09 11:23:17:166 csync_ftw: Incoming read_from_db-Flag for /Users/raphael/ownCloud: 0
03-09 11:23:17:166 csync_ftw: .csync_journal.db excluded
03-09 11:23:17:166 csync_ftw: .csync_journal.db.ctmp excluded
03-09 11:23:17:166 csync_ftw: Uniq ID read from Database: literatur.pdf -> <NULL>
03-09 11:23:17:166 csync_ftw: walk: /Users/raphael/ownCloud/literatur.pdf
03-09 11:23:17:166 csync_walker: file: /Users/raphael/ownCloud/literatur.pdf
03-09 11:23:17:166 _csync_detect_update: file: literatur.pdf - hash 4057885413046381821, mtime: 1343400206
03-09 11:23:17:166 _csync_detect_update: file: literatur.pdf, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW
03-09 11:23:17:166 csync_ftw: Closing walk for /Users/raphael/ownCloud with read_from_db 0
03-09 11:23:17:166 csync_update: Update detection for local replica took 0,00 seconds walking 1 files.
03-09 11:23:17:166 csync_ftw: Incoming read_from_db-Flag for ownclouds://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav: 0
03-09 11:23:17:166 csync_ftw: Checking for read from db for ownclouds://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav: 0
03-09 11:23:17:166 oc_module: opendir method called on ownclouds://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav
03-09 11:23:17:166 oc_module: * scheme ownclouds
03-09 11:23:17:166 oc_module: * host PATHTOOWNCLOUD
03-09 11:23:17:166 oc_module: * port 0
03-09 11:23:17:166 oc_module: * path /remote.php/webdav
03-09 11:23:17:167 oc_module: * user
03-09 11:23:17:167 oc_module: ne_sock_init: 0
03-09 11:23:17:170 oc_module: No proxy configured.
03-09 11:23:17:237 status.php returns: "{"installed":"true","version":"4.90.8","versionstring":"4.5.7","edition":""}" 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyImpl(0x102125490)
03-09 11:23:17:237 Unknown info from ownCloud status.php: "installed" = "true"
03-09 11:23:17:237 #-------# oC found on "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD"
03-09 11:23:17:246 oc_module: Call the csync callback for SSL problems
03-09 11:23:17:246 SSL Fingerprint from neon: "8c:e1:45:b9:9b:02:0c:ce:ca:ee:aa:77:02:e4:93:c4:92:cf:99:fa" compared to verified: "8c:e1:45:b9:9b:02:0c:ce:ca:ee:aa:77:02:e4:93:c4:92:cf:99:fa"
03-09 11:23:17:246 oc_module: ## VERIFY_SSL CERT: 0
03-09 11:23:17:250 FolderWatcherPrivate::callback by OS X
03-09 11:23:17:250 FolderWatcher::changeDetected when eventsEnabled() -> ignore
03-09 11:23:17:310 oc_module: Set-Cookie found: 50bde634598f2=q6mgoumurajj8srstovrgq93o5; path=/; HttpOnly
03-09 11:23:17:310 oc_module: ----> Session-key: 50bde634598f2=q6mgoumurajj8srstovrgq93o5
03-09 11:23:17:316 oc_module: Authentication required
03-09 11:23:17:316 oc_module: Call the csync callback for ownCloud
03-09 11:23:17:880 oc_module: Simple propfind result code 207.
03-09 11:23:17:880 oc_module: Server Date from HTTP header value: Sat, 09 Mar 2013 10:23:18 GMT
03-09 11:23:17:880 oc_module: The first time_delta is 1
03-09 11:23:17:880 oc_module: opendir returning handle 0x105443e90
03-09 11:23:17:880 oc_module: :> Subtracting 1 from modtime 1343120679
03-09 11:23:17:880 oc_module: owncloud_stat ownclouds://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/Shared called
03-09 11:23:17:880 csync_ftw: walk: ownclouds://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/Shared
03-09 11:23:17:880 csync_walker: directory: ownclouds://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/Shared
03-09 11:23:17:880 _csync_detect_update: file: Shared - hash 7772379496350463016, mtime: 1343120678
03-09 11:23:17:880 _csync_detect_update: file: Shared, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW
03-09 11:23:17:880 csync_ftw: Incoming read_from_db-Flag for ownclouds://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/Shared: 0
03-09 11:23:17:880 csync_ftw: Checking for read from db for ownclouds://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/Shared: 0
03-09 11:23:17:880 oc_module: opendir method called on ownclouds://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/Shared
03-09 11:23:18:045 oc_module: WRN: propfind named failed with 1, request error: 404 Not Found
03-09 11:23:18:046 oc_module: Errno set to 2
03-09 11:23:18:046 csync_ftw: opendir failed for ownclouds://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/Shared - No such file or directory (errno 2)
03-09 11:23:18:046 oc_module: closedir method called 0x105443e90!
03-09 11:23:18:046 csync_update: Update detection for remote replica took 0,88 seconds walking 1 files.
03-09 11:23:18:046 #### ERROR during csync_update : "CSync konnte eine bestimmte Datei nicht finden."
03-09 11:23:18:047 csync_lock_remove: Removing lock file: /Users/raphael/Library/Application Support/ownCloud//lock
03-09 11:23:18:047 CSync run took 885 Milliseconds
03-09 11:23:18:074 -> CSync Finished slot with error true
03-09 11:23:18:074 ** error Strings: ("CSync konnte eine bestimmte Datei nicht finden.")
03-09 11:23:18:074 * owncloud csync thread finished with error
03-09 11:23:18:074 Starting Event logging again in 2000 milliseconds
03-09 11:23:18:074 OO folder slotSyncFinished: result: 5 local: false
03-09 11:23:18:075 ==> load folder icon "owncloud-framed"
03-09 11:23:18:075 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/remote.php/webdav/"
03-09 11:23:18:075 Check status.php from statusdialog.
03-09 11:23:18:075 Get Request to "status.php"
03-09 11:23:18:075 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:18:076 Returning configured owncloud url: "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD/"
03-09 11:23:18:076 Setting up host header: "PATHTOOWNCLOUD"
03-09 11:23:18:076 Folder in overallStatus Message: Mirall::ownCloudFolder(0x105572a60) with name "ownCloud"
03-09 11:23:18:077 Sync state changed for folder "ownCloud" : "Error"
03-09 11:23:18:077 * "ownCloud" Poll timer enabled with 28019 milliseconds
03-09 11:23:18:078 <===================================== sync finished for "ownCloud"
03-09 11:23:18:137 status.php returns: "{"installed":"true","version":"4.90.8","versionstring":"4.5.7","edition":""}" 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyImpl(0x10552c2f0)
03-09 11:23:18:137 Unknown info from ownCloud status.php: "installed" = "true"
03-09 11:23:18:138 #-------# oC found on "https://PATHTOOWNCLOUD"
03-09 11:23:18:138 FolderWatcherPrivate::callback by OS X
03-09 11:23:18:138 FolderWatcher::changeDetected when eventsEnabled() -> ignore
03-09 11:23:18:278 XX slotScheduleFolderSync: folderQueue size: 0
03-09 11:23:19:618 00 client update check to ""
03-09 11:23:20:075 * event notification enabled
03-09 11:23:20:244 Client is on latest version!
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