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Created October 13, 2016 13:47
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# Directory aliases
alias life="cd /Volumes/Develop/GitRepos/viscaweb/life"
alias wsserver="cd /Volumes/Develop/GitRepos/viscaweb/socket-server"
# php cli + xdebug
alias phpxdebug="php -dxdebug.default_enable=1 -dxdebug.remote_autostart=1 -dxdebug.remote_enable=1 -dxdebug.remote_mode=req"
# Varnish aliases
alias varnishstart="sudo /usr/local/sbin/varnishd -n /usr/local/var/varnish -f /Volumes/Develop/GitRepos/life-varnish/vcl/local.8080.vcl -s malloc,1G -a -P /tmp/ -p http_max_hdr=256 -n levarnish"
alias varnishstop="ps aux | grep '[v]arnish' | awk '{print \$2}' | xargs sudo kill -9"
# Memcache
alias memcacheclear="echo flush_all | nc localhost 11211 -q 1"
alias memcachelist="memdump --servers=localhost"
# Say
alias say-dc="say -v 'Kyoko' DEPLOYMENT COMPLETE!"
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